The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast
In this rebroadcasted pair of interviews from Stand to Reason’s #STRask Podcast, J. Warner Wallace is on a timer and answers questions about free will, consistent pro-life views, Jesus dying for sin, the Black Lives Matter movement and the truth value of Christianity: If the ability to do otherwise is a requirement of love, then given our new natures, how will we love the Lord in the new earth? How would you reply to this: If pro-lifers were sincere about when life begins, wouldn’t they have funerals for miscarriages? Why did Jesus have to die for us? What is a Christian response to the Black Lives Matter movement? How would it affect your life if you suddenly recognized that Christianity is just another false man-made religion? To listen to additional Stand to Reason podcasts, please visit their archive page.
As many of you may know, our wonderful sister in Christ, Melinda Penner (the host who is interviewing J. Warner on this podcast) suffered a serious brain injury and is recovering slowly. Please pray for Melinda as we continue to celebrate her work as a Christian apologist and ambassador.