In what is definitely the latest official instalment of the Coode Street Podcast, Gary and Jonathan sneak past the Jerome Kern Memorial Habachi Stand and settle down just near the Richard Rogers Habachi Grill to discuss many things. In an incredible development, this time the Production Gnomes of Coode Street have been able to produce a rough running schedule for the episode. Rejoice!
00:00 Introduction
05:00 Discussion of Kim Stanley Robinson's new novel
Shaman, Werner Herzog's film
Cave of Forgotten Dreams and prehistoric fiction. (This bit's shorter than you'd think it would be).
Locus Awards winners, and Gary drops names.
Richard Matheson.
38:00 The Year in Fiction to Date (including our favorites and must reads of the year so far [though not really "must", just "we like it a lot and you might too"]
1:13:00 End
Please let us know in comments about your favorite books of the year too! Next week we hope to be reporting in from Readercon. Until then, as always, we hope you enjoy the podcast!