In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Dr. Kenneth Howell to talk about the Eucharist in the Early Church. Dr. Howell has doctorates in Linguistics and Church History, was a Protestant pastor and seminary professor, and is a convert to the Catholic faith. In this episode he tells his fascinating conversion story and how the Eucharist played a key role.
Then, we dig deep into the Early Church Fathers and the oldest documents next to the Bible to understand exactly how the very first Christians celebrated the "breaking of the bread" and worshiped together – and exactly what they believed about what we call the Eucharist.
For more from Dr. Howell visit the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and check out the incredible book we talk about in this episode, The Mystery of the Altar, an amazing collection of daily Eucharistic meditations.
For more, visit The Cordial Catholic. Send your feedback to [email protected].
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