In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined once again by one of the Catholic Church's leading theologians (and one of my favourite guests) Dr. Lawrence Feingold. In this episode, we're talking about the Sacraments.
We go in depth on how and why the sacraments make sense including: how we know that Christ founded the sacraments, why Christ gave us the sacraments, what Protestant Christians are *missing* without the sacraments, and how exactly Christ meets us through the sacramental system He established.
Plus, we talk about the idea of "works" – are sacraments a "work" that Catholics have to do to be saved or to receive God's grace?
It's a fantastic conversation!
For a limited time, listeners to this podcast can get 30% off *ALL* of Dr. Feingold's fantastic books from Emmaus Academic. Visit St. Paul Center and use coupon code: CordialCatholic30 at checkout. His latest book is Touched by Christ: The Sacramental Economy.
You can find more of his work including hours and hours of lectures at The Association of Hebrew Catholics.
For more, visit The Cordial Catholic. Send your feedback to [email protected].
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