In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by author and catechist Jeffrey Pinyan to talk about what's going on in the Catholic Mass. In this conversation, we dig into the first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word. Jeffrey draws on Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the rich traditions of the faith to explain what each and every aspect of the Mass means – from actions like the sign of the cross to the importance of the Penitential Rite and everything in between.
Jeffrey is incredibly knowledgeable about exactly what's happening at Mass and his explanations will greatly enhance your understanding and appreciation for what's going on at Mass. A perfect guide for the non-Catholic Christian, new Catholic, or a Catholic who really wants to deepen their love for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Check out Jeffrey's profile on Twitter to get a free copy of his book, Praying the Mass. An amazing offer for listeners and viewers of this show!
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