In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Andrew and Sarah Swafford to talk about the idea of virtue and how to have meaningful Catholic relationships at all stages of life.
Dr. Andrew Swafford and his wife Sarah are the authors of Gift and Grit: How Herotic Virtue Can Change Your Life and Relationships our from Ascension Press. Sarah, the founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries is a sought after speaker on these kinds of topics and is joined by her husband Dr. Andrew Swafford, theology professor at Benedictine College, to discuss their perspectives, as a couple, on these topics.
We tackle chastity, emotional virtue, dating, friendships, and much, much more from a Catholic perspective and through the lens of the work of St. John Paul II.
An amazing conversation for listeners at any stage of life!
For everything that Andrew and Sarah are up to follow them on their website.
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