FULL VIDEO available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PYYy5ruHoGI
Join the Tisch Academy: https://www.patreon.com/AndrewTischlerArtist
Cody Oldham's Instagram: https://instagram.com/cody_oldham_artist
Cody Oldham's Website: https://codyoldham.com
PodBean: https://andrewtischler.podbean.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7ycQxNw6GV70azrTpZ8Fl8
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-creative-endeavour/id1434273182
Cody Oldham is an extraordinary young artist; at 19 years old he's achieved an outstanding level of success creating wildlife paintings full-time. His art is reminiscent of the greats of the wildlife genre, like Wilhelm Kuhnert and Carl Rungius.
Cody and I go way back, we started talking when he was only 12 years old, where I was coaching him with this art and giving him some pointers along the way. I could see then the enthusiasm and determination he had towards his art and future. It was inspiring to behold! Now, Cody is going from strength to strength, producing art for Galleries in the United States. We had a great conversation, his confidence is unreal and his passion for art is infectious.
Follow #TheCreativeEndeavour for inspiring stories from creative professionals from around the world! It's REAL conversations with REAL artists! Let's take a deep dive together into the creative world of being a fine artist, and hear from the best, how they do what they do! - Tisch