"So the book is divided. In the first section, summer, the equivalent of summer is Heat. And then there is Flood, which in Australia does tend to happen sort of towards the beginning of autumn, particularly if there have been tropical cyclones in the north of the country. And then winter I've given Tremor. Australia is not somewhere that particularly experiences earthquakes. And so I was interested in introducing something, sort of climactic form of extremity that doesn't happen very often. And then the end of the book, the springtime is Fire. So that was how it came into form because I was interested in talking about the ways in which humans have created an idea of what nature should be in the way that we make our human culture and human meaning from the weather in our environments. And that was not the case where I was from, and it's not the case anymore. So to sort of undo some of that idea of the four seasons being harmonious."
Madeleine Watts is an Australian writer based in New York. Her first novel The Inland Sea was published in 2020 and was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award and the UTS Glenda Adams Award for New Writing. Her essays and stories have been published in Harper’s Magazine, The Believer, The Guardian, The White Review, and The Paris Review Daily, among others. She teaches creative writing at Columbia University in New York. Her second novel, Elegy, Southwest, is forthcoming.
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