The show begins a new double feature exploring the intricacies of the United States legal system and it's myriad of flaws. Beginning with not just any film, but one of the greatest of all time: 12 Angry Men (1957). We also chat about the new additions to the channel in February.
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:02:20) What we've been watching
(00:12:55) What's coming to the channel in Feb '24
(00:20:22) 12 Angry Men
(01:00:46) Final thoughts & ratings
(01:08:37) Next week
Ian on Letterboxd
McKenzie on Letterboxd, on Austin Danger Podcast, on Lynch
The Criterion Connection on Instagram
Please send us your emails & voicemails to have them read/played on the show - [email protected]
THE CRITERION CONNECTION is edited & mixed by Ian