This is a special episode as the four of us in the Discord chat for the Crown of Command get together to talk hobby and have a un unexpected guest pop in with Marek to talk about the Oldhammer Poland event and the Call of the Crown challenge.
I will have to apologize in advance for any technical issues with the audio in this recording as I had difficulty in transferring the files to this platform. So I hope it is enjoyable to listen to for you all.
Please come and join us in the Discord server and maybe you would like to come in and be part of another group chat for a future episode.
If so please come and join us here:
If you would like to get i touch with me and perhaps want to be part of the origin story experience of the 90!s Games workshop history, then please either send me an email at: [email protected]
Alternatively, come over to the Facebook group @thecrownofcommandpodcastcommunity
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