I have the enormous pleasure to paint and chat with a man's voice that I have had the pleasure to listen to for over a decade as he is the co presenter of the famed Meeples and Miniatures podcast with host Neil Shuck which is one of the longest running podcasts in the hobby history.
I also know that Mike is a massive fan of Epic Space Marine and when he accepted to come on to talk about it with me, I can only say that I was thrilled!.
So I hope you enjoy our chat tonight as we go back in time when all things 40K were played in 6mm in mass scale battles involving hundreds of miniatures on the table top.
If you would like to get i touch with me and perhaps want to be part of the origin story experience of the 90!s Games workshop history, then please either send me an email at: [email protected]
Alternatively, come over to the Facebook group @thecrownofcommandpodcastcommunity
We are also on Discord and most other social network sites these days.
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