Dive deep into the psychopharmacology of depression with Dr Patrick Finley, PharmD at UCSF. Learn practical tips including how to switch from one antidepressant to another, what to expect with SSRI and SNRI withdrawal, and how to choose a second (or third) antidepressant for refractory depression. We also summarize the safety around antidepressants in the peripartum period. ACP members can visit
https://acponline.org/curbsiders to claim free CME-MOC credit for this episode and show notes (goes live 0900 EST).
Written and produced by: Molly Heublein, MD
CME questions by: Molly Heublein, MD
Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, Paul Williams MD, Stuart Brigham MD, Molly Heublein, MD
Edited by: Matthew Watto MD
Guest Presenter: Patrick Finley, PharmD BCPP