Identify and treat the most common causes of hip pain in the outpatient setting with returning guest, Dr Ted Parks. A large majority of hip pain in the office setting will be due to one of three conditions (hip osteoarthritis, greater trochanteric pain syndrome, and lumbo-sacral back pain). Learn to easily identify these conditions, how to initiate conservative treatment, and more about hip replacements. ACP members can visit to claim free CME-MOC credit for this episode and show notes (goes live 0900 EST).
Written and produced by: Molly Heublein MD, Nora Taranto MS4
CME questions by: Molly Heublein MD, Nora Taranto MS4
Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, Paul Williams MD, Stuart Brigham MD, Molly Heublein MD
Edited by: Matthew Watto MD, Emi Okamoto MD
Guest Presenter: Ted Parks MD