Expand your knowledge about how--and how well--we manage the health of incarcerated patients in the United States, with the expert knowledge of correctional health experts Drs. Aaron Fox
@adfoxmd, Jon Giftos
@JonGiftosMD, and Emily Wang
@ewang422. Correctional medicine is a black box for many providers who do not work in prison and jail settings. But it’s ever more relevant to primary care physicians everywhere, with increasing rates of incarceration the last decade. In this episode, recorded live at SGIM 2019
#SGIM19, Dr. Fox, Dr. Giftos, and Dr. Wang talk us through the variability of the correctional healthcare systems throughout the country, the challenges to health for patients both while incarcerated and in the transition after release, and some essential nuts and bolts for providers about how to provide better care to this vulnerable population.
- Written and produced by: Justin Berk MD MPH MBA, Nora Taranto MD
- Cover Image: Beth Garbitelli MS2
- Infographic: Beth Garbitelli MS2
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, Paul Williams MD, Justin Berk MD MPH MBA
- Edited by: Matthew Watto MD
- Guests: Aaron Fox MD, Jon Giftos MD, Emily Wang MD MAS