The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
Join us as we discuss how to approach “The Struggling Learner” with Dr. Melissa McNeil (@missydoc0128), Professor Medicine and Associate Chief of General Internal Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), recorded LIVE in Pittsburgh, PA! In this episode, we discuss how to approach the struggling learner, highlighting the 5-Step process discussed in a recent article co-written by Dr. McNeil (Merriam 2019). This episode is not intended to give educators a roadmap for how to develop and implement a corrective action plan, but was put together to provide a common toolset on how to approach a struggling learner. As such, the topics discussed can be applied to all kinds of learners that struggle, not just in medicine. However, the techniques discussed involve a common framework routinely taught in medical education (assessment, diagnosis, and referral) and, therefore, is communicated using this shared language.
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