Stay current with the emerging COVID-19 research including: ACTT-1 (remdesivir), triple therapy with interferon, and conundrums about SARS-CoV-2 PCR and serologic testing. We’re led by the one and only Curbsider/internist/epidemiologist, Rahul Ganatra MD MPH (@rbganatr). And...just in case you live outside of the habitat for murder hornets and your anxiety about the pandemic had begun to abate, we touch on the CDCs guidance to beware of hungry aggressive rats. Gross!
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- Written and Produced by: Rahul Ganatra MD, MPH, Deborah J. Gorth ScM, Emi Okamoto MD, Sarah P. Roberts MPH, and Matthew Watto MD
- Cover Art: Deborah J. Gorth ScM
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, Rahul Ganatra MD MPH, Emi Okamoto MD, and Sarah P. Roberts MPH
- Editor: Matthew Watto MD (written materials); Clair Morgan of
Sponsors: ACP and VCU Health CE
Time Stamps
00:00 Sponsors
00:30 Intro, disclaimer
02:40 Fomites, groceries and killer rats
08:22 Sponsor
09:22 ACTT-1 trial of remdesivir
18:22 Triple therapy with lopinavir/ritonavir, ribavarin and interferon
33:10 Background on PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2; How common are false negative PCR tests?
44:25 Serologic testing for SARS-CoV-2; Utility of antibody testing; Test characteristics
50:30 Outro