Seize control of your differential for epilepsy! This week, we review the basics of seizure work-up and management with our esteemed guest Dr. Sara Dawit
@DrSaraDawit a board-certified neurologist who is an Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurophysiology Fellow at The Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale Campus
. Dr. Dawit takes us through rapid response to witnessed seizure, how to approach first-time seizures and adult-onset seizure disorders, gives us some facts about non-epileptic seizure disorders, and describes how to approach medication management in epilepsy!
- Producer: Paul Williams MD, Beth Garbitelli
- Writer and Infographics: Beth Garbitelli
- Cover Art: Kate Grant MBChB DipGUMed
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP
- Editor: Cyrus Askin MD (written materials); Clair Morgan of
- Guest: Sara Dawit MD