Take control of celiac disease (CD) with gastroenterologist, Dr. Amy Oxentenko (Chair of Medicine at Mayo Clinic AZ,
@AmyOxentenkoMD). Learn how to recognize both classic and non-classical features of CD and understand diagnostic testing, management and proper follow-up for patients.
- Production and Script: Matthew Watto MD, FACP
- Production, Show Notes and Infographics: Edison Jyang
- Cover Art: Kate Grant MBChB, MRCGP, DipGUMed
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP; Beth Garbitelli
- Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MD
- Editor: Matthew Watto MD (written materials); Clair Morgan of nodderly.com
- Guest: Amy Oxentenko MD, FACG
Sponsor: ACP’s National Internal Medicine Day
Sponsor: Grammarly
Show Segments
- Intro, disclaimer, guest bio
- Guest one-liner, Picks of the Week
- Case from Kashlak; Definitions
- Workup for a typical celiac patient
- Nonclassical features of CD
- When to do a small bowel biopsy
- Management of CD
- Considerations for atypical celiac patient and differentials
- Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
- Outro
- Crucial Conversations (book)
- Gluten-free flour (flour)
Pie crust recipe (recipe)
- What Remains of Edith Finch (game)
Doughboys (podcast)