Lose your heart to NephMadness 2022! Dr. Joel Topf (
@kidney_boy) and Dr. Sadiya Khan (
@HeartDocSadiya) tackle the NephMadness 2022 Cardiorenal Syndrome region, leading us through the pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome, how to approach the creatinine “bump” with diuresis, managing patients with diuretic resistance, and more. This episode is part of our first ever
NephMadness Pod Crawl, so check out the other podcasts, and
fill out your NephMadness 2022 brackets!
- Producer, Writer, Show Notes, Infographics: Malini Gandhi
- Cover Art: Beth Garbitelli
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP
- Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MD, FACP
- Executive Producer: Beth Garbitelli
- Showrunner: Matthew Watto MD, FACP
- Editor: Clair Morgan of nodderly.com
- Guest: Dr. Joel Topf MD, Dr. Sadiya Khan MD
Show Segments
- Intro, disclaimer, guest bios
- Guest one-liners, Introduction to Nephmadness 2022
- Case #1 from Kashlak: acute decompensated heart failure with elevated creatinine
- Definition and pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome
- Use of home ACE-is/ARBs and SGLT-2 inhibitors in cardiorenal syndrome
- Case #2 from Kashlak: the creatinine bump with diuresis
- Approach to the creatinine bump with diuresis
- Tips for the volume exam
- Interpreting cardiac biomarkers in patients with chronic kidney disease
- Case #3 from Kashlak: diuretic resistance
- Maximizing loop diuretic efficacy
- Sequential nephron blockade
- Use of hypertonic saline
- Outro
NephMadness 2022 Pod Crawl
- The Greater Chicago course, beginning on May 23rd through May 27th or
- Washington, D.C., on July 11th through July 15th
New registrants will receive 6 months of access to the course recordings. Visit
acponline.org/imbr2022 to register or learn more.