Dominate inpatient diabetes! In this part 1 of 2, we discuss how to handle oral hypoglycemics, how to choose an initial insulin regimen, the use of correction scale insulin monotherapy, how to titrate insulin, how to use NPH for steroid-induced hyperglycemia (check out this
Twitter thread on safe dosing), and how to reconcile diabetes meds at discharge!
Stay tuned for part 2 (drops Wed April 27th) covering diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), euglycemic DKA, how to handle insulin pumps in the hospital, continuous glucose monitors, and how to transition patients off an insulin drip!
Our guest is
Dr. Dave Lieb (
@dclieb), an internist, endocrinologist and the endocrinology program director from Eastern Virginia Medical School.
- Intro #1, disclaimer, guest bio
- Guest one-liner, Picks of the Week*
- Inpatient diabetes - a bird’s eye view and the goal(s) of therapy
- Management of outpatient diabetes medications
- Inpatient insulin - options and dosing
- Correctional insulin (“sliding scale”)
- A word on the “Diabetic Diet”
- Steroids and hyperglycemia
- Discharge pearls for the patient with diabetes
- Outro #1
- Producer: Adam Barelski MD, Cyrus Askin MD
- Writer: Adam Barelski MD
- Show Notes: Cyrus Askin MD
- Infographic: Edison Jyang
- Cover Art: Kate Grant MBChb, MRCGP
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Adam Barelski MD
- Technical Production: Pod Paste
- Showrunner: Matthew Watto MD, FACP
- Content Editor: Emi Okamoto MD
- Guest & Content Reviewer: David Lieb MD, FACE, FACP