- Intro, disclaimer, guest bio
- Case from Kashlak
- Normal Menstrual Cycle
- Nomenclature for AUB- PALM COEIN
- History and Physical Exam
- Laboratory and radiologic evaluation
- Structural causes for bleeding/interpreting the ultrasound
- Acute treatment of AUB
- When to refer to ED
- Chronic treatment for AUB
- When to refer to gyn
- Take home points
- Outro
- Producer, Writer, Show Notes: Molly Heublein MD
- Infographic: Edison Jyang
- Cover Art: Sarah Phoebe Roberts
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP; Molly Heublein MD
- Reviewer: Sai S Achi MD, MBA
- Showrunner: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP
- Technical Production: PodPaste
- Guest: Holly Wong Cummings MD