- Intro
- Case 1 - Defining travel medicine
- How to approach a travel clinic visit
- Malaria basics, transmission and burden
- Chemoprophylaxis for malaria
- Basic guidance for mosquito avoidance and travel
- Harm reduction, pregnancy and STI prevention, PrEP and doxyPEP
- Case 2 - Traveler’s diarrhea
- Food safety
- When to treat traveler’s diarrhea
- Case 3 - Yellow fever vaccine
- General vaccination guidance
- Take home points
- Outro
- Producer, Writer, Show Notes & Graphics: Beth Garbitelli MD
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP, Beth Garbitelli MD
- Reviewer:Emi Okamoto MD
- Showrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP
- Technical Production: PodPaste
- Guest: Dr. Boghuma Titanji MD, MSc., DTM&H, PhD
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