The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
Remedy your ignorance as we review some basics of health care policy with Dr. Fatima Syed, Chair of the Council of Residents and Fellows for the American College of Physicians. Dr. Syed is early career physician whose work is already affecting health policy at a national level. You can do it too and we’ll teach you where to start along with defining basic, but poorly understood concepts like The Affordable Care Act, universal health care, single payer health care, MACRA, MIPS, and how “quality” is really measured. Don’t miss this part one in our health care policy for beginners series.
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Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
03:20 Getting to know our guest
07:23 How to get involved in a professional organization
09:37 Resources to learn health policy
14:06 The Affordable Care Act and ObamaCare
17:56 What is MACRA, MIPS and how do they affect physicians?
23:09 Nationalized health care in the US versus other countries
25:33 Universal and “single payer” health care defined
27:00 How is quality health care defined? Why is the US rated so poorly?
32:53 Recap and summary of what we’ve learned
34:09 Dr. Syed’s take home points
35:36 Outro
Tags: policy, healthcare, macra, mips, aca, affordable, care, act, health, acp, advocacy, quality, payments, reimbursement, kaiser, commonwealth, assistant, care, education, doctor, family, foam, foamed, health, hospitalist, hospital, internal, internist, nurse, meded, medical, medicine, practitioner, professional, primary, physician, resident, student