Boost treatment efficacy and amplify the “doctor as a placebo” phenomenon with tips from placebo expert (and ex-cartoonist), Mark W. Green, MD, Director of Headache/Pain Medicine and Professor of Neurology, Anesthesiology, and Rehabilitation Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Topics include: What’s that pesky sugar pill actually doing to us? Why do we get a boost from taking medicines that have no active compounds within them? How does placebo work? How can it be leveraged? What does it mean for study design/blinding? And what’s with its pesky dark twin--the nocebo effect? “Enjoy this, our only placebo-controlled episode” (Thanks, Stuart!).
Written and produced by: Molly Heublein, MD and Nora Taranto MS3; Edited by: Matthew Watto, MD
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