Knee pain is easy with practical tips from Orthopedist, medical educator, car-builder, and inventor extraordinaire Dr. Ted Parks. He teaches us the four buckets of knee pain, how to perform a 30-second knee exam, choose a knee brace, order x-rays, and the red flags to look for in a history and physical that should have you shouting for your closest neighborhood orthopedic surgeon. This episode is brought to you in partnership with the American College of Physicians. ACP members can claim free CME-MOC credit at Check out our
video of the Parks-Approved 30-second knee exam!
- Written by: Nora Taranto BA, Matthew Watto MD
- Produced by: Chris Chiu MD and Nora Taranto BA
- Edited by: Matthew Watto MD.
- Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, Stuart Brigham MD, Paul Williams MD.
- Guest: Ted Parks MD.