Type 1 Diabetes - this episode is definitely a sweet one! Join us for a conversation with our guest Dr. Hussein Abdullatif (UAB), covering the diagnosis, workup, and management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. We discuss the initial lab work-up, approach to treatment, atypical presentation, and how it’s okay to eat donuts around the time of an insulin shot!
NOTE: The show notes and CME for this episode will not be available until Wednesday September 2, 2020 at https://thecribsiders.com/ and cribsiders.vcuhealth.org respectively.
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VCU Health CEThe Curbsiders are partnering with VCU Health Continuing Education to offer FREE continuing education credits for physicians and other healthcare professionals. Visit curbsiders.vcuhealth.org and search for this episode to claim credit. See info sheet for further directions. Note: A free VCU Health CloudCME account is required in order to seek credit.
Time StampsGoal
Listeners will feel confident in the presentation, diagnostic workup, and management of Type 1 Diabetes.
Learning objectives
After listening to this episode listeners will…
Dr Abdul-Latif reports no relevant financial disclosures. The Cribsiders report no relevant financial disclosures.
Citation Abdullatif H, Snellgrove S, Chiu C, Berk J. “Type 1 Diabetes”. The Cribsiders Pediatrics Podcast. https:/www.thecribsiders.com/ September 2, 2020 (link goes live on 9/2/2020)