64 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
Get the prophetic insight you need to apply God’s Word to your everyday life. Unlock the ancient principles of the Bible that empower your faith as a modern-day Believer. Join Curt Landry as he equips you with practical steps to move in greater levels of Kingdom authority.
The podcast The Curt Landry Podcast is created by Charisma Podcast Network. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Are you ready to strategically pray and engage in what God is doing in the world today?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss current events and prophetic insights into 2025. We are seeing a turnaround happen on the world stage. Even in the midst of darkness, hope is being restored as new righteous leadership in America stands with Israel and stands for truth, justice, security, and God’s design for marriage and family.
You may be wondering…
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they explore these topics and encourage you to stay focused, separate from toxic influences, and strategically pray into God’s purposes in 2025 and beyond from a place of hope.
Resource Mentioned–
Get the One New Man app: https://app.onenewman.com/
Are you ready to separate from a counterfeit identity and embrace your true calling?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the significance of Purim 5785. In this hour, God is exposing self-appointed leaders and false prophets. He is strengthening the true prophet ministry and raising His people in the spirit of Mordecai to answer their call. To prepare and position for what is being released this Purim…
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they share the importance of being wholehearted, battle-ready, and walking in Kingdom purpose and identity for such a time as this.
Resources mentioned–
Emotional Healing Guide: https://curtlandry.com/recover
Get the One New Man app: https://app.onenewman.com/
Are you ready to answer God’s call, like Esther?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett unpack the spiritual significance of the Hebrew month of Adar. Following the patterns in the story of Esther, this is a season of preparation and divine appointments. This hour calls for consistency, intentional focus, and courageous obedience. It’s the time to put pen to paper, decreeing, declaring, and praying over the most important areas of your life. Your roots have grown deep in the winter, and now spring is coming. It’s time for new life and lasting fruit.
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they inspire you to set Kingdom goals with God, commit to action steps, and prepare to live out your Kingdom destiny at this appointed time.
Resources mentioned:
Goals to Grow workbook: https://curtlandry.com/goals25
Hebrew Month of Adar Blog: https://curtlandry.com/adarblog
Purim children’s book: https://curtlandry.com/purimbook
Are you battling a spirit of control and manipulation?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett expose the tactics and strategies of the Jezebel spirit. This demonic principality seeks to control, manipulate, and divide. It can operate in men as well as women and must be confronted in the spiritual before the physical. Jesus warns in Revelation that this spirit must not be tolerated.
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they discuss how to identify if this spirit is at work in your life or community, how to overcome it, and the need for the church to operate in the fullness of the five-fold ministry.
Watch Rabbi’s message on 40 Signs of a Jezebel spirit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqbvGh1caSw
Has there been a robbery in your heart, your finances, or your family?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by Apostle Jane Hamon to discuss her powerful new book, Confronting the Thief: Take Back What the Enemy Stole. We often buy the lie that the losses we experience in our health, peace, finances, and families are “just life,” when in reality, the Thief is at work, aiming to steal, kill, and destroy.
The body of Messiah must confront our enemy, break agreement with unbiblical mindsets, and be equipped to reclaim what has been stolen. Now is the hour to rise in expectation of the abundant life Jesus calls us to receive.
Each chapter in Confronting the Thief simply and powerfully outlines the biblical process of restoration, empowering you to...
Join Rabbi Curt and Apostle Jane for this timely conversation and embrace the call to rise in strength, confront the enemy, and reclaim what has been taken from you. Just as in the story of Esther, now is the time for divine turnarounds, divine recovery, and divine reversals in our homes, cities, and nations.
Order your copy here: https://curtlandry.com/restore
Learn more about Jane Hamon’s ministry at https://janehamon.com.
Have you heard of Tu BiShvat?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss Tu BiShvat, the Jewish holiday dedicated to the planting of trees. Dating back to the Second Temple period, this life-giving practice is a prophetic act of taking possession of the land and a testament to God’s promise of restoration. As Amos 9:11 declares, “On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old…”
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they share a powerful way you can participate in Tu BiShvat–sponsoring an olive tree in the Swords of Iron Memorial Grove. Listen as Rabbi shares the prophetic significance of the grove’s location and how it is a declaration of resilience, hope, and God’s eternal covenant with Israel and her people. Learn more at https://curtlandry.com/tubishvat.
Are you battling a generational curse?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss how to identify and break free from generational curses. If you’re running up against pain patterns you can’t seem to overcome, it’s highly probable it is related to a generational stronghold. These strongholds can take root in different ways, especially through trauma, sin and agreements in your family line. Bloodline curses can rob you from fully embracing your true identity in Jesus and your Kingdom assignment, but through the power of the Holy Spirit you can break free and set a new legacy for the generations after you.
Join Rabbi Curt and Darrell as they talk about the need for freedom from generational curses and pray a powerful prayer for deliverance and wholehearted transformation.
Needing encouragement to complete your goals?
On this special live episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett unpack the new workbook, Goals to Grow: Habits and Patterns to Unlock Your Kingdom Destiny, sharing practical tips on how your Kingdom goals can become reality, and how it all starts with habits and patterns that are rooted in a biblical mindset.
Your identity influences your habits and patterns that ultimately lead to reaching your goals. We often set a goal but don’t have a clear and simple plan to get there. The Holy Spirit longs to guide us every step of the way—little by little—and speaks truth to who you are and what is yours in Yeshua. Join Rabbi Curt and Darrell as they share about the Lord’s transformative work in their lives and answer some of your questions about goal setting!
Are you lacking true spiritual results in your walk with God?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss how misinterpreting scripture is dangerous and robs us of the life God desires for us. Rightly dividing the Word through the Holy Spirit is the key to truly knowing the Holy One of Israel and unlocking our spiritual inheritance. Rabbi unpacks the power of the appointed times and how embracing the fullness of God’s Word leads to experiencing the fullness of God.
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they share about the hundredfold return lifestyle, true spiritual results, and how to align your mindset with God’s highest and best purposes.
Is it biblical for women to preach and teach God’s Word?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett dive into the context of this sensitive topic, bringing wisdom and clarity. When we look at the context of Paul’s writings, the issues of his day, Jewish culture and Jesus’ own interactions with and instruction to women, we see a pattern–God can and will speak through anyone, regardless of gender.
The intent of certain scriptures was never to silence all women for all time but to address an issue of order. There are unique and needed ways God will speak through male and female voices in any setting–the only requirement is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is Jesus in us, men and women, that is the hope of glory.
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they unpack specific pain point passages with common sense, and offer counsel and biblical perspective on gender roles and the call to preach and teach God’s Word.
Do you have questions about baptism?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss water baptism and why there is confusion in some circles as to how it relates to salvation. It’s important to note the distinction between being baptized with water and being baptized with fire (the Holy Spirit).
Water baptism is not a requirement to be saved; it is a public declaration of your salvation. It’s a symbolic act of dying to your old nature and becoming a new creation in Jesus. Water baptism is the circumcision of the heart, sealing and sending you into your calling. Salvation is calling on the name of Jesus Messiah and believing Him in your heart, securing your eternity in heaven.
Join Rabbi and Darrell as they unpack scriptures on this important topic!
In the Kingdom of God, what are you building with? Gold, silver and precious stones–or wood, hay and stubble?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett weigh in on a circulating topic–rewards and levels of rewards in Heaven. Jesus spoke on the concept of heavenly rewards and Paul tells us our works will be tested by fire. It’s not a matter of salvation but what you chose to do with your salvation. God weighs the intents of our heart and He will reward those who seek His Kingdom first, walk in His ways and submit to becoming more like Him.
Join Rabbi and Darrell for this insightful conversation on spiritual rewards and Kingdom authority!
Resource mentioned –
Biblical Principles of Finance book: https://curtlandry.com/prosper
Do you feel confused about the return of Jesus?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by Pastor Tim Alsbaugh to answer your questions about Jesus' millennial reign. They open the scriptures to discuss…
Join in for this encouraging message about the restoration of all things and the joy to come when King Jesus returns!
Sign up for One New Man Network app:https://app.onenewman.com
Do you have questions about God’s design for sexuality?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett open the scriptures and discuss a sensitive topic–homosexuality in the Church and today’s culture. It’s easy to point fingers, but it’s important to remember– one sexual sin isn’t worse than another. We’ve all sinned and are in equal need of a Savior.
Join Rabbi and Darrell for a transparent conversation on the struggles we face in this fallen world, the hope we have in Jesus, and the power of a lifestyle of repentance.
Sign up for One New Man Network app: https://app.onenewman.com
How does biblical covenant connect to our health and finances?
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the significance of covenant relationship with God and how it effects every area of our lives. There is a better way for our finances, health and lifestyle and we find it in God’s Word and through walking in step with His Spirit. Join Rabbi for this transformative conversation as he shares personal stories of walking in covenant relationship with God!
Get Rabbi’s Biblical Finance book: https://curtlandry.com/prosper
Sign up for The One New Man Network app: https://app.onenewman.com
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the power of the One New Man message, the need for biblical discipleship, and the call of the Great Commission, which leads to an exciting announcement– the release of the One New Man Network app. The app hosts a growing library of high-quality educational videos on everything from Jewish roots, emotional healing, intercessory prayer, and biblical finance. Rabbi Curt shares his hope and anticipation for all God will do as these resources reach the nations with the gospel of Yeshua and disciple believers in covenant understanding. Learn more and access courses for free at https://app.onenewman.com. Also available in the app store (Apple IOS coming soon) and on Roku.
In this episode of The Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the power and relational nature of the names of Jesus. His names reveal His character, attributes, and identity. We are transformed mind, body and spirit when we are aligned with our Creator–finding the motivation and vision to form healthy spiritual disciplines and experience the growth God desires for us. Whether we’re facing victories or challenges there is a name of God to call on and a deeper revelation of His heart to encounter. Discover more and study the powerful names of Jesus at https://curtlandry.com/jesus25.
Additional resources mentioned:
Intercessory Prayer guide: https://curtlandry.com/intercessory
Goals to Grow Workbook: https://curtlandry.com/goals25
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss intercessory prayer– what it is, and why it is one of the most misunderstood ministries in the church. True intercessory prayer is spiritual intervention on behalf of another person, place, or community. The heart posture of an intercessor is not to expose as an accuser but to plead the blood-covering of Jesus as an advocate. To be effective in intercessory prayer, we must be close to God and His Word. Our prayer life should be a faithful practice before a crisis comes or problems surface. Rabbi shares the importance of getting spiritual results, believing in the power of prayer, and how Jesus is our Intercessor and Advocate.
Download Intercessory Prayer Guide: https://curtlandry.com/intercessory
Download 25 Names of Jesus Guide: https://curtlandry.com/jesus25
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss what it means to be anointed and appointed. “Anointing” is the ability to fulfill a Kingdom assignment with God’s blessing. “Appointing” is the invitation or opportunity to fulfill that assignment. We need both to build God’s Kingdom His Way. There is danger in “self- promotion” and great harm that can be done when we operate in our own strength. Rabbi shares wisdom and insights, encouraging the listener to surrender to God, allow Him to order their steps, and trust Him to open the right doors at the right time.
Pre-order Goals to Grow Workbook here: https://curtlandry.com/goals25
On this special addition of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt Landry and Darrell Puckett come to you live on election night to… • Walk you through stats and updates • Give prophetic insights • Pray over the election and nation • Respond to your comments and questions Rabbi and Darrell share spiritual insights on the importance of this presidential election, what this could mean for the nation’s future, and how the results will impact Israel. Ultimately they reinforce trust in God’s sovereignty, regardless of political outcomes.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett give more context into the prophetic word of the seven strikes, a word confirmed by Chuck Pierce that is providing strategy and encouragement to God’s people in this hour. Based in 1 King 13, the message is to not stop short and not grow weary–to strike 7 times for complete and total victory. Rabbi and Darrell break down this prophetic strategy and pray for the listener to experience an increasing passion and hunger for God's Word.
SPECIAL REPORT Curt Landry Podcast Episode!
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about Simchat Torah, the day after Sukkot which marks the completion of the annual cycle of Torah readings. Rabbi shares the prophetic significance of this day, and reflects on the horrific events that occurred last Simchat Torah on October 7th in Israel. This year has proven we are at war, not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. God’s people must arise as spiritual warriors in this hour, trusting God will equip us for victory as we surrender to walk in His strength and wisdom and not our own. Rabbi shares the prophetic word of the “7 strikes” and how this is the time to seal and send the prophetic words you received during the Fall Feasts.
Learn more about Simchat Torah in our new blog: https://curtlandry.com/SimchatTorah
MAPA hats: https://curlandry.com/MAPA
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about God's invitation in Sukkot. Yeshua is calling His people to come to His table, to draw near to Him as He draws near to us. Sukkot is a celebratory feast, sealing the work God has done in our hearts in Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It's a time to reflect on His provision, faithfulness and desire to dwell with us. Rabbi encourages the listener to come to the table this Sukkot, to come and see and receive what God is pouring out at this appointed time on His calendar.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the unique time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a 10 day period known as the Days of Awe. It’s a period of introspection leading to transformation. It’s a time of breaking soul ties, cutting off generational curses and unhealthy habits and patterns. We’re transformed by knowing our identity in Jesus, but before we can perceive who we are in Jesus, we must perceive who God is as Father. Rabbi shares how God’s relational nature is reflected in the feasts and encourages the listener to embrace this holy time of mercy, grace and repentance.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt sits down with Christie Landry and Pastor Tim and Sandy Alsbaugh to share the origin story of House of David and Curt Landry Ministries. They discuss what it’s been like to foster Kingdom-culture through the Jewish roots of Christianity; testifying to the incredible joy and blessing and also how they’ve navigated resistance and misunderstanding. This ministry’s story is one of covenant-friendship, small beginnings, spiritual pioneering, and faithful obedience to God’s call. Each couple offers wisdom from their experiences and encouragement and counsel for those following Jesus as spiritual pioneers in hard places.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett continue their conversation on the prophetic significance of the Fall Feasts 5785, specifically the cleansing of Yom Kippur and the wedding feast of Sukkot. They speak into how to battle fear and anxiety amid the volatile nature of our times, and the power of being Kingdom-focused and Kingdom-minded in everything.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the prophetic significance of 5785, specifically in relation to the American presidential election and the Fall Feasts. The awakening blast of Rosh Hashanah and the atonement of Yom Kippur are key to aligning with what God is doing in this new year. God’s calendar prepares us to be in the right place at the right time!
Resources mentioned:
Fall Feasts Guide: https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/book-a-biblical-study-of-the-fall-feasts-of-the-lord/
Spiritual Warfare Guide: https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/victory-in-spiritual-warfare/
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt Landry is joined by Pastor Tim Alsbaugh to talk about finding Jesus in the biblical feasts. Did you know that Jesus Messiah is at the center of each of the feasts of the Lord? They all point to Him and find fulfillment in Him! There is great blessing and revelation for believers to experience in observing the feasts of the Lord with Jesus at the center. It’s not a legalistic obligation, it’s a joyful invitation! Rabbi Curt and Pastor Tim reference key passages to show Jesus’ centrality in the biblical feasts and God’s intentionality in every detail of scripture.
In this episode of The Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt Landry is joined by Pastor Tim Alsbaugh as they discuss the prophetic meaning of the new Hebrew year of 5785. Rabbi Curt and Pastor Tim breakdown the meaning of "We Are Kings and Priest According to Melchizedek" and provide crucial spiritual instruction on the power of prayer.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the prophetic significance of 5785 and the King-Priest anointing being released at the Fall Feasts. There is double grace and double greatness coming to enable God’s people, like David, to have victory over their Goliaths and operate in King-Priest authority. Rabbi Curt challenges the younger generation to embrace their true identity in Jesus and push back against the status-quo, boldly standing for truth and righteousness.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt talks about an article he recently wrote for Charisma Magazine that was clearly censored when promoted online. The article illuminated the history of what led to Israel’s current defensive war, sharing the truth about the land and people, reflecting on Rabbi’s first hand experience. The shadow ban was disappointing, but not surprising. We’re living in an age that resists the truth, but that should not discourage believers from continuing to speak out, no matter the response. Rabbi and Darrell share their thoughts on the challenges many ministries are facing with censorship, and how to navigate online platforms with wisdom.
Read Rabbi’s Charisma article: http://curtlandry.com/CSMA24
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by Pastor Philip Thornton to discuss the fourth dimension and its connection to what is being released during the Fall Feasts. In this hour the Church is being matured to access greater levels of spiritual provision and direction from God. He is calling prodigal leaders home—equipping His people with greater authority through the King-Priest anointing. Rabbi Curt and Pastor Philip share insights into this prophetic anointing, empowering the listener to receive the fullness of what God is releasing in this season.
Download the Fall Feasts Guide: https://curtlandry.com/fallguide
Read Rabbi’s 4D Vault Prophetic Vision blog: https://curtlandry.com/vault4D
Learn more about Pastor Philip Thornton at https://legacyfaithchurch.com
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the importance of God’s appointed times. There is wisdom, protection and blessing that come when we align with God’s calendar. Rabbi Curt walks through the biblical feasts, unpacking the symbolism and encouraging the listener to receive the preparation, healing and empowerment that come through God’s appointed times and seasons.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett weigh in on current events in American politics. It’s no secret that the political climate is becoming more intense and moving away from biblical principles. This should compel Christians to engage this critical moment with prayers and biblically-aligned choices at the ballot box. Rabbi Curt shares insights into the tensions of American politics, encouraging the listener to vote and pray according to God’s Word.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about discerning God’s timing and how to respond to prophetic words. Rabbi shares how to confirm if a word is truly from God and if so, how to connect with trusted believers to receive Spirit-filled strategies. As we stay in step with the Spirit of God we will align with the timing of God—the key to walking in blessings and fulfillment.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by Pastor Philip Thornton to discuss what it means to access the fourth dimension–to operate in dominion as a child of God on the earth. We’re in a spiritual war and we must be equipped with spiritual weapons and strategies from God. As a born-again, Spirit-filled Believer, when you enter the fourth dimension, you tap into supernatural power and glory. Rabbi Curt and Pastor Philip share their insights and lead in a time of prayer for the listener to receive the fullness of God– and be equipped in this hour through the fourth dimension.
Read Rabbi’s 4D Vault Prophetic Vision blog: https://curtlandry.com/vault4D
Download Prayer for Israel guide: https://curtlandry.com/PFI24
Learn more about Pastor Philip Thornton at https://legacyfaithchurch.com
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the significance of the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar (August 12th and 13th). Rabbi Curt shares insights into this period historically and spiritually and equips the believer to embrace the patterns of God but also be wary of the patterns of the enemy. In this season we must anticipate testing, engage in wise timing and trust God through the challenges.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt sits down with long time friend and special guest Randy Williams. Randy testifies to the habits and patterns that have postured him for the miraculous is his health, business and relationships. He shares his top three patterns and why they’re so core, explaining the need for integrity, decisiveness, and authenticity.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the development of habits and patterns. Our minds are created by God to solve and put into action what we’re meditating on. We have to surrender our small thinking and ask God: “What do you want me to start believing for?” We need renewed minds and new vision– and our habits and patterns are either helping us or hurting us. Rabbi shares the important steps needed to form healthy habits and patterns that bring spiritual results, empowering you to fully embrace the vision God has for you.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss soul ties and how to heal from separation. Separations come in many forms, such as career change or promotion, moving to a new location, and losses in relationships. Darrell and Rabbi share their personal experiences of separations, and lead a powerful prayer of breaking soul ties, inviting God’s Spirit to bring holistic healing.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the blessings and challenges that come with promotion. It’s important to surround yourself with people who can celebrate your successes–those who have been where you want to go and can offer wisdom and support. Receiving a promotion and stewarding it well is tied to your habits and patterns; your lifestyle. Rabbi shares how habits are formed and how you can create healthy habits intentionally. The greatest reward of pursuing your dream isn’t the dream itself, but who you become in the process.
In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss Shavuot 5784. Shavuot is a powerful commemoration of the giving of the Torah and the giving of the Holy Spirit. We celebrate God’s instruction and the empowerment to understand it. More than ever in the world today we need an increase in godly discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit, the One Who leads us into all truth. Rabbi encourages listeners to prepare their hearts to receive God’s instruction and empowerment this Shavuot.
Find Spring Feasts book at https://curtlandry.com/springfeasts
Join us online or in person June 11th @ 7pm CT for Shavuot 5784. Learn more and register for in-person event at https://curtlandry.com/register
Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss spiritual fatherhood in households and the importance of experiencing God as our Father. Fatherhood, at its core, is headship and alignment with God to protect, provide, and bring emotional and spiritual care. Rabbi shares wisdom and personal experience, strengthening marriages to embrace God’s design for spiritual fatherhood.
Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett unpack the 9 gifts of the Spirit and the empowerment God has for believers through these gifts. We often fear what we don’t understand and keep a distance–but in doing so we run the risk of missing much of what God has for us. Rabbi Curt shares stories of his personal experiences in the gifts of the Spirit and empowers listeners to embrace the fullness of God in their lives.
Curt Landry joins Rob Mallan to discuss the vital importance of believers using their voices to speak on behalf of Israel. The most powerful way to stand with Israel is to know the truth and share the truth. Amid all the deception and delusion, we cannot forget the horror of October 7th – we cannot forget that Israel is fighting for her life. Rabbi Curt shares practical ways believers and churches can refuse silence and engage in Israel's hour of need. Standing with her is not a political statement–it’s a spiritual posture grounded in God’s living Word and eternal covenant.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by special guest Griffin Clark to talk about concerns surrounding AI and how to use it responsibly. Rabbi and Griffin share the perspective that AI is a neutral tool— it can be used for good or evil and is like a mirror that reflects its creators. They share how Curt Landry Ministries desires to use AI to advance the Kingdom–with people’s best interests in mind–and the amazing opportunities this technology is already providing.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the significance of the four cups of Passover. Each cup underscores God's power to bring transformation and deliverance. From breaking generational curses to receiving greater wholeness and an overflow of praise, there is much to unlock and receive in the four cups of Passover. Rabbi shares how the blessings of Passover are connected to Psalm 23 and speaks a hopeful prophetic word over the listener to bring encouragement in this season.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about the meaning of the counting of of the omer. This period is the 50 days between the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (Passover) and the coming of the Holy Spirit (Shavuot/Pentecost). Rabbi explores the biblical context, what an omer means, and how to receive what God has for you during this time of reflection and preparation.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett break down the principle of humanitarian aid and what the Bible says about it, specifically Jesus’ own words in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25). Rabbi shares critical insights into this parable, a key detail many in the church have missed–Jesus’ brethren are the Jewish people. What we do unto Israel, we do unto Him. From 33 years of experience, Rabbi Curt shares the principles and heart posture behind the Spirit-filled humanitarian aid Curt Landry Ministries provides globally–and how this aid opens doors for people to experience the power of God’s love, salvation, and healing in their lives.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about the power of celebrating Passover as believers. Rabbi points to key scriptures to reveal a transformative truth: Jesus is the fulfillment of Passover and this feast is for all who believe in Him! Rabbi shares his excitement for Passover 5784 and encourages listeners to join online or in person at House of David April 22. God is opening new doors to you this Passover–it’s time to walk through them!
Register to join us in-person for Passover on Monday, April 22 at https://curtlandry.com/register.
Celebrate Passover Seder with us from your own home April 22nd — purchase your Haggadah Guide today! Visit https://curtlandry.com/guide.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by Hananya Naftali for a powerful discussion about Israel and being a vessel for truth. Standing with Israel is not a political statement; it’s a spiritual posture grounded in God’s living Word and eternal covenant. Rabbi Curt and Hananya share the powerful stories behind their convictions and encourage listeners to know the truth and share the truth about Israel and her people.
Preparing for Passover 2024/5784 : Celebrate Passover Seder with us from your own home on Monday, April 22nd — purchase your Haggadah Guide today!
Visit curtlandry.com/guide to order today.
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about faith in the marketplace. Because God is active in every area of your life your workplace can become your mission field. As you stay in step with the Holy Spirit, you can partner with Him to bring great blessings and impact wherever you are.
Rabbi Curt shares stories of the miracles God worked through him during his time in the produce business, and provides wisdom and insight into what it means to be missional in the marketplace.
Nine Gifts of the Spirit download: https://www.curtlandry.com/CLP9
Learn more in Rabbi’s book “Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage” by visiting: https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/reclaiming-our-forgotten-heritage-by-curt-landry/
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about heaven. In John 14:2 Jesus says, “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
Many years ago, Rabbi Curt had a personal out-of-body experience in heaven, where Jesus showed him the place prepared for him. The experience changed his life and removed all fear of death. The place Jesus is preparing for you is personal down to the last detail, a reflection of your true identity and a recovery of all you have lost on earth. Our greatest hope in this life is our real life to come in heaven.
On this episode of The Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about how finances work spiritually.
Biblical finance is one of the most misunderstood topics in the Church. Some pastors are accused of talking about it too much, while others fear to talk about it at all. What is the truth? What is God’s heart for your finances? Rabbi Curt shares wisdom and outlines biblical principles to provide clarity in this area.
Discover more in Rabbi’s workbook “Biblical Principles of Finance” at https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/book-biblical-principles-of-finance/
Learn more in Rabbi’s book “Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage” by visiting: https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/reclaiming-our-forgotten-heritage-by-curt-landry/
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of The Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about healing and miracles. Coming from a background of 33 years witnessing the miraculous, Rabbi wholeheartedly confirms that God does indeed still heal.
It is also true that healing is opposed by the enemy. Satan attacks you because he sees value in you, and these attacks often come before a promotion or after a victory. We battle by staying in alignment with the healing power of the blood of Jesus and the indwelling of His Spirit. The Author of Life is within you and He has no sickness in Him. Rabbi encourages listeners to believe Jesus for healing and trust Him for greater wholeness and miracles.
Learn more in Rabbi’s book “Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage” by visiting: https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/reclaiming-our-forgotten-heritage-by-curt-landry/
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about the biblical importance of standing with Israel. It boils down to God’s eternal covenant with the land and people and the Jewishness of Jesus Himself. But with Israel being so core to our faith, why are many churches not engaged with Israel or even standing with her? Rabbi reveals the tragic history of where this disconnect happened and the hope of how we can get back to the One New Man vision.
Learn more in Rabbi’s book “Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage” by visiting: https://shop.curtlandry.com/product/reclaiming-our-forgotten-heritage-by-curt-landry/
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about what it means to manifest blessings. There’s a clear pattern in scripture that shows us when we align with God and His ways He is eager to bless us. But are God’s blessings always conditional? What happens when we’re struggling with habitual sin and navigating constant temptation in a fallen world with a spiritual enemy? Does God remove His blessing whenever we sin? How do we reconcile the sometimes conditional nature of God’s blessing with the unconditional nature of His love? How do we find freedom? Rabbi Curt and Darrell share insights into these hard questions with humor, insight, personal stories, and the power of God’s Word.
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett talk about how to pray and what it means to have an effective prayer life. Rabbi Curt draws upon biblical examples and opens up about how the legacy of prayer has shaped his ministry and family.
God just wants you to be real with Him. Like everything else in the Christian life, prayer, at its core, is relational and childlike. There’s no fancy way about it. Rabbi Curt shares personal stories to help you see how posturing yourself as God’s son or daughter is the key to a powerful prayer life.
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of The Curt Landry Podcast, Darrell Puckett and Rabbi Curt are joined by special guest Tucker Dunlavey to discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting global ministry and the spread of the gospel. Harnessed responsibly, AI is technology that can aid the biblical mandate to “preach the gospel to all nations” at a rate we've never seen before.
However, it’s no secret AI can be a divisive topic, especially in the ministry world and there are legitimate concerns to consider. Still, there is an opportunity here that can be explored responsibly. This technology is providing an open door for ministries to reach audiences they couldn’t reach otherwise.
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss dreams, interpretation, and how dreams can help shape your goals.
Dreams can be powerful and often are ways God is getting our attention. However, without guidance, dreams can be confusing and sometimes set us on the wrong course if we misunderstand them. That’s why discernment is key. Rabbi Curt walks through ways to discern if a dream is from God and if so, how to act on it and work towards the vision God is revealing to you.
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
On this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss identity and how that connects back to accomplishing your goals.
By February most have abandoned their New Year resolutions. The reason? Self-reliance; a sure path to burn-out and self-defeat. This is why identity is so key: when you know who are as a child of God, you have access to His supply and support. You’re no longer self-sourced but rather rooted in scripture and the Holy Spirit’s power.
Rabbi Curt dives into this truth sharing first-hand experience and practical advice on how to walk in true transformation.
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
Today on the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss the power of intentionally and how it applies to all things in life, especially spiritual growth. The starting place is this question: Who did God create you to be? What are you good at? At the root of our joy is the key to our calling. Once we find it, we will know how to focus with intention.
Through personal stories and teaching from his Goals to Grow guide, Rabbi shares practical ways to start you on the path of discovering God’s best for your life.
To download the Goals to Grow guide visit: curtlandry.com/grow2024
Resources and links discussed:
Email questions to [email protected]
In this first episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss how to identify spiritual warfare in your life; how to discern perception from reality. In a world full of delusion, we need clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Spiritual warfare needs to be named, called out, and on the other side is a breakthrough in your health, wealth, relationships and ability to follow God’s voice.
Rabbi Curt shares personal stories from his decades of experience in spiritual warfare, and daylights the perception vs. reality at play in the war in Israel. He also shares how you can help support the IDF during “Phase 8” of the Stand with Israel campaign, and offers wisdom for navigating these challenging times from a place of victory.
Resources and links discussed:
Book | Victory in Spiritual Warfare Paperback
40 Signs You are Being Destroyed by a Jezebel or Religious Spirit
Victory In Spiritual Warfare YouTube Playlist:
Email questions to [email protected]
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