Ciaran Collins, Teagasc Tillage Specialist, joins Stuart Childs on this week’s Dairy Edge podcast to discuss the new herbicide for use in white clover swards and reseeds - ProClova XL.
Ciaran explains that this is new chemistry that has been in development with a number of years. It is the only product that is licenced for use in white clovers leys and reseeds replacing the emergency licence use of 2,4-DB products for white clover with the 2,4-DB still available for red clover swards in their first year as Proclova XL not suitable for red clover swards until they have over wintered.
Ciaran went on to explain that it is a broad spectrum herbicide covering most weeds of concern with the exception of thistles. It requires the use of an adjuvant which will be something new for most grassland farmers as this will have to be added along with the chemical. This is to increase the contact time of the spray to maximise its efficacy.
There are a few terms and conditions people need to be aware of before using ProClova XL:
1. Must use at least 75% drift reducing nozzles when applying
2. Don’t apply where there is an interesting watercourse
3. Maintain a 3 metre buffer to all other watercourses
Ciaran also highlights a label change with 360 glyphosate products which are now reduced to 4l/ha max from the previous 6l/ha rates. This will apply to newly purchased products with old label products having a use up date out into 2025. There is also a 3m buffer required to be adhered to when using these products.
Finally Ciaran says that it is in the best interests if people stick to the recommendations when applying all herbicides as the long term availability of them will be dependent on these recommendations being followed and ensuring that pesticides and herbicides stay out of water sources.
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