This episode is longer than usual, and the topic is a little different than a typical episode, but Diana wants to share an important lesson that was helpful in her life.
It’s really tempting to stay in our comfort zone, especially in the past few years, and not add anxiety, worry, or fear to our lives. Diana was told years ago by business coach James Wedmore, “Growth happens out of your comfort zone.” Challenging yourself to be okay with being uncomfortable, whether with something big or little, once a month or once a year, can help you grow. We all want to grow, whether in a business, personally, in parenting, or marriage. Try and think of an area in your life where you can take a tiny uncomfortable step and just sit it in for a while and see how it feels.
In this episode, Diana shares times when she went out of her comfort zone in order to grow.
We’ll also discuss:
What can you expect from this podcast and future episodes?
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Are you ready for a peaceful and clutter-free home? Watch my FREE training video “Chaos to Calm” to learn how it’s possible! And find all of my resources here.