Democrats feared and Republicans expected a "red wave" election, but it didn’t happen.
Why was the outcome such a surprise? Who gets the credit and blame? How do results impact the near-term future?
What are the prospects for finding common ground in Congress where both the Senate and House will have razor-thin majorities?
We discuss these questions with two of America’s most experienced political thinkers: Democratic consultant Bob Shrum and Republican strategists Mike Murphy. Both men serve as co-directors of The Center for the Political Future at the Dornsife for the Political Future at the University of Southern California.
Mike Murphy is one of the Republican Party’s most successful political media consultants, having handled strategy and advertising for more than two dozen successful gubernatorial and senatorial campaigns. Bob Shrum was once described as "the most sought-after consultant in the Democratic Party," by The Atlantic Monthly. He was the strategist in over 25 winning U.S. Senate campaigns, eight successful races for governor, and numerous campaigns for Congress and statewide offices.