00:00:00 Начало
00:02:07 Thoughtworks radar
00:02:58 Макс все еще не готов монтажить
00:04:07 Что за radar?
00:06:16 Квадранты радара
00:09:54 И сново Martin Fowler
00:11:42 Four key metrics
00:14:38 Single team remote wall
00:19:11 Definition of production readiness
00:24:10 Documentation quadrants
00:30:07 Rethinking remote standups
00:36:13 Server-driven UI
00:37:52 Software bill of Materials (SBOM)
00:40:54 Tactical Forking
00:44:29 Transitional architecture
00:48:19 CUPID
00:50:25 Operator pattern for non clustered resources
00:51:27 Service mesh without sidecar
00:55:56 SLSA
00:57:22 Platforms
00:58:05 Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps pipeline templates
00:59:02 Circle CI
01:00:07 Почему столько CI/CD тулов?
01:02:27 Reusable workflows in Github Actions
01:05:52 Sealed Secrets
01:08:25 actions-runner-controller
01:10:15 Colima
01:14:17 eBPF
01:15:00 Tools
01:15:17 tfsec
01:16:40 cert-manager
01:18:06 Cloud Carbon Footprint
01:20:01 Conftest
01:20:46 kube-score
01:21:51 Lighthouse
01:24:22 NUKE
01:27:00 Podman
01:28:33 Syft
01:28:54 CDKTF
01:31:15 Excalidraw
01:34:15 Github Codespaces
01:36:25 GoReleaser
01:36:44 Grype
01:37:30 Infracost
01:41:51 jc
01:42:55 skopeo
01:44:46 Languages & Frameworks
01:45:43 Bicep
01:46:25 WebAssembly
Web Vitals - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Eu4wkTdAY
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