563 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Veckovis: Måndag
A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb – a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch ’The Diary Of A CEO’ podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
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The podcast The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett is created by DOAC. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this moment, entrepreneur and best selling author, Mohammad "Mo" Gawdat, discusses the root cause of stress in your life. Mo says that it is not major traumatic events that break people, instead it is the much smaller damage that build ups over time and results from the script that you tell yourself. He believes that many of the stressors of your life can easily be cut out if you spend time deliberately looking at and reflecting on your life. After this you can then choose to limit what you allow into it, and help break the toxic addiction to stress we all suffer from in the modern world.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Mo Gawdat: https://www.mogawdat.com/
Can we train less and gain more? From professional bodybuilding to becoming a force in the fitness world, Dr Michael Israetel reveals the ultimate hacks to transform your fitness game.
Dr Michael Israetel is a renowned sports science and nutrition expert, he is also the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, a company that offers science-backed fitness advice. He is the author of books such as, ‘Scientific Principles of Hypertrophy Training’.
In this conversation, Dr Michael and Steven discuss topics such as, how to grow muscle fast, the shocking side effects of steroids, how to hit your protein needs, and the truth about calorie counting.
(00:00) Intro
(01:37) What Is Michael's Mission?
(02:38) Biggest Myths And Rebuttals Why People Can't Get Into Shape
(07:10) Why Does It Matter To Be In Good Shape?
(10:47) What Is Your Background?
(12:41) Where Do People Start With Their Body Journey?
(16:57) Work Outs At Home With 20lb Dumbbells Give Great Results
(18:42) Gym Anxiety
(21:33) The Science To Muscle Growth
(26:29) How Many Sets And How Often Will Grow Muscle?
(28:42) What's Going On In Our Muscles To Make Them Grow?
(32:41) How Long Will It Take For Me To Lose Muscle?
(37:38) Warming Up For Workouts
(42:42) Common Gym Mistakes People Make
(44:54) Best Foods To Grow Muscle
(46:50) Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Muscle Gain?
(47:58) Pre Work Out & Caffeine Stimulants
(51:00) Calories Are The Only Thing That Matters
(56:26) The Dangers Of Calories Out & Calories In
(58:02) Body/Muscle Dysmorphia & Mental Illnesses
(01:02:40) The Myths About Weight Loss And What Hold People Back
(01:05:29) The Biggest Myths Around Weight Loss
(01:06:06) How Much Of Weight Loss Is Diet?
(01:11:14) Cardio Vs Strength For Weight Loss
(01:13:50) What Supplements To Take
(01:17:26) What About Steroids?
(01:19:14) How Quickly Do You Notice A Difference On Steroids?
(01:19:50) Do You Need To Work More When You're On Steroids?
(01:20:25) What Are The Downsides Of Steroids?
(01:22:24) Shrinkage Of Manhood On Steroids
(01:24:39) Psychological Implications Of Steroids Michael Has Suffered With
(01:27:27) With All The Risks With Steroids, What's The Point?
(01:29:40) Why Michael Wanted To Be So Big
(01:32:04) How Michael Felt About Being Bullied
(01:38:24) Why Steven Does What He Does
(01:45:19) Building Belief Through Evidence
(01:51:49) Guest's Last Question
Follow Dr Michael:
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You can learn more about ‘Renaissance Periodization’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/4ULqGyNONMb
You can purchase Dr Michael’s book, ‘Scientific Principles of Hypertrophy Training’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/K4T1ZtJONMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
Get your hands on the brand new Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://appurl.io/iUUJeYn25v
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Are we born to cheat and is monogamy natural? Dr Gad Saad uncovers the evolutionary truths behind our most primal behaviour.
Dr Gad Saad is an evolutionary psychologist and Professor of Marketing at Concordia University. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Parasitic Mind’ and ‘The Saad Truth About Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life’.
In this conversation, Steven and Dr Gad discuss topics such as, the science behind monogamy, why you crave fatty foods, how men are wired to cheat, and the relationship between OCD and porn.
(00:00) Intro
(02:27) What Drives Your Life Purpose?
(05:22) What Does An Evolutionary Behavioural Scientist Do?
(08:45) The Top Predictor of Child Abuse in the Home
(13:39) The Most Dangerous Person a Woman Can Meet
(17:16) Is Cheating Ever Justified?
(18:42) Is Monogamy Really Natural?
(25:43) Why Do We Care for Our Families?
(29:09) Why Do Children Resemble Their Fathers?
(34:53) What Are Your Most Controversial Beliefs?
(38:31) How Much of Human Behaviour Is Driven by Sex?
(44:55) What Is a Mate Desirability Score?
(53:44) Can We Predict a Couple’s Success?
(57:18) What Makes Men and Women Desirable?
(59:57) The Confusion Around Masculinity
(01:09:10) What It Really Feels Like to Be a Woman
(01:13:59) How to Build Self-Awareness
(01:20:05) What Exactly Is a Beta Male?
(01:21:27) How to Achieve High Status as a Man or Woman
(01:23:16) Struggling to Find a Partner? Here's What to Do
(01:25:58) Is Porn Good For Us?
(01:33:42) How Porn Addiction Affects Productivity
(01:37:03) How Society Conflicts with Evolution: Parenting Advice
(01:38:34) The Secrets to Living a Happy Life
(01:40:44) Do Opposites Attract?
(01:48:50) Does Your DNA Determine Happiness?
(01:58:43) The Woke Culture
(02:04:01) Can Freedom of Speech Be Harmful?
(02:24:33) Speaking the Truth in Research Shouldn’t Hurt Others
(02:35:26) Is Society Unfair to Certain Groups?
(02:39:45) Equality of Opportunity vs Equality of Outcome
(02:44:58) Would You Vote for Trump?
(02:54:06) The Last Guest Question
Follow Gad:
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You can purchase Dr Gad’s book, ‘The Saad Truth About Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/dTeHeWVqFMb
Learn more about the survey mentioned, here:
Learn more about the book mentioned, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/UwLMyD3OFMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
Get your hands on the brand new Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://appurl.io/iUUJeYn25v
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In this moment, world renowned gut heath expert, Tim Spector discusses how to navigate the modern food landscape and overcome the brainwashing of the food industry. It turns out that answering the seemingly simple question of, ‘what is quality food?’ is a lot more difficult that it first appears. Too often foods packaged as ‘healthy’, ‘low calorie’ or ‘low fat’ are in fact the opposite. Instead, Tim believes we need to go back to eating foods in their simplest, unpackaged original form as nature intended.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link//38if1OxLDMb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//fXv5HxALDMb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Tim: https://tim-spector.co.uk/
Can humanity handle AI or will it be our downfall? Yuval Noah Harari looks back at history to guide us through this uncertain journey ahead.
Yuval Noah Harari is a best-selling author, public intellectual and Professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of multi-million bestseller books such as, ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ and ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’.
In this conversation, Yuval and Steven discuss topics such as, how AI is disconnecting people, the best way to control fake news, how institutions drive trust, and how Trump could change democracy.
(00:00) Intro
(02:31) Will Humans Continue To Rule The World?
(06:48) Why AI Is The Biggest Game-Changer In History
(10:34) Is AI Just Information Or Something More?
(16:53) Can AI Manipulate Our Bank Accounts And Political Views?
(21:42) How AI Will Affect Human Intimacy
(23:44) Will AI Replace Teachers?
(25:09) Why Online Information Is Junk
(28:42) How Politicians Use Fear To Manipulate Us
(31:52) Should There Be A Free Speech Movement
(39:38) How Algorithms Are Shaping Global Politics And Increasing Fear
(45:30) The Impact Of The US Election On Global Politics
(48:48) What Trump Could Do To US Democracy
(50:29) Can We Trust What We See On Social Media And The News?
(55:37) Will AI Eventually Run Governments?
(00:58:32) What Jobs Will AI Leave For Humans?
(01:02:01) Which Jobs Will Be Automated By AI?
(01:05:33) Is AI Conscious?
(01:07:19) AI, Robots, And The Future Of Consciousness
(01:10:01) Are We Living In A Simulation?
(01:13:09) How Algorithms Control Our Lives
(01:16:21) Understanding The AI Alignment Problem
(01:21:13) The Relationship Between AI And Corporate Interests
(01:25:04) The Growing Threat Of Totalitarian Governments
(01:33:08) How The Algorithm Knows It's Fake News
(01:38:01) Is Yuval Tempted To Log Off?
(01:41:52) Will Humans Become Two Species?
(01:44:00) What's The Solution To The Negatives Of AI?
(01:49:17) The Last Guest Question
Follow Yuval:
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You can pre-order Yuval’s book ‘NEXUS: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Wae95KONAMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
Get your hands on the brand new Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://appurl.io/iUUJeYn25v
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Does 10,000 hours make you a master, or have we been sold a lie? David Epstein provides the real solutions to boosting productivity and mastering skills
David Epstein is a journalist, speaker, and New York Times best-selling author of books such as, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’ and ‘The Sports Gene: Talent, Practice and the Truth About Success’.
In this conversation, David and Steven discuss topics such as, how to become more successful at work, the link between phone addiction and life challenges, how to master something new, and the importance of failure.
(00:00) Intro
(02:31) Why Do You Do What You Do?
(03:04) What Areas Of Self-Improvement Do You Focus On?
(05:33) How Can People Get Better
(06:16) The Connection Between Fulfillment And Growth
(08:06) How To Be Successful And Fulfilled
(12:18) How David Found His Purpose
(14:34) What Is The 10,000-Hour Rule?
(22:20) Why People Focus On Exceptions Rather Than The Norm
(24:46) How To Boost Productivity
(27:34) The Explore/Exploit Tradeoff
(33:11) How To Increase Productivity At An Individual Level
(36:27) Experiments You Should Be Running For Success
(38:00) What Is Steven Great At But Not Utilizing?
(40:23) David's Hidden Talents: What He's Not Using
(42:23) How To Become A Better Learner
(46:20) The Hypercorrection Effect
(47:35) Building Connections Through Knowledge
(54:06) What Is A Wicked Learning Environment?
(56:11) The Secret Behind Nintendo’s Success
(58:51) How Important Is Focus For Achieving Success?
(01:01:23) Is Music Hurting Your Concentration?
(01:05:58) The Impact Of Notifications On Your Brain
(01:09:52) Why General Learning Beats Specialization
(01:14:27) The Risks Of Specializing Too Early
(01:20:00) How To Discover And Pursue Your Passion
(01:22:28) Why Grit Is The Key To Success
(01:25:31) How To Achieve Flow In Your Passion
(01:27:29) Are Neurodivergent People Geniuses?
(01:34:44) Apple & General Magic: How Focus And Constraints Lead To Success
(01:38:32) Should We Be Concerned About AI?
(01:47:24) The Most Important Idea We Haven't Discussed Yet
(01:49:23) Can Trainability Be Measured?
(01:50:46) What Are Serial Innovators?
(01:54:11) The Most Important Idea In David's Work
(02:00:49) The Dangers Of Specialism
(02:04:33) What Is Your Biggest Fear & How Do You Plan To Face It
Follow David:
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You can purchase David’s book, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/HrmuHjgLtMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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According to Adam, procrastination is a natural part of the creative process, and rather than a method of avoiding hard work, it is a defence mechanism. Procrastination can be a method of protecting yourself against what you find to be psychologically challenging, or a way to avoid negative emotional feelings such as confusion, boredom, anxiety and fear. In order to beat procrastination, Adam says that you need to identify what negative emotions are stirred up by tasks that you consistently put off. Once you have identified these you can then change them by reframing them into a more interesting challenge.
Listen to the full episode here:
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link//vmPPQfk3rMb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//1rhbS0d3rMb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Adam: https://adamgrant.net/
Your brain shapes your reality, and your reality shapes your life. World famous neuroscientist Andrew Huberman gives you the brain hacks to take control of your reality and life
Andrew Huberman is a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the health and science podcast, ‘Huberman Lab’.
In this conversation, Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, how to break bad habits, the impact of pornography on the brain, how to increase dopamine levels quickly, and the best way to cure burnout.
(00:00) Intro
(02:41) What Is Your Mission In Life?
(05:55) How Andrew Huberman Became The Expert We Know Today
(29:06) Unlocking High Performance By Loving What You Do
(34:17) The Powerful Letter I Sent To My Parents
(38:35) What It Takes To Make A Big Life Change
(42:07) Neuroplasticity: How To Change Your Brain At Any Age
(51:20) How To Break A Bad Habit For Good
(01:00:44) Does Manifesting Actually Work?
(01:08:06) Can Competition Be Destructive To Your Growth?
(01:14:19) Understanding The Dopamine Loops In The Brain
(01:20:13) How Our Body’s Dynamic Systems Help Us Overcome Challenges
(01:26:09) Why More Is Not Always Better
(01:32:20) How To Raise Your Baseline Dopamine Levels
(01:33:33) Introverts vs Extroverts: Managing Your Energy Levels
(01:40:26) Replenish Your Energy
(01:46:34) The Importance Of Morning Sunlight For Your Health
(01:49:42) The Hidden Dangers Of Shift Work
(01:53:59) Understanding Food Addiction: Causes And Solutions
(02:07:02) Sleeping Patterns: Biology vs Bad Habits
(02:17:24) How Extreme Temperature Changes Affect Your Body
(02:20:59) Ads
(02:21:58) The Link Between Pornography And Dopamine
(02:36:37) What’s The Best Alternative To Pornography?
(02:42:58) The Surprising Link Between Fulfilment & Pornography Addiction
(02:49:04) Why Social Interactions Are Crucial For Mental Health
(03:00:51) How To Handle False Accusations
(03:10:13) How I Felt Through The Whole Process
(03:14:30) Why It’s Hard To Let Go And How To Overcome It
(03:30:24) I Was Forced Into Therapy
(03:45:18) Did You Thank Your Friends For Their Support?
(03:50:50) Lessons A 12 And 9-Year-Old Taught Me
(03:52:34) The Medicinal Effect Of Friendship
(03:55:59) What Is The True Meaning Of Life & Why Do You Exist?
Follow Andrew:
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You can pre-order Andrew’s book, ‘Protocols’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/9mouq1NCqMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
Follow me:
PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off
If love feels like magic, then Dr Orion is here to tell the truths behind the illusion
Dr Orion Taraban is a psychologist, host of the podcast ‘PsycHacks’, and the author of the book, ‘The Value Of Others: Understanding the Economic Model of Relationships to Get (and Keep) More of What You Want in the Sexual Marketplace'.
In this conversation, Dr Orion and Steven discuss topics such as, the importance of sex in relationships, the best way to use dating apps, how monogamy benefits men, and the impact of pornography on dating.
(00:00) Intro
(01:38) The Relationship & Sex Crisis
(04:01) How The Relationship Crisis Is Affecting Us
(06:07) Common Problems Men Are Facing In Modern Relationships
(06:56) Are Dating Apps Really Helping?
(07:31) The Crisis Of Masculinity: What Men Are Going Through
(08:21) How Gender Dynamics Have Shifted Over Time
(10:46) Andrew Tate And The Rise Of Performative Masculinity
(14:57) Why Men Need To Feel Needed In Relationships
(17:14) The Unique Challenges Women Face In Today's World
(18:05) My Professional Journey: What Led Me Here
(19:13) Understanding The Problems Both Men And Women Face
(21:19) Applying Business Strategies To Improve Relationships
(23:48) Why Women Seek Marriage: A Deeper Look
(27:10) Helping Men Improve Their Lives And Relationships
(29:38) How To Increase Your Attractiveness
(30:57) The Importance Of Surface Marketing In Dating
(33:52) How To Get Better At Meeting Women
(36:05) Tips For Men To Boost Their Attractiveness
(36:44) How Men Should Communicate Effectively
(40:26) Why You Don’t Need Money To Attract Women
(41:20) How I Completely Transformed My Life
(43:46) Tips On Keeping A Partner Long-Term
(46:19) Why A Relationship's First Crisis Is Crucial
(48:44) Why The Top 10% Of Men Are Having The Most Sex
(50:42) Is A Relationship An Exchange Of Value?
(53:43) How Our Communities Have Evolved Over Time
(56:25) Why Absence Can Be A Recipe For Better Sex
(58:35) Is Monogamy Natural? Exploring The Debate
(59:02) Is Gold Digging Just Another Transaction?
(01:04:34) Why Men Are Terrified Of Women
(01:07:07) What Really Happens To Beautiful People?
(01:09:35) How To Turn A No Into A Yes
(01:13:36) The Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Attracting Women
(01:15:37) The Most Effective Pickup Line I’ve Used
(01:18:11) How To Handle Interactions With Very Attractive Women
(01:21:36) Should Women Make The First Move? Here’s How
(01:25:02) What Is Love? Understanding This Complex Emotion
(01:29:08) The Impact Of Porn On Modern Relationships
(01:30:01) The OnlyFans Phenomenon: What It Means For Relationships
(01:34:27) Libido, Sex, And The Role Of Pornography
(01:38:53) How To Change A Man's Behavior For The Better
(01:45:33) Advice For Those Struggling To Find Love
(01:47:50) How AI Will Change Relationships Forever
(01:52:50) How To Be A Man In 2024: Key Insights
(01:57:54) Is Being Selfish The Key To Happiness?
(01:59:41) Dr. Orion's Selection Criteria Explained
(02:06:16) The Most Important Thing We Haven’t Discussed
(02:14:53) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer
Follow Dr Orion:
Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/oxoUC58LoMb
PsychHacks - https://g2ul0.app.link/YmonqmWbiMb
YouTube: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://amzn.to/4dwc71p
Spotify: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/42jhtE1biMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett
In this moment, clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula discusses the characteristics of narcissistic individuals and how to recognise if you are in a narcissistic relationship. According to Dr. Ramani, narcissists are typically entitled, self-centred, lack empathy, and are highly socially perceptive. Early in a relationship, they can be attentive and say all the right things, but Dr. Ramani says that a shift usually occurs midway through the relationship when they become distant and passive aggressive. Dr. Ramani explains that there are key signs you can look for to determine if you are in a narcissistic relationship. By paying attention to the ‘3 Rs’ - Ruminate, Regret, and Recall - you can acknowledge the unhealthy behaviour of your partner and free yourself from the relationship.
Listen to full episode here:
Apple - https://bit.ly/3T06y39
Spotify - https://bit.ly/3ADaFvG
Watch episode on Youtube - https://youtu.be/hTkKXDvSJvo?si=IaPSgnZc4FCAzTgQ
3 world-leading companies, 30 years of never-ending evolution: there is only one Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington is the founder of The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Thrive AI Health. She is also the author of 15 books such as, ‘Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success’ and ‘The Sleep Revolution’.
In this conversation, Arianna and Steven discuss topics such as, Arianna’s burnout breakdown, why she sold The Huffington Post, the benefits of redefining success, and the dangers of social media and phones.
(00:00) Intro
(00:03) Childhood Experiences That Shaped My Success
(02:18) Having Ambition From A Young Age
(04:04) My Journey To Becoming Cambridge's 3rd Female Student Union President
(05:49) Overcoming Overthinking
(06:42) Breaking Gender Norms Without Fear Of Failure
(09:46) The Core Message Of 'The Female Woman'
(10:45) Balancing Career And Family: Is It Possible?
(12:06) The Power Of Listening To Your Inner Self
(13:15) My Early Career Aspirations And Dreams
(14:40) How Bernard Levin Influenced My Career
(18:31) Bernard's Death
(19:55) The Impact Of Michael Huffington On My Life
(21:15) The Transformative Power Of Forgiveness
(21:57) The Story Behind The Huffington Post's Creation
(24:51) How The Huffington Post Overcame Terrible Initial Reviews
(26:46) Lessons From Roger Federer's Commencement Speech
(28:44) Launching A Tech Company In My Fifties
(31:03) Business Mistakes To Avoid As A Startup Founder
(34:38) The Serious Health Risks Of Sleep Deprivation
(36:44) The Importance Of Self-Care While Working Intensely
(38:17) Is Sacrificing Your Wellbeing Worse For Men Or Women?
(39:49) The 3rd Women's Revolution
(40:54) Do Women Experience Burnout Faster Than Men?
(42:16) The Health Impact Of Stressful Jobs
(43:28) Why Volunteering Reduces The Likelihood Of Job Quitting
(45:01) How My Life Changed After A Burnout Diagnosis
(47:11) How A Large Financial Windfall Changed My Life
(50:18) How Small Improvements Lead To Big Positive Changes
(55:06) The Biggest Mistakes I've Made In Business
(58:15) The Most Important Lessons From My Career
(01:01:02) What's The True Meaning Of Life?
(01:04:47) Coping With The Loss Of My First Child
(01:05:44) How To Keep Faith During Tough Times
(01:06:52) My Partner's Heroic Endeavors During World War II
(01:07:35) What My Mother Would Have Thought Of The Huffington Post
(01:08:45) How Increasing Wellbeing Boosts Business Productivity
(01:09:50) The Day My Mother Passed Away
(01:12:00) Life After My Mother's Death
(01:13:45) The Most Important Life Lessons I'd Share With You
(01:20:03) The Importance Of Entry Interviews In Hiring
(01:21:59) How To Address And Overcome Your Own Prejudices
(01:24:50) Key Leadership Qualities That Drive Success
(01:26:03) The Role Of Luck In Achieving Success
(01:29:09) Is It Luck, Hard Work, Or Intentionality That Drives Success?
(01:32:55) The Best Advice I Wish I Had Received
(01:34:56) Using Technology And AI For Positive Change
(01:40:39) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer
Follow Arianna:
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LinkedIn - https://g2ul0.app.link/dYovh7bYeMb
Thrive Global - https://g2ul0.app.link/s7OL4QIYeMb
You can buy Arianna’s book, ‘Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/jIsyETRYeMb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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In this moment, former Navy SEAL officer, Jocko Willink, discusses how to successfully build healthy habits and routines. Jocko is an expert in this area, having established a morning routine of waking up at either 4:30 or 4:45 a.m. every day. According to Jocko, there is no universal approach to establishing a new morning routine, and instead it is about finding what works best for you. While some people are early risers, others prefer to wake up later in the morning, and the best approach is to choose the routine that you can consistently maintain. The same principle applies to creating and sustaining an exercise routine, although Jocko recommends exercising in the morning to start your day in the right direction. Although Jocko has mastered consistency in his morning and exercise routine, he acknowledges that perfection isn’t the goal. Instead, you should embrace imperfection and focus on creating consistency and discipline in your life.
Listen to the full episode here -
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He was made an offer he couldn't refuse. From medical student to the most profitable mobster since Al Capone, this is the real story of the hidden mafia life.
Michael Franzese is an American former mafia member who served as a caporegime in the Colombo crime family. He is the best-selling author of books such as, ‘Blood Covenant’ and ‘I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse: Insider Business Tips from a Former Mob Boss’.
In this conversation, Michael and Steven discuss topics such as, how Michael ran the world’s biggest scam, how his father got him into the mafia, the reason Michael left a life of crime, and his experience of 21 months and 7 days in solitary confinement.
(00:00) Intro
(02:25) Who is Michael Franzese?
(04:27) Inside a Mafia Family
(06:32) My Dad Was A Mafia UnderBoss
(10:35) How the Mafia Family is Structured
(12:10) The History of the Colombo Family
(17:33) Mafia Family Wars
(18:50) What Happens at a Mafia Sitdown?
(20:51) How the Mafia Decides Who Lives and Who Dies
(21:20) Franzese’s Dad In Prison
(23:30) Joining the Mafia: How Michael Franzese Became a Made Man
(30:34) My Dad Was Involved in 35 Murders
(33:56) How Does The Mafia Kill People?
(36:15) Is There Mafia Training? What It Takes to Join
(39:49) Choosing The Mafia Over My Loved Ones
(40:56) The Mafia’s Manipulation Tactics
(43:15) Business Lessons from the Mafia
(44:58) How I Made Millions with the Gas Station Scam
(52:02) Swearing the Mafia Oath
(53:43) Why I Joined the Mafia
(55:18) Mafia Members: Killers vs Rule Followers
(57:52) Do We All Have the Instinct to Kill?
(59:51) How Seeing a Dead Body Changed My Life Forever
(01:05:20) “He Had To Kill His Father”
(01:09:31) The Moment My Dad Betrayed Me
(01:14:25) Was All the Money Illegal?
(01:15:33) How Mafia Life Helped My Business Success
(01:16:56) When Does Everything Come Crashing Down?
(01:21:51) How Easy Is It to Order a Murder in the Mafia
(01:23:53) Money Rules in the Mafia
(01:29:24) How the FBI Tracked My Bank Accounts
(01:30:31) Where I Hid My Mafia Money
(01:33:48) What It’s Really Like Behind Bars
(01:35:55) “I Was Kept in Solitary Confinement”
(01:38:24) How I Survived Solitary Confinement Without Losing My Mind
(01:42:46) How Power Is Maintained in the Mob
(01:44:36) My Dad Didn’t Stand Up for Me
(01:49:10) Reconnecting with My Father After Betrayal
(01:52:42) The Mafia Stories I Can’t Tell
(01:54:31) What I Struggle with
(01:55:51) What Do People Want To Know About You?
(01:59:24) Micromanaging
(02:03:08) The Last Guest Question
(02:05:30) Michael Franzese’s Closing Message to the Audience
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Are humans an endangered species? Just what can we do to survive extinction level challenges such as the sun, AI, or a nuclear war?
Dr Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist and former professor at Evergreen State College. He is the co-host of the podcast, ‘DarkHorse’, and the author of the book, ‘A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life’.
In this episode, Dr Bret and Steven discuss topics such as, the 5 existential threats of AI, the 2 best ways to prepare for nuclear war, how pornography is impacting sex and relationships, and the dangers of AI sex robots.
(00:00) Intro
(02:27) Why Humanity Will Be Extinguished
(04:39) Bret's Top Existential Concern for Our Planet
(08:04) Solar Flares and Their Potential Impact
(11:36) Understanding EMP Effects & The Catastrophic Effects
(13:48) The Earth's Magnetic Poles Are Switching!
(17:01) The Inversion of Earth's Poles: Is Humanity Prepared?
(18:57) What Does Anthropogenic Mean?
(21:16) The Two Major Disaster Scenarios
(28:11) How to Prepare for Global Catastrophes
(35:57) Should You Become a ‘Prepper’?
(42:31) Is Society on the Brink of Collapse?
(51:33) Are Institutions Woke or Not?
(52:36) The Evergreen College Incident: What Really Happened
(01:04:47) The Decline of Mainstream Media
(01:12:46) We SHOULD Be Worried About AI
(01:16:50) Are Governments Ignoring AI's True Impact on the Planet?
(01:20:31) The Critical Role of Language in Human Survival and Evolution
(01:28:22) How AI Will Transform Human Communication Forever
(01:30:19) Why Regulating AI Might Be the Worst Idea Ever
(01:32:14) Brain Chips: Are We Turning Into Cyborgs?
(01:36:23) AI Is Coming for Your Job: What You Need to Know
(01:39:11) The Safest Careers in an AI-Dominated Future
(01:45:02) Universal Basic Income: Hidden Consequences You Should Know
(01:52:48) The Failures of COVID-19
(01:56:50) What Is Gain-of-Function Research
(01:58:59) What Really Happened in Wuhan: The Untold Story
(02:00:54) Anthony Fauci's Involvement in COVID Origins
(02:05:58) How We Should Have Handled COVID-19 Differently
(02:12:53) Why Lockdowns Might Not Work in the Next Pandemic
(02:16:23) Life-Changing Advice for a Happier, Healthier You
(02:23:35) The Hidden Dangers of Pornography
(02:32:38) What Parents Are Getting Wrong
(02:38:52) The Guest's Final Question
Follow Bret:
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You can buy Dr Bret’s book, ‘A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/3ZxP1inm3Lb
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Is the path to gaining big riches through small easy secrets? Codie Sanchez breaks down the Wall Street wealth hacks she used to build her empire
Codie Sanchez is the founder and CEO of ‘Contrarian Thinking’, a company and newsletter that provides financial advice with over 2.5 million subscribers. She is also the author of the book, ‘Main Street Millionaire: How to Make Extraordinary Wealth Buying Ordinary Businesses’.
In this conversation, Codie and Steven discuss topics such as, the 32 rules for building wealth, the best way to invest your money, how to succeed in a job interview, and the secret to generational wealth.
(00:00) Intro
(02:28) Who Do You Want to Help Build Wealth?
(04:08) Why Your Message Really Matters
(06:16) How to Make More Money and Why It Counts
(07:50) Who Is Codie Sanchez?
(09:20) Top Advice for 20-Year-Olds
(11:41) Why You Must Work Harder in Your 20s
(13:05) How People Actually Make Money
(16:23) How to Attract Wealth
(18:53) Dealing With Money Imposter Syndrome
(21:25) Money and Gender: Key Differences
(22:51) Is Money a Masculine Thing?
(24:05) Building Wealth From Scratch
(26:40) How to Get a Rich Person’s Attention
(33:37) What to Do When You’re Starting Out
(35:52) Best Behaviors for Job Interviews
(39:10) Ask This to Make Employees More Money
(44:41) Salary vs. Owning a Business: Get Rich
(45:56) Where Should You Invest Your Money?
(50:54) 3 Smart Ways to Buy a Business
(55:28) What’s the Banister Effect?
(57:55) The One Skill for Major Success
(01:05:53) Why Obsessed People Win
(01:09:26) What’s a Drug Gateway Business?
(01:11:36) Buying “Boring” Businesses
(01:14:49) How to Avoid Bad Deals
(01:16:08) Where to Find Profitable Businesses
(01:19:30) Best Hacks to Own a Business Cheaply
(01:21:22) Is Your Business Failing? Fix It Now
(01:27:14) Why Retention Is Key in Business
(01:34:49) Turn Contacts Into Business Partners
(01:40:07) Cross-Pollination for Business Growth
(01:47:30) Ways to Maximize Your Income
(01:53:01) The Book You Need for Deals
(01:54:53) The Last Guest Question
Follow Codie:
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You can pre-order Codie’s book, ‘Main Street Millionaire’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/DbLLh1N8ULb
You can learn more about the 130+ businesses you could purchase using Codie’s investing framework, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Nz9JXw18ULb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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In this moment, world-renowned trauma expert, Paul Conti discusses the different forms that trauma can take.
Paul defines trauma as anything that overwhelms your coping mechanisms, which in turn changes the structure of your brain.
Trauma can be broken down into 3 types: acute, chronic, or vicarious.
Acute is a very evident type of trauma, and the one most people think of, this includes PTSD. Chronic trauma occurs over a longer period of time, and includes racism, bullying and neglect. Finally, vicarious trauma is the trauma people can get due to empathising with another person’s trauma and feeling their pain.
Paul also outlines the hypothesis of ‘multiple hit’ trauma. This is the idea that after multiple traumas it can became too much for a person to cope with, and even a small trauma can then push a person over the edge. This hypothesis completely disproves the idea that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/CtWAMbYKTLb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/TIVYc9ZjNu
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Paul: https://drpaulconti.com/
Crossing oceans, deserts, national borders, and finally the entrance to the UFC ring, you've never heard a journey like Francis Ngannou's
Francis Ngannou is a martial artist, professional boxer, and Lineal Combat Sports Heavyweight World Champion. He became UFC Heavyweight Champion in 2021 and holds an MMA record of 17 wins and 12 victories by knockout.
In this conversation, Francis and Steven discuss topics such as, Francis’ painful childhood, how Francis worked in a sand mine aged 10 and dreamt of boxing, his struggle to find a place to train, and the death of his 15-month-old son.
(00:00) Intro
(02:13) My Childhood: Surviving on Less Than $1000 a Year
(06:17) Overcoming Struggles in Rural Cameroon
(12:52) My Dream of Becoming a Professional Boxer
(14:59) Choosing a Different Path Than My Father
(17:27) Growing Up with a Violent Father
(18:11) Coping with My Father's Death at 15
(19:57) Wishing for One More Day with My Dad
(24:22) The Struggles Of Chasing My Boxing Dream
(25:30) The INSANE Journey to Reach Europe
(28:41) How We Survived the Sahara Desert!
(32:47) The Hardest Part of My Journey
(34:59) Waiting to Cross the Border
(36:53) Two Ways Out: Swimming the Ocean or Climbing the Barbed Wire Fence
(42:15) Six Attempts to Cross the Sea in a Dinghy
(49:02) Months of Survival in the Forest
(50:56) Evading Police Radars
(58:26) Calling the Red Cross for Help
(01:02:60) Two Months in a Detention Center
(01:05:07) Surviving on 50 Euros
(01:07:49) My Coach's Support: A Place to Stay and Guidance
(01:10:15) My First Experience with MMA
(01:11:12) Facing Rejection: No One Wanted to Fight Me in Paris
(01:12:40) How I Made It to the UFC
(01:14:20) My First Fight in America
(01:16:04) Winning the UFC Heavyweight Title
(01:21:10) The Conversation with Dana White
(01:24:31) How the Contract Took My Freedom
(01:27:44) The UFC Contract and Its Clauses
(01:29:40) Tyson Fury vs. Francis Ngannou
(01:32:41) My Future Goals in Fighting
(01:34:53) Ads
(01:35:51) The Truth Behind the Anthony Joshua vs. Francis Ngannou Fight
(01:43:17) Coping with the Death of My Baby Son
(01:47:29) Going Through Grief
(01:52:37) Returning to Cameroon
(01:59:05) The Last Guest Question
Follow Francis:
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Quicker decision making and faster reaction times, here's how you sleep like an Olympian
Dr Cheri Mah is a sleep scientist and Professor at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Centre, specialising in the relationship between sleep and performance in elite athletes.
In this conversation, Dr Cheri and Steven discuss topics such as, the sleep hacks of elite athletes, the link between alcohol and bad sleep, how to hack naps, and how sleep can improve your sex life.
(0:00) Intro
(01:32) What do you do and why do you do it?
(03:55) Who do you work with?
(06:39) What are the misconceptions about sleep?
(10:19) Study that increases performance by 12%
(13:44) NBA players losing based on schedule
(16:36) Players who slept more sprinted faster
(18:22) Athletes who have changed their careers by focusing on sleep
(21:38) Where to start getting better sleep?
(22:51) Does sound/music hurt sleep quality?
(23:52) Does temperature matter?
(25:47) Food timing for better sleep
(28:42) The food to eat before bed that will destroy your sleep
(33:36) What to do for a racing mind?
(35:07) What is the parasympathetic nervous system?
(39:13) Emotional link to better sleep
(41:17) Perception change on the importance of sleep
(43:34) Cognitive performance and sleep
(47:22) Sleep debt and how it works
(51:55) Muscle memory and its connection to sleep
(53:48) What's a nappucino?
(55:18) Do naps work?
(56:52) Is the snooze button bad?
(59:43) Are there different chronotypes?
(01:02:19) Does school start too early for kids?
(01:03:55) What parents should know
(01:06:20) Sleeping travel tips
(01:10:46) Sleeping drugs
(01:13:34) Does sex before sleep hurt quality of sleep?
(01:15:07) What is the most popular question Cheri Mah gets asked?
(01:17:54) How common is sleep apnea?
(01:19:47) What excuses do we hear for prioritizing sleep?
(01:21:25) Sleep and injury proneness
(01:23:08) Waking up early makes Steven hungry
(01:25:05) Is waking up in the middle of the night normal?
(01:26:38) How much does alcohol affect my sleep?
(01:27:43) Guests last question
Follow Dr Cheri:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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In this moment, award-winning serial entrepreneur Daniel Priestley discusses effective strategies for accumulating assets to build wealth. According to Daniel, it is essential to create a diverse portfolio of assets, such as a strong personal brand or a vibrant company culture, because income naturally follows assets. Daniel also discusses the importance of investing your disposable income in personal development, such as taking courses to enhance essential skills, as well as in your personal relationships. One of the ways that you can strengthen your connections is by hosting dinner parties or taking successful mentors out for lunch. By investing in your relationships, you are not just learning new skills from a mentor, but you are also opening doors to potential income opportunities in the future.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/npzlzOSpILb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/Ph1YlcXpILb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Daniel: https://danielpriestley.com/
Because you watched Diary Of A CEO: the path to Netflix's $300 billion empire
Marc Randolph is the co-founder and former CEO of Netflix, he is also the author of the international bestseller, ‘That Will Never Work' and the host of the podcast of the same name.
In this conversation, Marc and Steven discuss topics such as, the importance of pride in work, the pitch that almost ruined Netflix, how Marc overcame $50 million of debt, and the one decision that saved Netflix.
(0:00 Intro)
(01:37) What’s your mission?
(03:12) Why did you write this book?
(04:25) Your journey to Netflix, what got you there?
(07:51) Meeting your Netflix co-founder
(09:28) Searching for a business idea
(13:03) How to know if you’ve got a winning business idea
(17:45) The importance of stress testing your idea
(22:11) Being too romantic about your idea
(25:19) Netflix’s early years
(32:12) Exploring the potential of selling to Amazon
(36:44) What was Jeff like in 1999?
(37:29) Stepping down as CEO
(46:21) What was it that he had that he thought was better?
(47:41) Having tough conversations
(51:37) What makes Reed so successful?
(52:55) Hard work: does it matter?
(59:14) How to find the perfect product-market fit
(01:03:11) The moment Netflix turned on subscriptions it changed everything
(01:10:36) How many tests should we be conducting?
(01:12:16) Getting employees to conduct more tests
(01:14:24) Your dad passing away
(01:19:58) The dot-com crash
(01:24:01) Getting the call from Blockbuster to buy Netflix
(01:30:37) Blockbuster nearly took Netflix down, until their CEO left
(01:34:41) Leaving Netflix
(01:39:47) Netflix culture
(01:50:57) Your relationship and commitment to date nights
(01:57:13) The last guest’s question
Follow Marc:
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You can purchase Marc’s book, ‘That Will Never Work’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/jeSxs0R1FLb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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The REAL truth about the Trump assassination attempt from former CIA spy
Andrew Bustamante is a former covert CIA intelligence officer and US Air Force combat veteran. He is the founder of Everyday Spy, an online education platform that provides people with useful spy skills for everyday life. He is also the host of the ‘Everyday Spy Podcast’.
In this episode, Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, how to make a successful business sale, the myths around company culture, the key steps to manipulation, and the truth about Trump’s assassination attempt.
(00:00) Intro
(00:01:29) What is Andrew doing now?
(00:04:08) What is every day spy?
(00:06:49) Your perspective on the world before the CI
(00:09:35) Why the CIA chose Andrew?
(00:12:10) Is there anything we can do once we know there's a system
(00:18:25) The importance of awareness in our society
(00:19:40) Living in a state of your own barriers
(00:23:53) 'Cheating' in the context of cheating
(00:25:57) How to break free of the system
(00:28:10) Knowledge, information & experience
(00:29:40) Real life examples of how you've helped people
(00:30:50) How to train people to have perception and perspective
(00:37:58) Getting into someone else's perspective
(00:40:49) Asking open-ended questions to get into someone's reality
(00:46:27) We should gamble on our lives when the odds are in our favor
(00:50:05) Who can't be taught these CIA skills
(00:51:56) Reaching an equal point with China
(00:53:39) What history tells us about changing superpowers
(00:56:53) Is the war in Ukraine & Russia a symptom of a change in power?
(00:59:19) Current State of US politics, there's only one person that can beat Trump
(01:06:40) Was Trump's shooting a staged assassination?
(01:13:46) The CIA does have history
(01:15:49) If that bullet had hit Donald Trump, how would things be different
(01:19:04) How to bend the world for success
(01:22:38) CIA skills for overcoming trauma
(01:27:04) How do we know if we're wired for success?
(01:33:08) What is your favorite case study?
(01:36:29) How do we influence people?
(01:39:38) The influence framework
(01:43:38) Know, like, trust framework
(01:46:48) The power of polarity, what marketing strategy builds more influence
(01:53:54) How to persuade someone
(02:01:23) How to get any job
(02:13:30) The R.I.C.E framework
(02:26:20) The 4 Cs of influence
(02:31:17) What a great leader does
(02:33:46) The core components of a great leader
(02:36:16) Seeing every interaction as a transaction
(02:41:21) Your book
Want to learn more from Andy?
Find your Spy Superpower: https://yt.everydayspy.com/DOAC
Follow Andy on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Andrew-Bustamante
Explore Spy School: https://everydayspy.com/
Join the podcast: https://youtube.com/@EverydaySpyPodcast
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Vodafone V-Hub: https://www.vodafone.co.uk/business/sme-business/steven-bartlett-digital-sos?cid=dsp-ent/nprod/Stevenbartlett01/eng/7.24/ntst
In this moment with best-selling author and world renowned thinker Robert Greene, he discusses the importance of body language and nonverbal communication. Robert says this form of communication is one that you cannot lie about, as we have a deeply rooted human and emotional response to it. Body language isn’t just one subtle gesture, but hundreds of different small signs, from a look, a gesture, to the complete vibe a person gives off. Even when people try to fake their body language, a good observer can always tell, from someone looking you in the eye but with their mind elsewhere, a tone of voice that reveals a persons lack of confidence, to a fake smile that is proven false compared to a genuine smile. Sometimes the clearest reveal is the micro expression someone unwillingly shows in the fraction of a second before they put on the act of who they want to appear to be.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/1g3gdB4nwLb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/HX66M4jowLb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Robert: https://powerseductionandwar.com/
The REAL cure to heart disease, and other medical secrets revealed
Dr Aseem Malhotra is a consultant cardiologist based at the HUM2N clinic in London. He is the best-selling author of books including, ‘The Pioppi Diet’, ‘The 21-Day Immunity Plan’, and ‘A Statin-Free Life’.
In this conversation, Dr Aseem and Steven discuss topics such as, the link between heart disease and poor diet, the truth about heart disease medication, the dangers of over-exercising, and the harm of medical misinformation.
(00:00) Intro
(02:24) The title for your book, why?
(04:58) Your professional title
(07:00) Why did you decide to specialise in the heart?
(09:11) How many people are dying because of unhealthy hearts?
(11:01) Why do women get fewer heart diseases?
(11:36) The NHS failed you, how?
(15:21) How could these deaths have been avoided
(19:48) The vaccine causing body and heart inflammation
(27:01) Being accused of spreading misinformation
(29:23) The harm of the vaccine
(33:57) Responding to the British Heart Foundation comments
(36:48) Our lifestyle choices contribute to our heart problems
(40:00) Did the vaccine have a net negative result?
(42:56) COVID was a lab leak
(45:11) The drug companies misleading us
(48:32) Do you think there would have been less death without the vaccine?
(50:23) The government said the vaccine will protect us from COVID...
(53:28) Is it a malicious action from the government?
(55:44) How are we meant to trust the government if this happens again?
(01:02:03) How do we know who's telling the truth?
(01:06:53) What is it like to be attacked constantly?
(01:11:41) What causes heart disease?
(01:17:13) How to stop heart disease
(01:24:24) The shocking truth about statins
(01:31:21) The average amount of sugar consumed
(01:37:02) Are you hopeful we can overcome our sugar addictions?
(01:38:02) Ultra-processed foods need to be treated like the new tobacco
(01:39:16) How much is the average American increasing their risk of getting heart disease?
(01:42:53) Stress is a silent killer
(01:48:11) What should my daily routine be for a healthy heart?
(01:49:01) Fasting for optimising our health
(01:51:18) Is there such a thing as too much exercise?
(01:53:10) Exercise doesn't help with weight loss
(01:53:59) The importance of socialising on our health
(01:54:52) Why you need to start hugging more
(01:57:21) What do you think your dad would be thinking?
(01:59:01) The power of conversation
(02:01:52) The last guest question
Follow Dr Aseem:
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You can purchase Dr Aseem’s book, ‘A Statin-Free Life’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Q4wBBaHxuLb
Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Mq1EUrg5uLb
Learn more about Dr Aseem’s film, ‘First Do No Pharm’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/oDCFIbt5uLb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Are humans destined to grow old and frail? With these ultimate ageing hacks you gain turn back the clock and transform your life
Dr Vonda Wright is an orthopaedic sports medicine surgeon and host of the health and fitness podcast, ‘HOT for Your Health’. She is also the author of books such as, ‘Dr. Wright’s Guide to THRIVE’, ‘Fitness After 40’, and ‘Younger in 8 Weeks’.
In this conversation, Dr Vonda and Steven discuss topics such as, how to burn belly fat in 30-seconds, the number one vitamin for bone health, the devastating impact of weight gain on your joints, and how to reach peak muscle mass.
(0:00) Intro
(01:32) I Want Everyone To Have A Healthy Ageing Process
(05:04) Your Ageing Mindset Is The Cause Of Your Health Decline
(07:19) This Is When You’ll Start Having Life-Threatening Diseases
(10:04) What's Your Academic Background
(11:11) What's Orthopedic Surgery?
(12:34) The Importance Of Healthy Mind During An Injury Recovery
(16:07) Taking Care Of The Whole Person Not Just Their Disease
(22:01) How I Changed My View On Death
(24:05) Extending Your Health Span
(26:24) Why You Need To Look After Your Bones & Muscles At 30-40s
(30:01) What's Lean Muscle Mass?
(35:58) What's The Best Exercise Regime To Stay Young
(40:26) The Importance Of Strong Muscles When Old
(41:42) The Sedentary Death Syndrome
(43:41) 80% Of The Population Will Have Back Problems
(46:05) How To Avoid Future Body Aches
(47:11) What To Do About Body Stiffness
(48:47) What's Static Stretching?
(51:45) Can We Revert Joint Pain?
(54:08) Don't Do This When You Exercise!
(59:21) Losing Abdominal Fat
(01:02:02) Can We Get As In Shape As When We Were 25?
(01:04:57) How Cristiano Ronaldo Stays That Fit & Healthy
(01:07:04) Sugar Impact On Our Body
(01:10:11) How To Apply All These Knowledge To One's Self
(01:15:18) Vitamin D Supplements
(01:18:12) Strengthening Our Bone Structure
(01:21:47) What To Do If You Have Weak Bones?
(01:22:46) Our Biology Is Ticking Over
(01:30:43) Findings About Muscles
(01:33:19) Comfort Is Making Us Age
(01:36:23) How Does Menopause Affect Our Musculoskeletal Functioning
(01:38:32) What Is Menopause?
(01:48:46) How To Keep Healthy And Strong
(01:55:22) What Makes Your Glucose Spike?
(01:56:23) What's A Simple Carb?
(01:59:04) The Importance Of A Good VO2 Max
(02:01:36) Last Guest Question
Follow Dr Vonda:
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YouTube: You can purchase Dr Vonda’s book, ‘Fitness After 40: Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60, and Beyond’, here: https://amzn.to/3S9xbCk
Spotify: You can purchase Dr Vonda’s book, ‘Fitness After 40: Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60, and Beyond’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/pgnyRbRVkLb
Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/F7QqG7WDhLb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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In this moment, world-renowned philosopher and thinker Alain De Botton discusses how communication can lead to a better sex life. Alain says sex is like a mirror to the relationship as a whole. If something is wrong with a couples sex life, it’s usually a symptom of a wider problem. He says that a first step towards a more fulfilling sex life is reflecting on how you are as a partner. Being open about yourself in a relationship is the best way to create mutual trust, which means that you can ‘tease’ out any issue in a relationship. This then leads to being open with one another sexually.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/v1foloy7kLb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/5NT1dmK7kLb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Alain: https://www.alaindebotton.comm
WARNING: this episode will teach you everything you would learn in a business degree, saving you $200,000 and 10,000 hours
Josh Kaufman is a renowned business expert and the author of the international best-selling book, ‘The Personal MBA’ which has sold over 900,000 copies worldwide. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The First 20 Hours’, and ‘How to Fight a Hydra’.
In this conversation, Josh and Steven discuss topics such as, the 5 laws of business, how to turn $100 into $10k, the psychological tactics of millionaires, and how to make money in your sleep.
00:00 Intro
02:00 Why Did You Write The Personal MBA
04:32 What Is An MBA?
10:30 Should You Do A MBA?
14:19 How Difficult Is Starting And Running A Business?
16:57 First Steps To Setting Up A Business
19:29 Loads Of Business Are Finding Problems To Solve
27:49 How To Give Value To The End Consumer
35:47 How Do You Find Out If Your Idea Is Good?
39:11 This Is The Wrong Approach When Starting A Business
40:49 Why Should You Start With Value?
42:35 How To Market
44:04 Psychology & Marketing
46:06 Creating A Drive In The Marketing Strategy
48:23 Think Different
50:52 Be Brave To Do Something Completely Different
58:39 How To Become A Good Marketer
01:00:31 The Sales Piece In Any Business
01:04:38 Customer Service Matters
01:06:09 The Sales Framework
01:13:06 How Important Is Hiring?
01:14:50 What Role Does Competition Play?
01:19:09 Let's Talk Money
01:24:17 What Numbers Should I Pay Attention To?
01:26:35 Experimenting
01:34:55 Every Complex System Starts In A Simple Way
01:39:06 Mastering A Job
01:43:54 Ten Major Principles To Learn Anything
01:55:24 Removing Any Friction In The Process
02:01:38 Last Guest Question
Follow Josh:
Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/SznbYyhi9Kb
YouTube: You can purchase Josh’s book, ‘How to Fight a Hydra’, here: https://amzn.to/4f1qJa4
Spotify: You can purchase Josh’s book, ‘How to Fight a Hydra’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/igsXEtci9Kb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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In this moment, elite sport psychologist, Professor Steve Peters discusses the way to overcome low self-esteem. Often low self-esteem manifests itself outwardly in abusive relationships, the wrong career, and impulsive behaviours. Dr Peters says these are ‘maladaptive coping strategies’, where you are punishing yourself, thinking that you don’t deserve to treat yourself well, as you believe that you fundamentally don’t deserve happiness. Dr Peters says the solution can be as simple as getting a blank piece of paper and writing down who you want to be, and what behaviours you want to have. He says that this exercise works, as once you remove the interference of your mind, this person you hope to become is actually you, as you are defining yourself.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/z1I1IZ8k9Kb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/8Mn7QU2k9Kb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Professor Steve Peters: https://chimpmanagement.com/professor-steve-peters/
The millionaire entrepreneur revealing Wall Street's secrets and simplifying finance for the masses
Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at the New York Stern School of Business and host of the ‘Pivot’ podcast about technology and business. He is also the best-selling author of books such as, ‘The Algebra of Happiness’, ‘The Four’, and ‘The Algebra of Wealth’.
In this conversation, Scott and Steven discuss topics such as, billionaire money hacks, the 6 fundamental rules of investing, how to make $7 million from nothing, and how marriage can make you rich.
00:00 Intro
02:00 Why Some Become More Rich Than Others
03:15 Where Do We Learn About Money?
08:43 Where Would We Be Without Those Connections?
13:04 No Matter How Old You Are You Can Still Make More Money
20:21 When To Take Risks And When To Diversify
23:27 Should We Go For Our Dream Jobs?
27:05 Having Money Is Fun!
31:18 Why Should You Have A Number Of How Much Money You Need?
32:41 How To Make 9-Figures
37:18 Where You Should Live To Be Financially Successful
40:02 How Do You Get Out Of Your Current Job Situation
42:39 Good Places To Make Money Vs Bad Places To Make Money
45:19 How Do You Find A Mentor?
49:10 The Psychological Formula For Networking
56:58 How To Be A Great Decision Maker
01:01:48 Is Marriage Good For Wealth?
01:03:39 Relationship Investing Is The Key To Wealth
01:06:17 Can Anyone Start A Company?
01:08:11 The Power Of Storytelling
01:10:01 How Does The Average Person Develop The Skill Of Storytelling?
01:12:54 What Is The Algebra To Storytelling?
01:16:25 How Has Scott Changed Over The Years?
01:18:56 Where Should I Invest My Money?
01:27:12 Investing $1000 A Month In S&P Visual
01:30:42 Is Real Estate Worth Investing In?
01:34:59 Playing The Tax Game
01:41:37 The Importance Of Tax Advice
01:43:53 Last Guest Question
Follow Scott:
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You can purchase Scott’s book, ‘The Algebra of Wealth’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/g6AkFeRC7Kb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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500,000 men are dying by suicide, and 6% of men are unemployed, is masculinity in crisis? And what is the cure?
Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and President of the American Institute for Boys and Men, an organisation that researches and addresses issues affecting men. He is also the author of the book, ‘Of Boys and Men’.
In this conversation, Richard and Steven discuss topics such as, the rising rates of male suicide rates, the health benefits of marriage for men, the toxic impact of Andrew Tate, and the relationship crisis among men.
0:00 (Intro)
(01:24) Why Dedicating Your Career To Men's Issues
(03:54) What's Your Background?
(06:06) The Crazy Stats That Made You Research This Topic
(08:07) We're Going Through A Cultural Revolution
(12:32) We Need A New Way To Approach This
(17:12) Are Men And Women Differently?
(21:07) Men Take More Risks
(26:17) Unconscious Behaviours Of Men
(34:11) Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men
(38:44) Why Is This Suicide Increasing?
(42:47) Why Do Humans Feel Like They Need To Be Needed?
(46:59) Why Men Feel Less Needed
(49:43) Does Retirement Kill You?
(54:43) We're Losing Connection In Our Modern Society
(57:42) The Dating Environment Has Changed
(01:05:23) Are Dating Apps Being Unfavourable To Men?
(01:09:41) Is Marriage In Decline?
(01:12:51) Births Are Increasing Outside Of Marriage
(01:13:56) Is Marriage Better For Women Or Men?
(01:15:59) Enforced Monogamy
(01:17:55) Why Andrew Tate Converted To Islam
(01:20:47) Women Economic Power
(01:22:56) What Do You Think About The Word Toxic Masculinity
(01:27:08) There Is A Friendship Male Recession
(01:31:38) Men Shed's Movement
(01:33:48) My Experience With Couples Therapy
(01:36:30) The Hard Times Of Going Through Couples Therapy
(01:40:25) How Masculinity Can Be Expressed
(01:47:42) What Advice You'd Give Your Children
(01:53:58) Using Our Voices To Make Men Be Heard
(02:01:22) The Last Guest Question
You can buy Richard’s book, ‘Of Boys And Men’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/BGBtdbitXKb
Follow Richard:
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Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9iup1brtXKb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
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In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, you gain insights into their ideology, providing you with useful information for future sales.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Andrew: https://everydayspy.com/
It's the most effective weight loss drug ever, but could it have other miraculous benefits?
Dr Tyna Moore is a certified Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician and expert in holistic regenerative medicine. She is also the host of ‘The Dr Tyna Show’ Podcast and founder of the ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course about the benefits of the drug.
In this conversation, Dr Tyna and Steven discuss topics such as, how Ozempic saved Tyna’s mother’s life, the link between Ozempic and fertility, Ozempic's impact on alcoholism, and how Ozempic can boost your sex drive.
00:00 Intro
02:06 What Is Tina's Mission?
03:33 What Is a Naturopathic Doctor?
05:13 What Is Metabolic Dysfunction?
10:17 Tina's Most Surprising Case Studies
12:45 What Treatment Did You Prescribe Your Mother?
15:47 Tina's Health History
19:28 Discovering Ozempic
27:57 What Is Ozempic?
32:14 Tina's Use of Ozempic
38:17 The Untold Story of Ozempic
41:26 Other Benefits of Ozempic
50:36 Ozempic the Cancer Cure?
54:45 Mental Health Connections to Ozempic
57:14 Sexual Health and Fertility Impact
01:00:58 Where Is Metabolic Dysfunction Coming From?
01:05:04 What Advice You'd Give Someone With PCOS
01:10:13 Microdosing Examples
01:15:07 Microdosing Ozempic
01:20:34 Is Ozempic a Cure for Addiction?
01:23:56 Ozempic and the Dopamine Pathways
01:27:34 Should We Be Concerned About Side Effects?
01:30:18 What Are the Downsides of the Treatment?
01:32:42 What Else You Need to Do for Weight Loss if Microdosing
01:35:30 Losing Muscle as We Age, Fact?
01:36:37 The Sleep Component
01:38:44 Mindset for Weight Loss
01:40:36 The Benefits of Saunas
01:42:34 What Would Tyna Say to the World?
01:46:57 How to Find Out More About Tyna's Work
01:54:06 Guest's Last Question
You can sign up to Tyna’s ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/SzO8olaUTKb
Follow Tyna:
Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1jWIP6cUTKb
YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/TDLQu8fUTKb
Learn more about the studies mentioned, here:
Ozempic and cardiovascular disease - https://g2ul0.app.link/acj4iubuVKb
Ozempic and colorectal cancer - https://g2ul0.app.link/ZFpVdfduVKb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
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ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off
Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed
Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.
In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities.
00:00 Intro
02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions
04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background
06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre?
08:01 Why Dr. Guy Chose To Study Sleep
09:19 Is Sleep Important?
11:24 Why We Need Sleep For Good Health
12:59 A Large Percent Of The Population Has Insomnia
17:05 What Is Narcolepsy
18:03 What's Causing So Many Sleep Problems?
21:06 What's The Perfect Sleeping Habit?
24:36 Sleep Quantity Variance Per Person
28:27 The Link Between Sleep And Weight Gain
31:44 Circadian Rhythms Explained
36:17 Blue Lights
39:34 The Main Reasons People Are Struggling With Their Sleep
44:35 Sleep Myths
46:15 Chronotypes
47:55 Where To Start Fixing Sleep Problems
51:25 The Rise Of Sleep Trackers
58:28 What Is The Glymphatic System?
01:01:50 The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Alzheimer's
01:02:54 Medicating To Help Sleep
01:04:38 Side Effects Of Melatonin
01:06:05 Non-Medical Alternatives To Help Sleep
01:14:38 Surgery To Fix Sleeping Issues
01:17:49 What Would Brain Scans Reveal About Sleep Deprivation
01:19:40 Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Mood
01:21:11 Can Parts Of Our Brain Be Asleep?
01:22:47 Dreaming
01:25:08 Nightmares Explained
01:25:54 Why Do We Remember Some Dreams And Not Others?
01:28:12 Most Upsetting Sleep Disorder Dr. Guy Has Seen
01:31:42 The Sleepwalking Murderer
01:33:51 There Is Help For Insomnia
01:35:18 The Different Types Of Insomnia
01:36:42 The Man Who Tasted Words
01:39:33 Autism And Synesthesia
01:42:22 Are We Guilty Of Crimes If We Are Mentally Ill?
01:45:01 Interventions To Help The Criminally Mentally Ill
01:46:40 Crazy Stories Resulting From A Brain Disorder
01:52:47 How Meeting People With Brain Disorders Has Changed Dr. Guy
01:54:22 Guest's Last Question
You can purchase Guy’s books, here:
‘Seven Deadly Sins’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/aoUzRBkJNKb
‘The Nocturnal Brain’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/iLrSJxzKNKb
‘The Secret World of Sleep’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/W8nPXVCKNKb
Follow Guy:
Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/CCqOwVnJNKb
Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/YC1itGqJNKb
You can learn more about the study on light exposure patterns, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/2SQaT1KKNKb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
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You might have heard the phrase ‘circadian rhythm’ a lot but never really understood what it meant. In this moment, world-renowned human performance expert, Kristen Holmes gives a simple break down of this rhythm and its massive impacts. Kirsten says that the circadian rhythm is basically physical, mental and behavioral changes that happen over a 24 hour cycle. All of these changes are controlled by a master clock in your brain regulating every cell in your body through chemical signals. Disrupting this rhythm can cause massive health consequence such as cancer, metabolic and cardiovascular disease, as well as mental health issues. The main cause of disruption is from light which confuses the brain’s master clock, this means that you often have to fight aspects of modern life and make sure you protect your sleep by controlling your home environment
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/cN1kzWoXLKb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/kO45FhmXLKb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Unlocked: The hidden healing powers of fasting for your heart, hormones, and health.
Dr Mindy Pelz is a world-renowned fasting and women’s health expert, specifically focusing on metabolic fasting, and the host of ‘The Resetter Podcast’. She is also the author of best-selling books such as, ‘The Reset Factor’, ‘The Menopause Reset’, ‘Fast Like A Girl’, and ‘Eat Like A Girl’.
In this conversation, Mindy and Steven discuss topics such as, the secret to losing 18 pounds in 2 months, how to actually strip belly fat, the toolbox you need for optimal health, and ‘nature’s Ozempic’ for weight loss.
00:00 Intro
02:14 Impact From The Last Episode
05:00 Impact Of The Book Globally
09:15 What Is Fasting?
13:40 We're Sold Dangerous Food As Safe
15:24 How To Read A Food Label To Know If It's Harmful For Us
17:35 What About Eating Frequency?
19:32 What Is Calorie Restrictive Eating?
21:00 Your Thoughts On Ozempic As A Tool For Weightloss
27:12 Are We Choosing Comfort Over Hardwork?
32:52 Ketos And The Ketogenic Diet
34:23 How Long Do I Need To Fast To Switch To Fat Burning?
35:50 Can You Have Liquids When Fasting?
36:31 Common Myths And Mistakes About Intermittent Fasting
41:35 How Does Fasting Affect The Microbiome?
47:34 The Benefits Of Fasting
49:48 When Shouldn't Women Fast?
52:04 The Impact Of Fasting Before Menstruation
53:01 The Rise In Menstrual Cycle Changes
55:03 Accommodations For Women In The Workplace
58:04 Let's Talk Apple Cider Vinegar
01:00:48 When Should We Be Eating?
01:02:44 Recommendations For Weightloss And Repair
01:04:25 Cancer Feeding Foods
01:07:03 What Is An Obesegen?
01:10:10 Ozempic Is Not The Way To Solve The Obesity Crisis
01:11:59 How Would Mindy Fix The Food System?
01:16:19 Can Fasting Help Our Body Heal?
01:20:55 Is Protein Really That Good?
01:25:12 How Important Is Our Liver?
01:31:05 Daily Routines For Checking Your Body Is Functioning Well
01:33:43 We Are Getting Less Nutrients From Our Crops
01:37:57 Is Alcohol Good For Us?
01:45:24 Is There A Link Between Oxytocin And Diet?
01:49:00 The Loneliness Epidemic
01:49:12 The DOAC Health Toolbox
01:57:08 Last Guest Question
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You can pre-order Mindy’s book, ‘Eat Like a Girl: 100+ Delicious Recipes’, here: https://hayhs.com/elag_pp_hc_az
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You can purchase The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Beating sickness and bearing the elements, these are just 2 of the evolutionary powers The Iceman says we can all unlock
Wim Hof is a Dutch extreme sports athlete and multiple Guinness World Record holder who is best known for his ability to withstand extremely cold temperatures. He is also the author of the best-selling book, ‘The Wim Hof Method’.
In this conversation, Wim and Steven discuss topics such as, how he supercharged his immune system, the trauma of his wife’s death, the top 3 techniques for breathing, and how the cold helps you uncover your true self.
(00:00) Intro
(01:50) What is Wim's Mission
(04:13) Society's problems in the modern day
(05:45) The impact of the Wim Hof Method
(08:34) We need more discomfort, we've engineered out discomfort
(10:06) When did this start for Wim
(13:35) Your first experience with cold water
(14:25) What spiritual questions did the cold water answer?
(15:20) Being outside of society
(17:01) What is a life force
(19:15) Why don't we believe in ourselves?
(21:46) Falling in love
(26:46) Dealing with the grief of losing loved ones
(29:57) Telling your children their mother has passed
(31:32) The power of breathing exercises
(38:50) Breathing exercises unlock trauma
(49:22) Controlling stress through breathing
(54:09) Fighting off a virus with your mind
(57:00) Modern healing does not serve us
(01:01:19) Teaching Steven the method
(01:10:14) Where did Wim learn the method
(01:11:10) The power of the mind
(01:15:48) How do you train someone to stop becoming a victim of their mind?
(01:18:09) The ice bath
(01:23:34) Back to the studio
(01:27:15) Seeking discomfort
(01:29:23) Wim's routine
(01:35:45) How do you find your purpose?
(01:39:26) Last question
Please speak to your doctor or physician ahead of attempting any type of extreme cold water treatment and only partake in a safe, controlled environment under expert guidance
Follow Wim:
Instagram - https://bit.ly/4baD08X
Twitter - https://bit.ly/4cuKuom
You can purchase Wim’s book, ‘The Wim Hof Method’, here: https://amzn.to/3VyjFc9
For more information on the Wim Hoff Method, please visit www.wimhofmethod.com
Thank you to Urban Ice Tribe for supplying the ice baths. You can purchase one here: https://urbanicetribe.com/
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, the world-renowned gut-health expert Dr Will Bulsiewicz discusses the relationship between your gut health and overall well-being, including your mental and physical health. According to Dr Will, our gut is like a muscle that we can strengthen by eating a range of diverse superfoods such as leafy vegetables, legumes, and fruit. These high-fibre foods can supercharge your immune system by boosting the production of short-chain fatty acids, lower your cholesterol levels, and stabilise your bowel movements. The benefits of creating a diverse gut microbiome aren't exclusive to you, but in fact, your microbes are later inherited by your children, influencing their future health.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/Nbay01OpAKb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/PFFpAzSpAKb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Dr Will: https://theplantfedgut.com/
Has feminism failed women? Louise Perry uncovers the truth about sexual liberation
Louise Perry is a British journalist and host of the ‘Maiden Mother Matriarch’ podcast. She is also press officer for the charity, ‘We Can’t Consent To This’ and author of the book, ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century’.
In this conversation, Louise and Steven discuss topics such as, the dangers of casual sex for women, why you should trust your ‘icks’, how dating apps are making men lonely, and the truth about sex on a first date.
You can purchase Louise’s book, ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century’, here: https://amzn.to/3z60wqy
(0:00) Intro
(01:42) What are you trying to achieve??
(03:45) What does society disagree with you on?
(04:21) The trade-offs of the contraceptive pill
(05:30) How has sexual culture changed?
(06:59) Working in a rape crisis centre
(09:49) How to channel men's aggression in the right direction
(11:59) The physical differences between men and women
(13:28) How men and women differ in their view on sexuality
(14:58) Why men are more likely to have casual sex
(17:59) How does a culture of casual sex impact women
(23:31) Repercussions of casual sex in society
(28:54) The lack of communication and education is hurting both genders
(31:18) Why women have icks towards men
(33:30) Women should listen to their icks
(38:10) Women's 6th sense
(41:02) There are some jobs women shouldn't do due to biology
(46:44) Heroic masculinity
(48:22) Social media affecting our view on relationships & dating
(50:54) Wait until engagement to have sex
(56:11) The dating crisis
(01:00:41) Why you should have sex before marriage
(01:03:29) Why is marriage good
(01:07:33) How likely you're to get divorced
(01:11:02) Step-parents vs biological parents
(01:14:47) Why are you saying these unpopular opinions
(01:19:50) The decline in birth rates
(01:25:16) What porn is doing to your brain
(01:30:16) Is reproduction at the heart of male motivation?
(01:31:03) Unwanted choking during sex
(01:33:24) Should we ban porn?
(01:40:36) What are we attracted to?
(01:44:50) Better looking people bias
(01:48:05) The last guest's question
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An optimist’s guide for fighting the loneliness epidemic taking over the world
Simon Sinek is a renowned leadership expert and the founder of ‘The Optimism Company’, which provides programmes for leadership development. He is also the best-selling author of the books, ‘Start With Why’, ‘Leaders Eat Last’, ‘The Infinite Game’, and ‘Find Your Why’.
In this conversation, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, how loneliness impacts addiction, why people are struggling to make friends, the truth about TikTok and depression, and the link between thigh muscles and popularity.
(00:00) Intro
(01:38) Simon's take on the times we are living in
(05:04) We don't have strong role models anymore
(10:06) Why isn't there demand for friendship therapy
(12:53) What really is a friend
(15:37) The most important metric for longevity
(17:50) Have we lost the skill of making friends?
(21:46) Why national service is so important
(30:24) The importance of belief
(36:05) Remote connection vs in person
(38:57) Is the office outdated?
(43:47) The importance of acts of service
(45:41) Is the rise of individualism hurting us?
(49:05) What direction should young people be directing their life towards
(51:34) Andrew Tate's approach validating young people
(53:40) Are friendships the same as relationships?
(57:53) Having our priorities wrong
(01:12:31) What is Simon struggling with
(01:17:17) Where does inspiration come from?
(01:20:49) Techniques for public speaking
(01:26:46) The difference between validation and insecurity
(01:31:40) Companies misunderstand what service means
(01:37:33) How to have those difficult conversations
(01:45:03) We undervalue stories
(01:49:10) Connecting with people
(01:52:01) Last question
You can purchase Simon’s book, ‘The Infinite Game’, here: https://amzn.to/4bYWNte
Follow Simon:
Instagram - https://bit.ly/3z0riRb
Twitter - https://bit.ly/45jgWrz
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, nutritionist and functional health expert, Dr. Mindy Pelz gives the information that every man needs to hear about menstrual cycles in order to better understand the females in their life:
The menstrual and reproductive cycle lasts from 28 - 32 days (this varies from female to female)
Day 1 - 10, is when a female is building oestrogen, Mindy says that for the first 2 days is the best time to give the female’s of your life some space. Afterwards they will be more present and outgoing.
Day 12/13, is when oestrogen is at it’s peak in the female body and is the best time to resolve any conflict
Day 10 - 15, is when ovulation happens and is when a female’s libido is highest, after Day 15, there is a crash of hormones which can lead to feeling low
Day 17/18 is when progesterone starts to come in and is the time to be particularly nice and caring to the female’s in your life until the cycle begins again
Mindy says that understanding the patterns of the female menstrual cycle, can create large amounts of empathy, and men can change their behaviour to help the females in their life as best they can.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/ne5qtFHtoKb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/9uu4LoFtoKb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Dr Mindy:
Meet the woman behind the scientific research revolution that could change the lives of 50% of the world’s population
Dr Lisa Mosconi is the associate professor of neurology and radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine and director of Women’s Brain Initiative and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. She is also the author of the books, ‘The XX Brain’, ‘Brain Food’, and ‘The Menopause Brain’.
In this conversation Lisa and Steven discuss topics such as, how the menopause impacts the brain, the link between menopause and Alzheimer’s, why sex hormones are essential for brain health, and the truth about hormone therapy.
00:00 Intro
02:05 Why People Should Listen To This Conversation
04:10 What People Need To Know About Menopause And The Impact On The Brain
06:21 Who Is Lisa Misconi?
08:08 Why Hasn't There Been Research And Investment Into Menopause?
14:28 What Is Menopause And Signs
15:54 Menopause Stages Start Before You Think!
19:07 What's The Youngest Person With Menopause
22:35 Perimenopause Transition
29:54 Menopause Brain Scans
33:09 Some Women Have More Shocking Brain Scans Than Others
34:28 Behavioural Changes From Menopause
38:05 How Many Women Experience Brain Fog?
39:53 Menopause Rewires The Brain
41:11 Symptoms As A Result Of Brain Change
43:57 Isn't The Cure Simple?
51:50 What Age Should We Think About Treating/Preventing Symptoms
52:50 Going Deeper Into The Stages Of Menopause
58:34 Link Between Suicides And Menopause In Women
01:02:55 Brain Fog Over Time With Menopause
01:07:28 The Benefits Of Exercise
01:11:04 Link Between Exercise And Alzheimer's
01:14:11 Caffeine, Sleep And Menopause
01:18:08 Is Alcohol Bad For Menopause?
01:20:52 What Toxins Should We Be Aware Of?
01:22:40 Specific Foods That Help Stave Off The Menopause
01:25:42 Are Supplements Needed In Our Diet?
01:30:06 What Is The Evolutionary Reason For Menopause?
01:37:14 Does Menopause Make You Sad?
01:40:11 Surgical Menopause
01:45:17 Isn't It Just Ageing?
01:53:07 When Will I Go Through Menopause?
01:56:48 Last Guest Question
You can get in contact with Lisa’s team to discuss enrolling in her studies, here: https://neurology.weill.cornell.edu/research/womens-brain-initiative
You can access the results from Lisa’s research on brain changes during the menopause, here: http://drlisamosconi.tiiny.co/
You can access a time lapse video of changes to the menopause brain, here: http://brain-shrinking-video.tiiny.co/
You purchase Lisa's most recent book, ‘The Menopause Brain: The New Science Empowering Women to Navigate Midlife with Knowledge and Confidence’, here: https://amzn.to/3VncZgS
Follow Lisa:
Twitter - https://bit.ly/3XeTpWM
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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PerfectTed - https://www.perfectted.com/ - Code: DIARY10 at checkout for 10% off
From working in the post room in a record label to becoming the world’s best known music mogul, this is the Simon Cowell you don’t see on TV.
Simon Cowell is a world-renowned record producer, talent scout, and music mogul. He is best known for being a judge on some of the world’s most popular TV shows including, ‘The X Factor’, ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, ‘Pop Idol’, and ‘American Idol’.
In this episode, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, being bankrupt at 30, working his way up from the bottom, his life threatening accident, how his son’s birth changed his life, and his one and only regret about One Direction.
(00:00) Intro
(00:52) Early Context
(02:38) Your Parents
(03:53) Your Work Ethic, Where Does That Come From
(06:41) The Importance of Respect
(10:23) Making the Decision to Pursue Entertainment
(15:45) Working in the Post Room at a Record Label
(19:24) Making His Way Up in the Music Industry
(23:21) Starting a Record Label with Your Boss
(28:40) Creating Your First Smash Hit Record
(31:58) I Don't Know How Music Is Made, Staying in the Mind of the Consumer
(39:40) Going Broke Right After Creating Your First Smash Hit
(46:39) Meeting Pete Waterman, a Moment That Changed Everything
(50:37) Being an Early Adopter of TV
(59:50) Following Your Gut Regardless of the Criticism
(01:06:30) Finding Westlife
(01:09:30) Your Father Passing Away
(01:17:37) Your Life Changing After Your Son, Eric, Was Born
(01:23:09) Loyalty, Why It's So Important to Me
(01:25:35) Setting New Work Boundaries in My New Life
(01:29:15) Advice for a Young Simon Cowell
(01:32:03) The Importance of Hard Work
(01:34:30) Your Accident, Breaking Your Back in 3 Places
(01:39:39) Going to Therapy
(01:45:56) Foundational Advice for Anyone Starting Out in Their Career
(01:49:39) The Importance of Legacy
(01:53:02) The Rise of Bullying
(01:55:02) One Direction
(01:58:11) Searching for a New Boy Band
(02:03:33) Harry Styles
(02:05:54) AI Within the Music Industry
(02:09:48) Will One Direction Get Back Together?
(02:11:14) The Last Guest's Question
Follow Simon:
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Simon Cowell Launches Nationwide Hunt For Next UK Boyband Phenomenon
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In this moment, leading professor of evolutionary biology, David Raichlen discusses how to boost the brain benefits that come from exercise. Most people know that exercise can improve cognitive function, but don’t realise that different sort of exercise, like cardio or strength training, can provide different types of neurological benefits. David says that whilst all exercise is beneficial to the brain, research shows that the best sort of physical activity is a combination of physical and cognitive challenges. This helps the brain function as it copies how humans evolved to find food and survive. So this could mean that the next time you go for a run, choose the great outdoors over the treadmill and try different routes you haven’t taken before.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/J39pwN9c3Jb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/HDB7itjd3Jb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
She was the last line of defence and ready to die for the most important person on earth, here are the secret skills she’s learned defending 4 U.S. Presidents.
Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling memoir, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’.
In this episode, Evy and Steven discuss topics such as, Evy’s close encounter with death on 9/11, how to gain control over anyone, her biggest lessons from working for Obama and Bush, and the best way to tell if someone is lying to you.
00:00 Intro
02:05 My Mission To Unlock People's Potential
05:05 How You Became A Secret Service Officer
10:43 How To Get Someone To Do What You Want Them To
13:10 When You Listen To Someone They Like You More
14:34 You Need To Know About Them And Then You Can Start Asking The Right Questions
18:18 How To Get Others To Respect You
22:59 Is It Your Ego Or Have Your Boundaries Being Broken?
26:49 How To Build Confidence
29:34 The Different Versions Of Ourselves We Create
32:49 What I Learnt About Leadership From Working With 4 US Presidents
35:47 I Was In The Room When US Presidents Would Make Tough Decisions
38:36 My First Day Working For George Bush
41:07 Secret Service Training: Only 1% Make It Through
44:16 The 1% Of People That Became Part Of The Secret Service
46:06 How Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You?
48:16 Who's The Biggest Liar You've Met?
50:54 Signs They're Lying To You
52:59 What Your Body Language Reveals About You
01:00:19 Do Men Struggle With Strong Women?
01:01:00 What Advice Would You Give Your Daughter Become A Resilient Person
01:04:37 What Do You Work Out Your Mind And Body
01:07:19 What Was The Scariest Day Of Your Career?
01:12:28 How Was Your Mental Health During Your Career?
01:17:48 Discrimination In The Secret Service
01:19:39 How To Be Heard And Respected
01:25:51 Why You Need To Take Personal Responsibility
01:33:48 The Addiction To Being A Victim
01:35:02 Identifying Victims That Don't Want To Change
01:39:47 Undercover Missions
01:45:24 Discrimination In The Job
01:50:58 Labelling Yourself Can Affect The Way You See Yourself
You can purchase Evy’s book, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’, here: https://amzn.to/3RhDtz9
Follow Evy:
Instagram - https://bit.ly/4aN4q4D
Twitter - https://bit.ly/4c4TErD
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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Where have all the babies gone? Dr Natalie breaks down everything you need to know about fertility.
Dr Natalie Crawford is a double board-certified fertility doctor. She is also the co-founder of Fora Fertility clinic and Pinnacle Conference, a leadership conference for women in medicine.
In this conversation, Dr Natalie and Steven discuss topics such as, how plastic and pollution affect your fertility, the surprising condition that’s affecting 1 in 4 women, the best time to have sex for pregnancy, and the impact of phones and hot baths on sperm count.
00:00 Intro
02:05 You Need To Look After Your Fertility Even Before You Want Children
04:31 We're Struggling More Than Ever To Have Children
07:00 Are We Having Less Sex?
07:47 Sperm Count Is Declining At Scary Risk
10:38 I Had 4 Pregnancy Losses And It's Devastating
13:36 The Stigma Of Infertility
16:15 Infertility Is Not Just A Female Issue, Men Are Affected Too
18:49 Understanding The Basics Of Fertility
22:26 Environmental Factors Affecting Male And Female Fertility
26:32 Are Phones And Laptops Bad For Fertility?
29:40 Heat And Infertility
30:15 What Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does To Your Sperm
31:45 The Egg Vault
35:25 Egg Production And Anomalies
42:41 Regret, Hindsight Of Patients And What You Can Do
47:16 What Has Changed Since Our Parents
49:06 The Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle
54:07 Sleep Is Crucial In Your Reproductive Hormone System
55:07 How Stress Impacts Fertility
57:14 The Best Diets For Good Fertility
59:11 How Dairy Impacts Your Fertility
01:01:05 You Need To Understand The Reproductive Cycle To Know How Exercise Impacts It
01:10:58 Menstrual Irregularities And What's Normal
01:16:57 How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant?
01:17:50 When Trying To Have Children Sex Can Become A Chore
01:21:43 Purchasing Sperm From The Black Market
01:24:48 PCOS Explained
01:30:59 PCOS Diagnosis
01:33:50 Link Between PCOS & Endometrial Cancer
01:37:02 What Is Endometriosis & How Do You Know You Have It
01:43:55 What Happens When You Come Off The Pill And Want To Have Children
01:46:25 Advice For People With Endometriosis And PCOS, If They Want To Have Children
01:49:36 Getting Started With Freezing Eggs And Embryos And Success Rate
01:55:15 The Cost Of Fertility Procedures
01:56:40 IVF Stigma
01:58:42 Ads
01:59:32 When To Think About Fertility Treatment
02:01:54 Dummies Guide To IVF
02:06:38 Myths Of Conception
02:08:54 Best Sex Position To Get Pregnant
02:10:33 Is Birth Control Healthy?
02:13:36 What Can People Do If They Struggle With Infertility?
02:15:40 Last Guest Question
Follow Natalie:
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In this moment, the world renowned expert in stress, Dr Aditi Nerurkar discusses how the majority of people in the modern world suffer from ‘Popcorn Brain’. According to Dr Aditi ‘Popcorn Brain’ comes from our excessive use of smartphones and social media. This is a real biological phenomenon where your brain circuitry ‘pops’ due to overstimulation and spending too much time online. Your brain never really gets a moment of rest, as being online means it it receives a nonstop stream of information. ‘Popcorn Brain’ is different to the psychological disorder that is internet addiction, as internet addiction seriously affects your ability to live your life, whereas Popcorn Brain defines modern life with everyone being constantly distracted. One of the ways that you can overcome ‘Popcorn Brain’ and improve our mental health is by reducing your reliance on your phone, making sure that you create healthy digital boundaries, so that you give yourself the mental space to live your life.
Listen to the full episode here
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/wSPySPjv1Jb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/neGcOqnv1Jb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Dr Aditi Nerurkar -
He might be known as the ‘Sexiest Doctor Alive’ but his true talent is fighting against the ugly side of medical misinformation.
Doctor Mike is a family medicine doctor and YouTube’s #1 Doctor. He has over 25 million followers on social media and is also the host of ‘The Checkup with Doctor Mike’ podcast.
In this conversation, Doctor Mike and Steven discuss topics such as, the errors in the biggest online health trends, which popular diets are destroying your health, the real truth about calorie counting, and the one thing that helped Dr Mike cure his depression.
00:00 Intro
02:01 Helping People Make Better Health Decisions
05:10 Why Have People Resonated With You And Your Approach True Medical Information
09:54 How Do You Check The Evidence Of The Studies You Share?
11:56 The New Health Trends: Optimisation, Longevity, Anti-Ageing
16:17 Lifestyle Changes Is The First Doctor's Advice
18:14 Do Shortcuts Exist In Medicine?
19:03 What's Your Take On Calories In, Calories Out
21:02 How To Make A Diet Stick
23:16 The False Illusion Of A Good Body Equals Good Health
26:46 Calories In And Calories Out Does Work
28:49 The Benefits Of Exercising
30:21 Where Is The Direction Of Travel With Our Health?
32:51 What Would Happen If There Was A Deadlier Pandemic Than Covid
34:41 Is Vaping Dangerous?
39:27 The Real And Painful Reason Why I Started Boxing
41:32 Losing My Mum
47:07 What's The Best Way To Heal From Grief?
49:49 Your Journey With Mental Health & Social Media Bullying
54:05 The Best Advice I Received From My Therapist
55:55 Are Certain People More Prone To Get Addicted To Social Media?
57:12 Have You Considered Quitting Social Media??
58:25 Are Vitamin Supplements Good For Us?
59:45 Can We Get All Our Nutrients And Vitamins From Foods?
01:03:36 Do Prebiotics And Probiotics Work?
01:05:19 We Should Listen To The Health Advice Our Grandmothers Told Us
01:08:15 Mentioning Experts That Are Wrong
01:10:46 People Are Losing Trust In Doctors Because Of This
01:18:28 Look After Your Children, We Need This Out Of Schools
01:25:09 Are You A Deep Thinker?
01:27:39 How Do You Deal With So Much Loss And Grief?
01:29:01 What Was Your Hardest Day?
01:33:53 How To Save Someone's Life Doing CPR
01:41:23 I Asked The Doctors To Stop Doing CPR On My Mother
01:43:29 Last Guest Question
Here is a link to an article discussing the inefficiency of the anti-depression drug, Paxil: https://bit.ly/3X867q2
Follow Doctor Mike:
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Twitter - https://bit.ly/4bVeidJ
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off
He’s never hidden from the truth or been shy about expressing his opinion, now he brings the same honesty to his rocky journey to fame.
Charlamagne tha God is co-host of the American radio programme ‘The Breakfast Club’ on Power 105.1, reaching 8 million listeners each month. He is also a New York Times best-selling author and CEO of the Black Effect Podcast Network.
In this conversation, Charlamagne and Steven discuss topics such as his difficult relationship with his father, the moment that changed his whole life, coming to terms with childhood molestation trauma, and how he went from being fired 4 times to one of the world’s biggest radio hosts.
00:00 Intro
02:17 "Get Honest Or Die Trying"
04:09 What Made Charlamagne?
08:56 Charlamagne's Father's Impact On His Relationships
12:11 Charlamagne's Sexual Abuse
16:28 Charlamagne's Troubled Youth
22:16 Role Models For Men
27:58 The Man Charlamagne Wants To Be
30:41 The Route Of Charlamagne's Anxiety
33:50 Reaching Personal Rock Bottom
36:53 Working In The Radio
38:30 Getting Fired 4 Times
42:21 Panic Attacks & Depression
48:17 Dealing With Grief And Suicide
56:13 Charlamagne's Infidelity
58:34 Growing With Therapy
01:00:32 What's Help You To Heal?
01:02:07 What's The Cost Of Living With The Lies?
01:05:44 Disconnecting From Social Media To Be Original
01:08:00 What's Your View On Trump?
01:11:50 Healing And Rebuilding The Relationship With His Father
01:14:19 How Is Charlamagne Doing?
01:18:06 The Importance Of Living A Life Of Service
01:22:19 The Dangers Of Materialism
01:24:02 Last Guest Question
You can purchase Charlamagne’s book, ‘Get Honest or Die Lying: Why Small Talk Sucks’, here: https://amzn.to/4aOVnQZ
Follow Charlamagne:
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In this moment, happiness scientist and expert, Arthur C Brooks, discusses what people get wrong in their search for romantic happiness. According to Arthur, the biggest mistake people make when searching for their romantic partner is looking for an exact copy of themself. This is one of the reasons that dating apps are so unsuccessful, as their dating profile will rigidly select people with the same preferences as them, allowing no surprises and potential to experience different qualities. Instead, people are better off looking for someone who complements and completes them and their qualities. This is why many happy marriages will be between people with different qualities, such as an introvert and an extrovert. These sorts of relationships celebrated their difference rather than partners trying to change each other to be more like them, as Arthur says that this is a killer of relationships
Listen to the full episode here -
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Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/8uB3oAL5PJb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Arthur C Brooks:
Learn the secret to unlocking your brain’s full potential from over 25 years of brain research.
Dr Wendy Suzuki is a Professor of Neural Science and Psychology at New York University and the bestselling author of books such as, ‘Good Anxiety’ and ‘Healthy Brain, Happy Life’.
In this conversation, Wendy and Steven discuss topics such as, how a single drop of sweat from exercise can improve your brain function, the 4 things that can enhance your memory, the shocking brain benefits from cold showers, and how to reduce your risk of dementia by 50%.
00:00 Intro
02:18 The Importance of Healthy Brain
02:58 Why People Need To Look After Their Brains
04:23 How To Keep Your Brain Healthy
07:09 Learning This About The Brain Changed My Life
10:37 My Father's Dementia Journey
12:37 You Can Grow New Brain Cells
16:01 How Learning Changes The Structure Of Your Brain
18:43 You Can Improve Your Brain Health At Any Point - Here's How
22:28 What's Causing Dementia & Alzheimer's
24:24 How Does Memory Work?
24:53 How To Improve Your Bad Memory
26:35 The Different Types Of Memory
27:35 How To Remember Things Better
28:49 The Memory Palace Technique
37:19 The Best Exercise For Your Brain
42:04 How To Be Better At Speaking And Memory
43:37 The Effects Of Coffee On Our Brains
45:09 What Lack Of Sleep Is Doing To Your Neurons
46:58 The Best Diets For An Optimal Brain
47:48 The Shocking Benefits Of Human Connections
49:15 Neuroscientist Recommends This Morning Routine For Optimal Brain Function
50:31 What Are The Worst Habits For Your Brain?
51:41 Does Mindfulness Help The Brain?
52:21 What Social Media Is Doing To Your Brain
55:46 What To Do About Social Media And Phone Addiction
59:21 Anxiety Levels Are Increasing
01:04:02 Where Do We Experience Anxiety In The Brain?
01:06:22 How To Turn Down Our Stress Levels
01:08:18 What Do Emotions Do To Our Brain And Body?
01:11:22 Does The Brain Change When We're In Love?
01:14:13 What You Learn From Going Through Grief
01:29:26 What Is The Best Quality Of Humanity
You can purchase Wendy’s book, ‘Good Anxiety’, here: https://amzn.to/3UGw5OA
Follow Wendy:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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Divorce rates are dominant, but is there hope for a happily ever after?
James Sexton is America's top divorce lawyer, and bestselling author of romantic advice books 'How to Stay in Love' and 'If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late'.
In this conversation, James and Steven discuss the number one reason for 99% of divorces, the link between sex and divorce, the glue that holds marriages together, and a ‘note hack’ that could save relationships.
00:00 Intro
02:02 I Am A Divorce Lawyer
02:37 How Many People Divorce
08:51 The Dynamics Between Gold Diggers And Millionaires
12:33 What's Prenups? And The Legalities Behind Marriage!
17:14 The Perfect Prenup
18:56 Disagreements Over Prenups
26:48 Are Prenups Legal?
28:34 The Most Shocking Prenup (Don't Get Fat)
29:59 Appearance As A Measure Of Love In A Relationship
32:33 Prenups With Fidelity & Cheating Clauses
37:30 Are Prenups On The Rise?
39:39 Are People Fake Happy?
44:18 Stop Comparing Your Relationships To Others
50:44 How To Prevent Divorce
55:25 "Happy Wife, Happy Life"
01:02:59 Is Sex The Biggest Cause Of Divorce?
01:07:53 Fixing The Marriage
01:09:36 Who Cheats More?
01:10:02 Who Wants More Sex?
01:13:05 Most Shocking Deceit
01:14:18 Why Husbands Like To Sleep With The Nannies
01:16:36 Killing To Get Out Of A Relationship
01:22:17 Have You Ever Cried?
01:24:29 Love And Loss
01:37:01 Seeing Relationships As Chapters
01:40:55 Have We Been Sold An Idyllic Lie?
01:44:34 Is Money The Biggest Cause Of Divorce?
01:48:59 Can You Hide Money?
01:50:16 You Are Liable For Debts
01:51:49 Winning The Lottery And Keeping Quiet
01:53:20 LGBT Rights & Divorces
01:59:19 Are Open Relationships The Answer?
02:02:00 Is Cheating Okay?
02:05:44 Should We Get Married?
02:13:14 Last Guest Question
You can purchase James’s book, ‘How to Stay in Love’, here: https://amzn.to/4dTzdzI
Follow James:
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In this moment, world renowned mentor and writer, Africa Brooke discusses how the idea of personal accountability has been hijacked. She says that all too often people can pass up on accepting responsibility and instead blame others for their misfortune and see themself as a constant victim. However, Africa says that the idea of accountability is actually a way of giving power, freedom, and control back to people, as they realise there is always something they are able to do to change their situation. Once they realise this, people gain resilience for future tough times, as they know that no matter the situation they have the ability to control how they move forward in life.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/b9OPSNaGEJb
Spotify - https://g2ul0.app.link/TIVYc9ZjNu
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Poison or guilty pleasure, the REAL truth about sugar.
Robert Lustig is a Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology and a public health expert on the impact of sugar on our health. He is the author of bestselling books such as, ‘Fat Chance’, ‘Metabolical’, and ‘The Hacking of the American Mind’.
In this conversation, Robert and Steven discuss topics such as, how nearly 75% of grocery items have added sugar, that obesity rates have doubled, the health impacts of childhood obesity and how calorie counting doesn’t help you to lose weight.
00:00 Intro
01:58 Our Minds Have Been Hacked!
05:03 What Dopamine Does to Your Brain
07:53 Sugar Is A Big Problem In Today’s Society
10:28 Why Sugar Is Poison To Our Bodies
11:08 The Difference Between Sugar and Fructose
14:53 This Is How Sugar Is Damaging Your Body
18:29 Damaging Effects on the Brain from Sugar Consumption
22:20 How the Food Industry Is Making You Eat Crazy Amounts of Sugar
25:05 Health Side Effects
27:12 Diet Coke, Saviour or Villain?
35:17 Sugar and the Impact on Our Organs
40:08 How Important Are Calories as a Way to Lose Weight?
43:47 Sugar Addiction, Stress, and Other Triggers
46:03 The Only Foods That Don't Contain Sugar
48:31 Food Labels Are Sending Wrong and Inaccurate Messages
50:16 Babies Are Born Fatter Than Before
51:30 Research on Children's Obesity
54:20 Insulin Resistance
56:00 Can We Reverse Diabetes?
58:34 What Is Leptin & How It’s Involved In Weight Loss
01:02:23 What Are Obesogens & How They Impact Our Health
01:03:31 The 3 Different Types of Fat You Should Be Worried About
01:09:34 Fruit Consumption… Good or Bad?
01:11:45 Environmental Chemicals That Make Us Fat
01:14:16 What Is an Endocrine Disruptor & How Can We Deal with Them?
01:17:11 How To Identify Real Food
01:22:20 The Importance of Fibre in Food
01:27:02 Personal Responsibility
01:34:50 Should the Government Get Involved?
01:39:40 Are We Being Lied To?
01:42:09 The Four C's for Contentment
01:47:19 What Is the Cause of All Our Health Problems?
01:49:46 Last Question
You can purchase Robert’s book, ‘Metabolical’ here: https://amzn.to/4acaseZ
Follow Robert:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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The world could end in 72 minutes, see how the apocalypse plays out
Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist, New York Times bestselling author, and a 2016 Pulitzer Prize finalist. Her books include, ‘Area 51’, ‘Operation Paperclip’, and ‘The Pentagon’s Brain’.
In this conversation Annie and Steven discuss topics such as, how one person could cause the end of the world, what country would survive WW3, how close we are to nuclear war, and the strategic deception of the CIA.
00:00 Intro
01:59 Why Write This Book Now?
06:30 Are We Getting Closer to Nuclear War?
08:05 Who Is in Charge of the Nuclear Button?
12:23 The Evolution of Nuclear Weapons
16:16 Who Has Nuclear Weapons?
21:32 What Is the Football and Why Is Near the President 24/7?
24:30 How Important Is Picking the Right Leader?
28:17 What If the President Is Dead?
29:28 The Biggest Mistakes in Nuclear Detection
32:16 Nuclear War Games and Strategies
38:09 How Do the Decision Makers Cope?
40:32 How Would We Know Where the Nuclear Bomb Got Launched From?
46:02 What Happens After the First Minutes?
51:46 What Happens if the President Dies
53:23 The Aftermath
01:01:59 What Would Happen to a Country After It's Struck by Nuclear Bomb
01:06:51 How Many People Will Die?
01:07:35 Where Is Safe?
01:10:07 What Is the Solution?
01:14:02 How Did Annie's Feelings Change?
01:15:53 Conspiracy or Real?
01:26:55 The Role of the CIA
01:30:36 AI and the War Machine
01:40:55 Is Annie Optimistic?
01:43:37 The Origin of War
01:46:24 The Most Important Takeaway from Annie's Books
01:50:25 The People on Both Sides of Nuclear
01:59:18 The Impact of Your Books on You
02:00:46 Survivors of Nuclear Bomb
02:02:28 Conversations with Her Husband
02:06:18 What Have You Changed Your Mind About?
You purchase Annie’s most recent book, ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’, here: https://amzn.to/44yEoRe
Follow Annie:
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In this moment, world-leading wellness expert Gary Brecka explains the fundamental relationship between our mental and our gut health. For years people have thought that their anxiety and depression are either all in their head or a product of their environment, however, Gary says the gut is the crucial hub for mental well-being. He believes that our gut functions like an assembly line. If anything disrupts its pace or workings, the wider factory of our body and mind is at risk. As a result, Gary believes that it’s crucial, before anything else, to find out how your gut is working to ensure optimal mental and physical health.
Listen to the full episode here:
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/hCYEqDGAsJb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/gcrWn8IAsJb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Gary Brecka: https://www.garybrecka.com
The simplest lifestyle choices are impacting the biggest decisions in a man’s life; entering fatherhood.
Dr Michael Eisenberg is a Professor of Urology at Stanford University, and is a male fertility and sexual function specialist
In this conversation Michael and Steven discuss topics such as, what is ruining men’s sperm count, the reasons for hair loss, what is causing erectile dysfunction, and the truth about testosterone therapy.
(02:02) Why do you do what you do?
(02:58) What does reproductive health encapsulate?
(04:27) Fertility health is growing
(06:14) Researching on fertility issues
(06:46) Why are we seeing more infertility?
(07:18) Are you concerned about society's fertility issues?
(11:14) What chemicals are reducing our sperm count?
(13:50) Society measures
(14:59) Sperm Quality
(20:37) micro plastics affecting sperm count
(23:57) Technology and heat fertility damage
(30:07) Countries with biggest fertility problems
(32:41) Does sitting for long periods affect our sperm count?
(33:53) Fertility issues caused by OBESITY
(34:46) Alcohol consumption and sperm count
(36:32) What you can do to give yourself the best chances of conceiving
(39:08) Man or woman, who has the most issues?
(40:06) Male testosterone decline
(41:31) The impact of exercise on our sperm count
(43:04) What does Testosterone do?
(45:23) side effects of taking testosterone
(48:18) Common symptoms of testosterone use
(51:01) Female fertility
(51:57) How is Testosterone therapy given?
(54:15) Exercise and health impact on testosterone
(55:04) Penis average size increasing
(57:24) Erectile dysfunction treatments
(01:03:58) Pelvic floor strength
(01:05:31) What causes cancer in the reproductive system
(01:14:20) other male issues Dr Michael is being asked about
(01:15:47) Best diets for better fertility
(01:24:41) What's next for Dr Michael
(01:26:04) biggest concerns
(01:27:14) Advice to men who are struggling
(01:03:11) Does shock wave therapy work for erectile dysfunction?
Follow Michael:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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She’s stolen every scene she’s ever been in, but her hardest role might be being herself
Rebel Wilson is an Australian actress and producer best known for her roles in films such as, ‘Bridesmaids’, ‘Pitch Perfect’ and ‘Jojo Rabbit’.
In this conversation Rebel and Steven discuss topics such as, her battles with self-esteem and her weight, her malaria vision to be an actress, being a virgin at 35, and the truth about Sacha Baron Cohen.
You purchase Rebel’s memoir, ‘Rebel Rising’, here: https://amzn.to/4b2hMeh
Follow Rebel:
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TikTok - https://bit.ly/4dzvl6O
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, menopause expert, Dr Mary Claire Haver reveals what people don’t understand about the menopause. Right now, about a third of the female population of the world is in some stage of the menopause, however doctors aren’t fully trained to treat it and society is unaware of it’s impacts. A major piece of knowledge that people lack is that there are estrogen receptors in every organ system of the female body, so when estrogen levels drop with the menopause it can have a huge variety of impacts, varying from person to person. Mary believes that giving people this knowledge can help women feel validated and that they aren’t crazy, believing that these symptoms were all in their head.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/19fQdNK2gJb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
What does it take to become the Hardest Geezer and run 9,940-miles in 352 days?
Russ Cook, also known as the ‘Hardest Geezer’, is an ultra-endurance athlete and the first person to run the entire length of Africa, raising over £1 million for charity. He is also the first person to run from Asia to London.
In this conversation Russ and Steven discuss topics such as, his childhood and difficult teenage years, hitting rock bottom, wanting more from life, being robbed at gun point, and the struggles of being the first man to run across the length Africa.
00:00 Intro
02:00 Russ' Childhood & Being Rebellious
05:50 Relationship With My Parents
12:00 Trying To Get People’s Attention
16:42 Distancing Himself from Family
16:22 The Impact of Russ' Girlfriend
19:11 Moving Out as a Teenager
21:02 Going Down the Wrong Path
25:10 Russ' Mental Health
26:18 What Would Russ Say to His Younger Self
30:52 Russ' Epiphany
32:09 The Feeling of Progressing in Life
35:07 Travelling the World Running
35:53 First Challenges
36:51 Doing Things That Aren’t Considered Normal
39:03 Returning from the First Trip
42:26 Relationship with His Dad
44:09 Burying Himself Alive
44:33 Russ DM’d Steven Before Going To Africa
46:40 Why Africa?
48:40 Meeting His Girlfriend Before Leaving to Africa
52:41 How Have You Changed
54:52 Preparations to Run the Entire Length of Africa
01:03:25 Getting Robbed
01:03:26 Being Kidnapped
01:10:05 Facing Death
01:24:14 Team Struggles
01:31:52 Was Quitting an Option?
01:36:18 Visa Issues
01:37:59 Nearing the End
01:45:12 Crossing the Line
01:45:44 What’s Next?
01:50:41 What Was the Goal?
01:55:36 Russ Inspiring Others
01:59:20 The Last Guest Question
You can donate to Russ’s charity fundraiser here: https://bit.ly/3Wr2WJR
Follow Russ:
Instagram - https://bit.ly/4djAL5I
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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PerfectTed x Hardest Geezer - Strawberry Daiquiri Flavour: bit.ly/PerfectTed-HardestGeezer-Daiquiri-DOAC (all profits to charity)
It is being called a miracle drug, but what is the dark side to the weight loss medication Ozempic?
Johann Hari is a New York Times best-selling author, his books include, ‘Chasing the Scream’, ‘Lost Connections’, and ‘Stolen Focus’. He has written for the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, and has twice been named ‘National Newspaper Journalist of the Year’ by Amnesty International.
In this conversation Johann and Steven discuss topics such as, the link between weight gain and sexual abuse, what Ozempic does to the brain, how Japan will help solve the obesity crisis, and the 12 biggest risks of taking Ozempic.
00:00 Intro
01:46 How Did You Find Out About Ozempic
06:37 What Is Ozempic & How Much Is It?
09:51 How Does Ozempic Work
16:03 The Impact of Ozempic on the Brain
26:17 The Cheesecake Park Experiment
31:16 Obesity Is a Choice
44:53 Addiction Transfer
52:25 Obesogenic Environment
01:04:55 Where Can You Buy Ozempic
01:07:43 The Origins of Ozempic
01:10:15 Why You Shouldn't Take It
01:13:56 Is The Ozempic Face Real?
01:18:08 The Risk of Muscle Loss
01:20:36 Suicide Risk and Fatalities
01:29:49 How Do We Undo Stress
01:30:01 Diabetes Is More Deadly Than Weight Loss Drugs
01:32:24 Downsides
01:39:21 Will Everyone Be on Ozempic?
01:42:47 Should the Government Intervene?
01:50:46 Weight Gain After Ozempic
01:53:59 Children and Ozempic
01:57:21 Celebrities Taking Ozempic and Hiding the Truth
02:05:37 Ozempic Is An Addiction Killer!
02:12:34 Oprah Taking About Her Losing Weight Journey
02:15:03 Will People Exercise Less If They Can Just Take Ozempic
02:18:58 High Demand Of Ozempic & Issues Caused
02:23:10 The Last Guest Question
You can purchase Johann’s newest book, ‘Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits and Disturbing Risks of the New Weight Loss Drugs’, available on 2nd May 2024, here: https://amzn.to/4di51Ou
Follow Johann:
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In this moment, world-renowned relationship therapist, Esther Perel discusses sexless relationships. In her work, Esther says that many of her patients focus so heavily on the amount of sex they are having, and begin to panic when this starts to change. Instead, she says that they should focus on the quality of the experience, and the connection they have with their partner. Esther believes that many of the issues and concerns around the amount of sex a couple is having can be reduced by having better communication around sex. These conversations include a partner’s fantasy life, what they enjoy, what excites them, and what do they look for in sex. Most couples have never had these conversations before and don’t realise that sexuality is a vast topic that changes with their lives.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/5YgGK3Hw3Ib
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/jNfxRBKw3Ib
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Esther Perel: https://www.estherperel.com
Life is getting faster and more hectic than ever before, but is there way to become unstressable?
Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer for Google X, the founder of ‘One Billion Happy’ foundation, and co-founder of ‘Unstressable’. He is the bestselling author of books such as, ‘Solve for Happy’, ‘Scary Smart’, and ‘That Little Voice in Your Head’.
In this conversation Mo and Steven discuss topics such as, why this is the most stressful time for any generation, how most people won’t recognise the world in 5 years time, and how stress is the new pandemic.
00:00 Intro
02:01 Mo How Are You Doing?
07:08 Mo's New Book & The State Of The World
12:31 The Speed Of The World
17:14 Stress Is The New Addiction
26:41 Will I Lose Productivity Without Stress?
31:06 What is TONN? The Origin Of Stress
36:07 Upsetting People With Change & Choosing To Put Ourselves First
43:31 What Is Loss Aversion?
50:43 The Noise Of Stress
01:01:38 How Do We Spot Our Own Stress?
01:04:49 Are We Really Too Busy?
01:08:23 What Is Steve's BS?
01:12:18 Setting Limits & Prioritising The Important Stuff
01:18:20 How Our Childhood Impact In Our Bias To Workaholism
01:22:22 Loss And How Long We Have Left
01:29:02 Passport Control Detention
01:29:49 How Do We Undo Stress
01:44:02 Work / Life Balance
01:44:52 The Impact Of AI
02:02:04 Being Successful And Balanced
02:16:20 Love & Relationship Advice
02:26:17 Why Some People Don't Find A Partner
02:34:22 Becoming Unstressable
02:40:15 Mo's Family Heartache
02:44:53 What Would You Tell The First People You Loved
You can purchase Mo’s newest book, ‘Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living’, available on 9th May 2024, here: https://amzn.to/3w6xG8h
Follow Mo:
Instagram - https://bit.ly/3w5VGIC
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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His old job was to know when you would die, his passion is to extend and improve people’s lives
Gary Brecka is the co-founder of 10X Health System and is one of the world’s leading experts in human biology and biohacking. He has worked with CEOs, models, to athletes from the UFC, NFL, and professional boxers. Gary is also the host of the ‘Ultimate Human’ podcast.
In this conversation Gary and Steven discuss topics such as, the common supplement mistakes that people make, the vitamin that most people are deficient in, how we are in a pre-diabetic epidemic, and the impact of loneliness at a cellular level.
00:00 Intro
02:18 What We're Getting Wrong About Supplements & Deficiencies
09:20 Humans Aren't Functioning Optimally
11:49 The Biomarkers That Predict Your Health Outcomes
17:53 The Link Between Your Genes & Anxiety & Trauma
22:16 Common Deficiencies That Keep Us Away from Our Optimal Health
30:24 Working with High Profile People
32:00 How Your Life & Business Changed In The Last Year
34:43 Life Insurances Know When You're Going to Die
41:51 I Knew Thousands of People Would Die but They Wouldn't Let Me Help Them
43:18 Fixing Your Deficiencies Could Save Your Life
50:44 What I Learned Analysing Thousands of Medical Reports
51:57 Fix the Simple Things Before It's Too Late
54:52 The Importance of Grounding for Your Blood Cells
01:00:02 The Most Important Exercise to Oxygenate Your Blood Cells
01:04:26 The Incredibly Health Benefits of Red Light
01:12:15 How Hydrogen Gas Helps Your Body
01:15:23 The Issues with Ozempic
01:16:42 How Is Gary's Life and His Pain
01:18:18 Advice to His Kids
01:19:18 The Loneliness Epidemic
01:25:13 Unethical Insurance
01:27:09 Gene Test Results
01:42:10 Last Guest Question
You can listen to the ‘Ultimate Human’ podcast and purchase Gary’s products here: https://bit.ly/3w2m8mr
Follow Gary:
Instagram - http://bit.ly/3IVf6Dw
Twitter - http://bit.ly/41w492P
YouTube - https://bit.ly/4aLbmA7
Studies mentioned:
1. https://academic.oup.com/ajh/article/28/7/943/2743393
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, world renowned coffee expert, James Hoffmann, tests and chooses the best high street coffee. James guides you though everything you need to know to assess coffee like a professional, this includes looking at the roast of the coffee, the smell and finally it’s taste and different tones. He also outlines the benefits of supporting your local cafe rather than getting your morning cup at a major coffee chain, as you can get a better cup of coffee from someone who cares nearly as deeply about coffee as you.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/TM29O0GTTIb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/7i0901DTTIb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Learn how to attack life with the same intensity as a member of the world’s most elite fighting force
Jocko Willink is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL officer and New York Times bestselling author, he is also the host of the Jocko Podcast, and co-founder of the leadership training organisation, Echelon Front.
In this conversation Jocko and Steven discuss topics such as, why excuses are pointless, the core component that every Navy SEAL has, how to overcome hesitation and take action, and why you should ‘embrace the suck’.
You can listen to the ‘Jocko Podcast’ and purchase Jocko’s products here: https://bit.ly/3Uk75hj
Follow Jocko:
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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Learn the lessons behind the laughter, learned from over 20 years in the world of comedy.
Jimmy Carr is an award-winning comedian, writer and TV host for shows including, ‘8 Out Of 10 Cats’, ‘Roast Battle’, and ‘Big Fat Quiz Of The Year’.
In this conversation Jimmy and Steven discuss topics such as, why we don’t think about death enough, how to speak so people listen, the power of imposter syndrome, and how to find out what you want to do in life.
00:00 Intro
02:01 How Are You, Jimmy?
03:07 Every Single Person Has Life Dysmorphia
08:59 What Is the Point of All This Work?
12:35 What Is Our End Goal?
14:08 People Crave the Success Not the Journey
16:47 You Should Be Feeling Imposter Syndrome
18:45 I Entertained My Sick Mother
19:54 The Unmeasurable Stuff Is the Important One
24:29 Depression
25:46 Men's Mental Health
27:30 What Is It to Be a Man
33:25 Losing My Religion
33:52 How Do You Deal with Grief in Your Life?
35:19 The Passing of Sean Lock
38:27 Business Is Life
39:12 The Issue Is Young People Are Not Given Enough Agency
41:52 How Comedy Teaches You to Be a Good Communicator
45:06 The Importance of Taking Risks
52:38 How To Deal with Rejection
55:31 Knowing Who You Are & What You Want to Do
58:44 Is It Motivation, Luck or Talent?
01:02:14 Being Cancelled
01:06:12 Would You Erase Your Worst Moments?
01:15:26 Artificial Intelligence
01:26:37 Self Expression
01:30:51 Jimmy's Eating Disorder
01:35:31 Advice to Younger People
01:38:25 Why You Should Sweat the Small Stuff
01:42:45 Having Confidence
01:43:40 Netflix Special
01:46:09 Dave Chapelle Attack
01:50:38 What Would You Tell Your Kids?
You can watch Jimmy’s new Netflix stand-up special, ’Jimmy Carr: Natural Born Killer’, out on the 16th April 2024.
You can purchase tickets for Jimmy’s brand-new international tour, ’Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny’, here: https://bit.ly/49u9iex
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, financial expert and bestselling author, Morgan Housel discusses the hidden costs of everything in life. Morgan says that that anything good in life comes with an unseen price tag, and part of achieving success in any area of life requires putting up with unknowns and volatility. In a career this might be long hours away from your family, in a relationship it may be the sacrifices and compromises made for another person. Part of this is being aware of your time horizons in life, and the amount of time between now and your goal, determining whether you are willing to sacrifice precious time to achieve the goal. In the end, Morgan says that the key to success in life is identifying what the cost is for any decision and being willing to pay it.
Listen to the full episode here
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/sXZ3OZpToHb
Spotify - https://g2ul0.app.link/nAu4hnmToHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Is ageing and disease inevitable? Or can they be fought with a few simple life changes?
Dr Mark Hyman is a practicing family doctor, the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, as well as the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. He is a fifteen-time New York Times best-selling author, as well as the host of the health podcast, ’The Doctor’s Farmacy’.
In this conversation Mark and Steven discuss topics such as, the truth about Ozempic, the easy life hacks to stay young, inheriting generational trauma, and the benefits of fasting
00:00 Intro
02:06 What Is Your Mission 03:08 What’s Functional Medicine?
06:29 I Couldn’t Function Properly, My Health Deteriorated Massively.
13:06 The Food System Is Damaging Our Health.
16:22 The Primitive Instinct That Make You Eat Junk Food.
18:24 How to Stay Healthy in Today's Unhealthy World.
24:21 Is Milk Good for Us?
27:54 Are There Health Benefits to It?
29:49 Ozmepic Drugs, Are They Good?
39:28 Fruit
40:53 When Should We Eat?
42:45 Evolutionary Story Behind Fasting.
44:36 Restricting Your Calories vs Fasting.
47:57 What Are Blue Zones, and the Importance of Studying Them?
49:06 Starvation Is Good for Us.
53:18 Loneliness Is Killing People.
56:15 We Need Systemic Solutions for Our Health Problems.
59:23 How to Add 7 Years to Your Lifespan.
01:00:57 Retiring Is Detrimental to Our Health.
01:02:49 The Role of Trauma in Our Longevity.
01:05:22 The Power of Psychedelics.
01:10:22 Healing Journey to Overcome Trauma.
01:17:00 How to Lower Our Biological Age.
01:17:31 Artificial Sugars.
01:22:53 What Is Exposome?
01:24:28 How Is Trauma Passed Down Generations?
01:27:46 The Biggest Discovery About Longevity & Health.
01:32:16 How to Have Access to What Happens in Our Body.
01:34:17 The Last Guest Question.
You can purchase Dr Hyman’s most recent book, ‘Young Forever’, here: https://amzn.to/449QhwZ
Follow Mark:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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Uncover the biggest secret behind Ronda Rousey's rise as a champion and pioneer of the fight game.
Ronda Rousey was the first American woman to win an Olympic medal in judo, and UFC women's bantamweight champion from 2012 to 2015, she was also a professional wrestler in the WWE from 2017 to 2019, returning in 2022 before leaving in 2023.
In this conversation Ronda and Steven discuss topics such as, her father’s death by suicide, her eating disorder, abusive relationships with coaches, and the truth about the WWE.
00:00 Intro
02:10 Being Born With A Rare Disease
03:46 Ronda's Struggles as a Child
05:27 Her Father’s Death When She Was A Child
07:35 Finding Out About Her Dad's Suicide
10:38 Ronda's Mother
11:46 What's Been Ingrained in Her as a Kid
13:34 Becoming a Prodigy of Judo
15:59 Her Competitive Nature for Fighting
20:30 Movin in With His Coach At 16
21:55 Her Struggles With Bulimia
24:33 Getting Bullied for Her Physique
25:49 Ronda Competing in the Beijing Olympics
26:30 Lack of Pay
27:01 Our Dark Side Becomes The Driver Of Our Success
29:32 How Her Concussions Affected Her Career
36:15 Defeating People in 60 Seconds
37:43 Having Very Strict/Abusive Coaches
39:56 How Did It Impact You?
42:53 Coaches Crossing the Line...
47:34 What Dana White Said About Ronda
48:55 Why Were You Fighting So Frequently?
50:15 Being The First Woman to Appear on the UFC
50:33 The New Jackie Chang
51:14 UFC 193 Ronda Vs Holly Holm
54:40 How Did You Feel After Losing?
58:14 Suicidal Thoughts
01:00:15 Ronda's Last Fight in the UFC
01:03:13 Her Husband Support During Tough Times
01:06:57 When Did WWE Come In?
01:10:44 Social Media Pressure
01:13:09 Did She Feel Expendable to the WWE?
01:13:30 Vince McMahon and Sexual Allegations
01:16:05 Ronda Suffering Two Miscarriages?
01:20:03 Where Does Her Happiness Come From?
01:27:32 Did Her Traumas Make Her Who She Is Today?
01:31:11 What She Learned From Her Dad?
01:33:04 Last Guest Question
You can purchase Ronda’s memoir, ‘Our Fight’, here: https://amzn.to/43OM0P1
Follow Ronda:
Twitter - https://bit.ly/4cI3SPP
Instagram - https://bit.ly/3J4Tjc3
YouTube - https://bit.ly/3J2Qrwl
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, neuroscientist and bestselling author, Dr Tara Swart discusses the brain-body impacts of stress and the dangers of being around stressful people. While people think of stress as being solely a mental health problem, it can physical health impacts, the most obvious being an increase in belly fat. This fat is a result of the stress hormone cortisol, which because of evolution, tells your body to hold onto fat as a survival mechanism. Because of this, you can’t shift this belly weight with either diet or exercise, the only thing that will change it is addressing the stress that is causing the release of cortisol. Dr Swart also says that leaders who cannot handle their stress, who she calls, ‘leaky cortisol people’, can cause a trickle down effect in an organisation, causing stress and negative health impacts on the people below them.
Listen to the full episode here
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/BIZuIuDPwIb
Spotify - https://g2ul0.app.link/NGE9aaHPwIb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Instagram: https://bit.ly/48hJ1k2
Twitter: https://bit.ly/46gqYZI
Making a living by telling jokes, takes making it through a life that’s no joke.
Tim Dillon is a comedian, actor, and host of the Tim Dillon Show podcast. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine named him as one of the top 10 comics you need to know, and in 2022, he released his first Netflix standup special, 'Tim Dillon: A Real Hero’.
In this conversation Tim and Steven discuss topics such as, how his mother’s illness inspired him to become funny, his addiction, how Generation Z has exposed society’s scams, and the mental health struggles that pushed him into becoming a comedian.
00:00 Intro
02:01 I Was a Closeted Gay Addict
03:23 Which One of Your Parents Were Depressed?
07:03 The Impact of Your Parent's Mental Illnesses on You
09:05 Your Parents Divorce
12:32 Childhood Trauma & Taking Drugs
15:51 Hitting Rock Bottom
19:40 AA Meetings
23:15 Trying to Get Sober
24:27 Being a Juror on a Murder Crime
27:41 His First Open Mic Comedy Show
29:25 The Taboos in Comedy
33:20 Why You Don't Get Cancelled
36:09 The Podcasting World
39:42 What’s Up With The Different Generations?
48:09 What Are His Goals in Comedy
49:18 Have You Processed Your Trauma?
55:38 His Experience with Therapy
58:24 Coming Out as Gay & Dating
01:01:50 What Do You Love About Yourself?
01:05:00 Mental Health Coping Mechanisms
01:07:27 Elon Musk Buying Twitter
01:08:35 Social Media Criticism
01:09:46 Touring The World
01:15:03 What Happens in Hollywood?
01:17:40 Rising to the Top: The American Dream
01:20:51 New Generations Don't Work Hard
01:21:49 Remote Working
01:25:05 The Future of AI
01:30:26 Men's Mental Health
01:33:53 Andrew Tate's Influence
01:34:49 Who Should You Have Apologized to and You Didn't?
You can purchase tickets to Tim’s new show, ‘American Royalty’, here: https://bit.ly/4aHE6JN
You can watch ‘The Tim Dillon Show,’ here: https://bit.ly/3U1DOYp
Follow Tim:
Twitter - https://bit.ly/49oMOLV
Instagram - https://bit.ly/3PPbRRb
YouTube - https://bit.ly/3U1DOYp
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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If you’ve ever had questions about sex but have been to embarrassed to ask them, then this is the episode for you.
Dr Rena Malik is a Urologist & Pelvic Surgeon, her YouTube channel has over 1.8 million subscribers, where she releases weekly episodes on everything to do with sexual health education.
In this conversation Rena and Steven discuss topics such as, how stress affects the pelvic floor, the health benefits of orgasms, how to save your sex life, why sperm count is decreasing worldwide, and how to really boost testosterone.
(0:00) Intro
(02:04) What is it you're seeking to do?
(02:54) How do you define sexual health?
(03:10) Do we understand our bodies?
(04:34) Where does your training come from?
(06:01) What's your training with the pelvic floor?
(08:31) Why should our doctors be asking about our sexual health?
(10:39) Is a weak pelvic floor in men linked to erectile dysfunction, and does sitting cause it too?
(12:22) How much sex should couples be having?
(14:06) Should we be experiencing pain during sex?
(16:21) The vagina's expanding process
(18:47) How do we communicate with our partners about sex?
(21:45) What's the first step in re-building a good sex life?
(25:46) Men vs women’s sexual desire as we age
(28:35) Anticipation around sex causing more harm than good
(29:35) Is a low libido a hormone problem?
(31:53) Ways to increase testosterone
(34:49) A decline in testosterone levels and sperm counts
(36:01) Chemicals in everyday objects impacting sperm counts
(37:54) How have sperm counts been decreasing over the years?
(41:30) How do we increase our semen volume
(43:20) Does masturbating improve my pelvic floor?
(44:19) The impact our technology is having on our genitals
(47:12) Does masturbation decrease testosterone levels?
(48:41) Does too much masturbation have a bad effect on us?
(50:34) Will masturbating make people blind?
(50:53) What do you think of no nut November
(52:29) Masturbating giving you more clarity of mind
(55:47) Post nut clarity
(59:15) The link between cancer and masturbation
(01:01:12) Porn, is it bad?
(01:05:11) VR headsets and porn
(01:09:38) Trauma and how it relates to our sex lives
(01:12:14) Can you have sex when pregnant?
(01:12:57) Orgasms and the clitoris
(01:19:00) What is an orgasm
(01:22:40) Scheduling time for sex?
(01:24:11) Is there a disparity on how long sex should actually take compared to how long it takes
(01:27:49) Vagina myths
(01:29:54) Pelvic floor exercises, how to do them
(01:32:12) How do we know if we have pelvic floor issues
(01:35:16) PENIS SIZE, is it possible to increase the size?
(01:38:03) How big is a penis on average vs how big people think they should be?
(01:41:14) Will my penis get smaller as we age?
(01:42:32) Does body parts size indicate a bigger penis?
(01:45:09) Labiaplasty
(01:46:45) Squirting
(01:49:40) Last guest question
Follow Rena:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
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Study mentioned:
In this moment, behavioural expert and dating coach, Logan Ury discusses the 3 fundamental things to look for in a partner. Too often people have a rigid list of exact traits that they want in their future partner in relationship science this is called, ‘relationship shopping’. This is the idea of shopping for your partner like you would do with any product online. However, more often than not, people end up in a long term relationship with someone who has none of these traits. The reason for this is that while people may think they know what they want, they are wrong. Instead, Logan says you need to date like a scientist, experimenting and constantly changing your hypothesis of what you want in a partner. This can be achieved by using Logan’s 8 questions to ask yourself after a date, the focus of this is examining who are you around that person, and what side of you do they bring out, as this is who you will be for the rest of the relationship.
Listen to the full episode here
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/sXZ3OZpToHb
Spotify - https://g2ul0.app.link/nAu4hnmToHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
If over half of marriages end in divorce, what are the skills to make sure your relationship stays in the successful 50%?
Drs. John and Julie Gottman are world leading relationship researchers that have been studying couples for over 40 years, publishing over 200 academic journal articles and 46 books. They are the co-founders of The Gottman Institute and Love Lab.
In this conversation the Gottman’s and Steven discuss topics such as, the 3 skills you need for a healthy relationship, the steps to repair a relationship after an argument, why kissing can extend your life, and how cuddling leads to a better sex life.
(00:00) Intro
(02:07) What mission are you on & Why study love?
(06:30) Studying traits of successful couples
(08:27) Link between relationships & our health
(12:15) What is the love lab?
(15:05) The misconceptions about relationships
(17:16) How to connect with your partner
(27:08) What is the 'attuned' framework?
(32:10) Why does typical couples therapy often fail?
(34:41) The 7 Principles of a successful marriage
(38:09) Do partners' dreams need to be aligned?
(40:09) 69% of our problems are not solvable
(48:05) What to do when your partner wants to change you
(50:43) The four horsemen
(57:45) What is flooding?
(1:02:55) What's a 'caretaker' in a relationship
(1:05:55) Conflict misunderstandings
(1:07:58) How to become a master at conflict resolution
(1:11:05) How to repair/fix relationship issues
(1:18:46) What have you learnt about the role of kissing
(1:21:49) The role of sex in a relationship
(1:29:22) Our society is becoming more sexless
(1:31:42) Men struggling to figure out where they fit into society
(1:37:14) What do women really want in a man?
(1:39:23) Talking about sex makes your sex life better
(1:43:54) Betrayal in a relationship
(1:44:38) The traits that show a failing relationship
(1:48:44) Asking your partner their dreams
(1:50:52) Advice to give a relationship its best shot
(1:52:45) The most interesting conclusions from the love lab
(1:55:03) What does Julie mean to you, John
(1:56:00) What does John mean to you, Julie
(1:58:02) Why did you write this book
(1:59:18) The Last Guest's question
You can purchase the Gottman’s new book, ‘Fight Right: How Successful Couples Turn Conflict into Connection’, here: https://amzn.to/3TDm5Fx
Follow the Gottman’s:
Twitter - https://bit.ly/3xcZA2z
Instagram - https://bit.ly/4cC2UVl
YouTube - https://bit.ly/4awssRS
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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From starting in a shed to aiming to be a billion dollar company, the road to success is a 24/7 mission.
George Heaton is the owner and creative director of the British luxury streetwear brand, Represent.
In this conversation George and Steven discuss topics such as, why a work-life balance is bullshit, changing his life and writing his rules for success, how Represent was almost destroyed, and why he doesn’t believe in motivation.
You can purchase all Represent products, here: https://bit.ly/3PyaKoX
Follow George:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, bestselling author and business leadership speaker, Simon Sinek discusses quiet quitting and the importance of expectation management when it comes to work. Simon says that both employers and employees need to be more open and honest about what they want from their professional relationship. For instance, he says that Amazon is very open that it is a very tough and competitive culture, so people can choose whether they want to work in that sort of environment. Equally, employees need to be honest about how they want work to fit into their life, do they want an easy casual job or do they want to push hard and be ambitious. Simon believes we need to treat work like a conversation, previously it has been treated like a speech where workers were told what they were going to do, but now people can ask, why does work have to be that way?
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/nv4jKFbt9Hb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/hZEYgPgt9Hb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Simon: https://simonsinek.com
We are living in an epidemic of trauma, causing disease and death, so why are so few of us ready to face it?
Dr. Paul Conti is a general psychiatrist and expert on treating trauma, he is also the founder and CEO of Pacific Premier Group, PC
In this conversation Paul and Steven discuss topics such as, our current epidemic of trauma, why trauma is making you age faster, how you inherit trauma, and the ways that trauma can lead to an early death.
00:00 Intro
02:04 The Invisible Epidemic
04:12 What Percentage of the Population Has Traumas?
06:39 Your Brother's Suicide
09:43 Trauma Is Causing All Sorts of Illnesses in Our Bodies
12:35 How Trauma Speeds Up Your Ageing
14:31 How Trauma Affects Us at a Cellular Level
15:49 Trauma Leads to Early Death
18:01 Is There Anything Killing More Than Trauma?
19:15 The Different Types of Trauma
23:46 What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Weaker
26:30 Why Some People Experience Trauma Stronger Than Others
29:07 The Impact of Being Different
31:54 Developing Trauma Later in Life
35:21 How Do We Know If Trauma Is Being Passed On?
38:55 Do We Need to Understand Our Parents' Trauma to Understand Ours?
43:22 Post-Trauma Syndrome
44:11 How to Know If We Are Traumatised?
47:18 Trauma Shows Up as Addiction
50:18 What Tests Can Be Done to See If We Have Trauma?
51:12 Self-Destructive Shooting Methods
54:33 People Are Dying from Prescribed Meds
56:38 How Does Trauma Change Our Brains?
58:17 Trauma Creates Cognitive Blind Spots in Our Brain
01:03:14 We Tend to Seek What Harms Us in Order to Fix It
01:05:49 Becoming Addicted to Our Victimhood
01:07:27 What's the Role of the Limbic System in Our Traumas?
01:10:01 Shame Keeps Us Alive
01:11:57 You Can Build a Different Story Around Your Shame
01:16:08 How You Are Treated Determines Whether a Situation Becomes Traumatic or Not
01:17:46 How to Alleviate Our Shame
01:19:31 How Bringing Up the Trauma Helps
01:22:47 The Link Between Sleep and Trauma
01:24:28 The Importance of Sitting Alone with Your Thoughts
01:26:07 Sleep Problems Need to Be Urgently Addressed
01:27:33 Why You're Not Sleeping
01:28:50 Link Between Weight and Trauma
01:30:45 Advice for People That Think They Can't Change
01:33:40 Training Your Brain
01:36:04 Can You Completely Get Rid of a Trauma?
01:37:03 How to Stop Being Triggered by Trauma
01:38:18 Saving Lady Gaga's Life
01:41:53 Last Guest Question
You can purchase Paul’s book, ‘Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic: How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal From It’, here: https://amzn.to/4ceTKhf
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms
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Understanding the laws human nature is one of the most crucial skills in life, so why do so few of us take the time to learn them?
Robert Greene is a New York Times bestselling author, whose books include, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’, ’The Art of Seduction’, and ’The 33 Strategies of War’.
In this conversation Robert and Steven discuss topics such as, how to avoid a midlife crisis, ways to eliminate self-doubt, how to use body language to get what you want, and the dark truth about human psychology.
(2:00) Why did you write a book about human nature?
(3:59) How do we reverse a lack of self-awareness?
(6:26) How to get rid of qualities we don’t like about ourselves
(11:20) Where does our dark side come from?
(14:54) How to pursue that thing you’ve always wanted to do
(27:19) The unseen importance of creating a sense of urgency
(29:12) How to know if you’re following a false purpose
(35:42) Should a young person just be saying yes to everything?
(39:39) How to manage other people that get in the way of what we want to do
(42:31) Do we have to lie to be successful?
(51:16) How to read someone's body language
(53:57) A smile says loads about how someone feels about you
(56:16) People's personalities are contagious
(56:43) Frenemies, what they mean and how to spot one
(1:06:07) What's the most controversial point from your book?
(1:08:50) Does equality exist when we all strive for power?
(1:11:54) Becoming the best, what it really means
(1:17:36) Is death a motivator for you?
(1:24:14) The importance of relationships
(1:26:26) How to deal with dark thoughts
(1:28:34) Advice for people going through self-doubt & hard moments
(1:32:42) Why did you write this book, The Sublime?
(1:37:08) What would be your parting message to the world?
(1:42:59) How can we rise above our emotional reactions?
(1:44:40) How has your research influenced how you view politics?
(1:52:03) The last guest's question
You can purchase the special 25th anniversary edition Robert’s book, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’, here: https://amzn.to/3TA1NOm
Follow Robert:
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, former chief business officer for Google X and bestselling author, Mo Gawdat, discusses the happiness equation. According to Mo, we don’t realise that happiness is actually very predictable, so much so that it can actually be put into a mathematical equation. Mo says the formula for happiness is: your perception of the events of your life minus your expectations of how life should be. This means, that it’s not specific events that cause happiness, but it is the comparison between the event and the expectation you have in your mind of how your life should be going. As a result happiness is all about perception, which means you have the ability to control your happiness and it becomes a choice that you decide.
Listen to the full episode here
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/wOrKoipLXHb
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/AUXUbRILXHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Mo Gowdat: https://www.instagram.com/mo_gawdat/?hl=en
CrossFit vs. marathon running? Yoga vs. pilates? Does the fitness world always have to be a battleground, or is there a middle ground that everyone can agree on?
Dr. Layne Norton is a former powerlifting champion and professional bodybuilder. He is the founder of Biolayne LLC and the co-founder of Carbon Diet Coach.
In this conversation Layne and Steven discuss topics such as, the truth about calories, sugar addiction, growing muscle three times faster, and why people can’t lose weight.
(00:00) Intro
(02:04) Making Fitness Accessible to Everyone
(13:46) My Bullying Experiences Is My Driver to Help People
(16:39) How to Overcome Our Food Addiction
(14:39) Finding the Psychological Ways That Stop Us from Achieving What We Want
(18:02) How to Build Motivation and Discipline
(24:33) Setting Big Goals Stop You from Achieving Them
(27:14) The Psychology of Taking Small Steps Really Work
(29:23) What Takes for a Person to Decide to Lose Weight or Go to the Gym?
(35:00) Calories In/Calories Out
(37:53) Thermic Effect of Food
(41:49) Metabolic Adaptation
(44:02) Can You Lose Weight in Calorie Surplus?
(52:58) Artificial Sweetness
(59:49) Is Sugar Addictive?
(01:06:07) Craving Sugar
(01:08:02) How Sweeteners Affect Our Gut
(01:09:16) What Supplements Do You Recommend?
(01:14:25) Whey Protein
(01:18:03) Caffeine
(01:19:08) Intermittent Fasting
(01:20:16) Does Fasting Help When You're Ill?
(01:24:24) Can You Lose Belly Fat?
(01:27:40) Is Exercise Useful for Weight Loss?
(01:30:40) Exercising Helps Having a Balanced Diet
(01:35:07) Keto Diet
(01:39:21) Fat Loss and Fat Oxidation
(01:41:55) The Importance of Failure in Success Rate
(01:49:53) Ozempic
(01:53:10) What Are the Downsides of These Drugs?
(02:00:36) What Do You Think of the Fitness Industry?
(02:08:05) Resistance Training
(02:09:16) How to Grow Big Muscles
(02:17:21) Last Guest Question
Follow Layne:
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
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ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off
Studies mentioned in the episode:
Obesity Risk for Female Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Prospective Study:
Successful weight loss maintenance: A systematic review of weight control registries:
Creatine for the Treatment of Depression:
Discrepancy between self-reported and actual caloric intake:
Non-nutritive sweetened beverages versus water after a 52-week weight management programme: a randomised controlled trial:
Short-term consumption of sucralose with, but not without, carbohydrate impairs neural and metabolic sensitivity to sugar in human:
A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults:
Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake:
The NutriNet-Santé Study
Relation between caloric intake, body weight, and physical work: studies in an industrial male population in West Bengal:
GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and the Thyroid:
Relationships and romance aren't easy, but are you making it harder than it needs to be?
Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist and a bestselling author, she is also the co-host of the ‘Dear Therapists’ podcast. Her New York Times bestselling books include, ‘Maybe You Should Talk to Someone’ and ‘Mr Good Enough’.
In this conversation Lori and Steven discuss topics such as, why men should always pay for the date, the best age according to statistics to get married, what women really want in a man, and the simple trick to show what is missing in your relationship.
(00:00) Intro
(02:08) How to Live the Life You Want
(05:06) Lack of Human Connections Leads to Relationship Pressure
(06:21) Why the Majority Aren't Satisfied with Their Relationships
(08:01) The Need to Be Understood
(09:47) Why Men Struggle More Opening Up in the Relationship
(16:34) Setting Unreal Expectations When Looking for a Partner
(19:40) We're Too Picky on Dating Apps
(24:57) High Expectations, Can They Be Lowered?
(28:04) Gender Differences in Dating
(33:44) The Type of People That Seek Bad Partners
(35:11) How to Help Those People
(36:49) Financial Differences in Dating
(42:53) People Are Choosing Not to Have Kids and Get Married
(49:02) What Happens When a Woman Earns More in the Relationship
(51:08) The Big Debate on a First Date
(56:35) Red Flags in First Dates
(59:51) The Age You Marry Is Linked to Divorce Risk
(01:03:32) You Need to Learn to Unknow Yourself
(01:05:35) The Impact of Seeking Approval
(01:12:20) When Your Friends Sabotage You When You Try to Change
(01:20:46) Do Women Express More Emotion Than Men?
(01:22:38) Do Our Dreams Have True Meanings?
(01:25:08) The Safety of Self-Compassion
(01:26:55) The Opposite of Depression Isn't Happiness
(01:29:46) The Grief of Heartbreak and How to Recover
(01:37:53) How to Help Someone Going Through Heartbreak
(01:45:02) Last Guest Question
You can find the link to the graph on age and divorce risk here: https://bit.ly/49KpKrM
You can pre-order Lori’s book, ‘Maybe You Should Talk to Someone’, here: https://amzn.to/43aSMyq
Follow Lori
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
Follow me:
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This moment is a compilation of some of the most successful women to ever appear on The Diary Of A CEO, discussing the biggest hurdles that women have to overcome on the road to success.
Karen Brady CBE, former managing director of Birmingham City F.C tells how on her first away game, it wasn’t believed that she could have a place in the boardroom and was mistaken for a player's wife or partner. Ever since, she has been driven to show the importance of true equality of treatment for people.
Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of Bumble, says that one of the key reasons for Bumble’s success in a crowded dating app market was that it aimed at women and what they wanted, compared to all the other apps which ignored women to focus on male customers.
Trinny Woodall, CEO of Trinny London, says that by starting a successful business in mid life, it proves that age is just a number and that energy alongside trusting yourself and your ideas is everything.
Finally, Reshma Saujani, CEO of Girls Who Code, believes women have been sold the propaganda that they aren’t good or smart enough, and are left doubting their own abilities. Instead, she says that women have to say no and believe that they are deserving of success now.
Listen to the full episodes here-
Karen- https://g2ul0.app.link/qtWXktE5LHb
Whitney- https://g2ul0.app.link/r3nkxZv5LHb
Trinny- https://g2ul0.app.link/irHxG1y5LHb
Reshma- https://g2ul0.app.link/8EC3scH5LHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Karen- https://www.instagram.com/karren_brady_official/
Whitney- https://www.instagram.com/whitney/
Trinny- https://www.instagram.com/trinnywoodall/
Reshma- https://www.instagram.com/reshmasaujani/
What can video game and porn addiction tell us about society’s mental health crisis?
Dr Alok Kanojia is a psychiatrist and co-founder of the mental health coaching company 'Healthy Gamer', which aims to help with modern stressors, such as social media, video games, and online dating.
In this conversation Dr Alok and Steven discuss topics such as, the male mental health crisis, how your phone is hijacking your brain, the link between trauma and toxic masculinity, and how social media is ruining your relationships.
(00:00) Intro.
(02:07) Achieve Whatever You Want.
(02:39) External Success Won't Fix You Inside.
(04:12) This Won't Lead To Happiness.
(06:48) I Had A Gaming Addiction
(08:43) How To Identify Real Needs From Desires?
(12:08) What Sort Of People Have You Worked With?
(12:48) What Does It Mean To Be A Man?
(20:27) What Is The Remedy For Men’s Mental Health & Suicide Issues?
(23:20) Men Get Upset Based On Their Insecurities.
(25:45) Men Need Self-Expression.
(26:43) What Are Your Thoughts On Andrew Tate?
(30:31) How To Stop People From Following Toxic Masculinity?
(33:24) Do Men Need More Positive Role Models?
(35:22) Why Are Women's Suicide Rates Increasing?
(37:34) The Role Of Social Media In Our Mental Health.
(44:16) Should Yoga Be Taught At School?
(47:07) What Is Meditation And The Biggest Misunderstanding?
(50:08) The Important Impact Of Meditation On Our Lives?
(51:29) What Stops People From Meditating?
(55:29) How Does Meditation Help With Addiction?
(58:23) Our Biggest Addiction Is Success.
(01:03:32) Dissatisfaction Leads To Watching Pornography.
(01:04:04) How To Help People With Addiction?
(01:05:06) Does Addiction Create Shame?
(01:06:43) Case Study: How Any Transformation Is Possible?
(01:07:32) Having The First Conversation With An Addict.
(01:09:04) Do We Need To Hit Rock Bottom To Realise How Bad It Is?
(01:09:05) Don't Protect People; Let Them Accept Their Responsibilities.
(01:13:06) Motivational Interviewing.
(01:13:00) The 25% Rule To Achieve Your Goals.
(01:22:20) The Last Guest Question
You can pre-order Dr Alok’s book, ‘How to Raise a Healthy Gamer’, here: https://amzn.to/3V5jfLV
Follow Dr Alok:
Twitter - https://bit.ly/3V59nS4
Instagram - https://bit.ly/49GFrQN
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
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Everyones seen the films, but what does it take to be a real life 007?
Andrew Bustamante is a former covert CIA intelligence officer and US Air Force combat veteran. He is the founder of EverydaySpy, an online education platform that teaches real-world international espionage techniques that can be used in everyday life.
In this conversation Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, why spy skills work in the business world, how to manipulate people, the ways to take control of your emotions, and why he’s leaving the US before 2030.
(00:00) Intro
(02:10) Your Time At The CIA
(02:47) What Is The CIA?
(03:27) You've Got It Wrong About Spies
(06:13) Applying Real Spy Skills To Overcome Any Barrier In Our Lives
(07:43) How To Manipulate People
(17:45) The Psychological Profile Of A CIA Agent
(20:43) I Held The Key To Nuclear Missiles
(22:45) It Was A Horrible Job
(24:30) Would You Have You Pressed The Nuclear Button?
(26:48) The CIA Message That Changed My Life
(28:43) The Interview Process For The CIA
(32:44) How Did You Feel When You Received That Letter?
(35:07) Did The CIA Tell You To Cut Off From Your Social Circle?
(35:57) Your Ethnicity Factor To Be Recruited By The CIA
(37:16) Do You Have To Change Your Identity?
(38:27) How Expensive Is To Train A CIA Agent?
(38:34) What's The CIA Training Scheme?
(39:17) Do They Show You How To Kill?
(40:19) How You Teach The Art Of Lying
(43:13) Body Language & Lying
(44:59) Demystifying Lying Signs
(47:57) How To Tell If Someone Is Lying
(49:47) Human Psychology
(52:55) The Essence Of Manipulation
(54:32) How To Find Someone's Ideology To Manipulate Them
(58:45) Have You Changed The Way You Look At The World?
(01:02:34) Perception vs Perceptive
(01:04:32) Leaning Into Objective vs Subjective Feelings
(01:05:58) How To Train Yourself To Apply Rational Objective Perspective
(01:08:27) Your Business Success
(01:11:34) What Is SADRAT?
(01:13:40) Change The Game When Selling Your Products
(01:15:46) What Is Espionage?
(01:16:41) What Is Our Secret Life?
(01:20:49) How To Enter Someone's Secret Life
(01:26:06) How To Apply It To Business
(01:28:52) Adapting To Change Faster Than Your Opponent
(01:31:51) Were There Times Your Life Was At Threat?
(01:34:16) Sexpionage, What Is It?
(01:36:22) Disguise, Did You Ever Do It?
(01:41:17) Do CIA Agents Get Trained To Not Feel Fear & Anxiety?
(01:43:56) How Do They Train You To Slow Down Your Emotional Brain?
(01:50:11) Your Wife & You Leaving The CIA
(01:51:38) America Is Going Through A Hard Period
(01:56:58) What's The Advice For Everyone To Make That Change?
(01:59:10) How Does Your Identity Stop You From Evolving?
(01:59:22) What Is Something You Used To Believe That You No Longer Do?
Want to learn more from Andrew?
Find your Spy Superpower: https://everydayspy.com/spyquiz
Explore Spy School: https://everydayspy.com/
Join the podcast: https://youtube.com/@EverydaySpyPodcast
Follow Andrew
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In this moment, neuroscientist, Professor Tali Sharot, discusses why happiness is not the most important thing in life, and actually it is just 1 of 3 critical factors for a complete life. Most people think that the meaning of life for humans is to try and find the maximum amount of happiness, however this just factor one. Tali says that the second factor is meaning. Often in your life you do a task not because it will give you happiness but because it gives you a sense of completeness that comes from meaning. Finally, Tali says that we need what is called a ‘psychological rich life’, which is basically a varied life. She says that this diversity in life is absolutely crucial as humans have evolved to have a desire to explore and face uncertainty.
Listen to the full episode here -
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/UxbjZ8pxAHb
Spotify - https://g2ul0.app.link/gfyuxwlxAHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
You can pre-order Dr. Sharot’s new book, ‘Look Again: The Power of Noticing What was Always There’, here: https://amzn.to/3SEbVp5
1 in 6 people are narcissists, so what is a narcissist and how can you spot one?
Dr Ramani Durvasula is a clinical psychologist, Professor of Psychology at California State University, and the Founder and CEO of LUNA Education, Training & Consulting. She is also the author of books such as ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist’, and ‘"Don't You Know Who I Am?": How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility’.
In this conversation Dr. Ramani and Steven discuss topics such as, whether your partner is a narcissist, the 4 types of narcissist, why up to 50% of famous people are narcissists, and whether narcissists are better in bed.
(00:00) Intro
(02:08) Why Dedicating Your Life To Studying Narcissism
(03:10) The Cost Of Narcissism
(06:07) How To Spot A Narcissist
(12:27) How To Differentiate An Asshole From A Narcissist
(15:19) Can You Cure Narcissism?
(16:39) What Gender Tends To Be More Narcissistic
(18:24) The Types Of Narcissism
(25:07) How Many People Are Narcissists?
(27:21) Is Social Media Fuelling More Narcissists
(32:09) Where Does Narcissism Come From Genetics Environment
(36:06) Narcissism Lives In A Spectrum
(37:08) Are Narcissists More Successful
(40:12) The Empathic CEOs Are Rare
(43:04) Does Money Make You More Narcissistic?
(47:03) How Do You Know If You Are A Narcissist
(50:19) What People Get Attracted To Narcissist?
(53:41) How To Know If My Partner Is A Narcissist
(55:32) The Three Rs: How To Know If You're In A Negative Relationship
(59:28) Pathological Manipulation
(01:00:56) What's Projection?
(01:04:20) Can They Take Feedback
(01:05:55) Gaslighting, What Is It?
(01:10:49) How To Deal With Being Gaslit
(01:13:10) Do Narcissists Engage In Domestic Behaviour
(01:15:17) What Should I Do If My Boss Is A Narcissist
(01:17:31) Can You Get Out From A Narcissistic Person
(01:21:32) Can You Be Happy In A Relationship With A Narcissist
(01:23:08) What Is The Weak Point Of A Narcissist
(01:24:44) Why Don't They Like Authentic People
(01:25:51) Famous Narcissists
(01:31:55) You Can Come Back From Narcissistic Abuse
(01:34:04) Hardest Day Of Your Life
You can order Dr Ramani’s most recent book, ‘It's Not You: How to Identify and Heal from NARCISSISTIC People’, here: https://amzn.to/42YI79K
Follow Dr Ramani
Twitter - https://bit.ly/3wF91ra
Instagram - https://bit.ly/48A634K
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
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How can grip strength predict if you will get a chronic disease? And why is sleeping with a shut door ruining your sleep?
Dr Andy Galpin, PhD, is Professor of Kinesiology (the study of movement) at California State University, Fullerton. He is the Co-Director of the Center for Sport Performance and Founder/Director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Dr Andy is an Elite Performer Coach & Consultant for NBA All-Stars, World Title athletes, and Olympic medalists. He is also the host of the ‘Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin’ podcast.
In this conversation Dr. Andy and Steven discuss topics such as, how grip strength can predict chronic diseases, why you should never exercise at night, the foolproof way to lose weight, and why you need to know your VO2 levels.
(00:00) Intro
(02:11) Enhancing People's Physical & Cognitive Performance
(04:16) Why You Care About Human Performance?
(10:39) What's Your Academic Background
(11:38) What's the Range of People That Come to You & What Do They Want Fixing?
(14:23) What Stops Us from Reaching Our Optimal Performance?
(20:53) How Vitamin Deficiencies Affect Our Body
(24:37) Why We Don't Get Accurate Results from Blood Tests
(28:22) You Need to Understand Why Your Body Markers Are Down
(32:25) Why People Struggle to Sleep
(37:23) How to Improve Your Sleep
(42:59) Is 8h the Optimal Sleep Time?
(48:34) The Misconceptions of Sleep Debt
(50:51) The Power of Doing Tasks at Your Usual Circadian Times
(55:24) Environmental Factors That Affect Our Sleep
(01:04:17) Create the Optimal Environment for Restorative Sleep
(01:06:56) Sleep Debt
(01:10:12) How to Stop Travels Disrupting Your Sleep
(01:12:28) How Important Is Your Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?
(01:13:55) The Impact of Keto Diet and Carbs on Your HRV?
(01:16:38) The Effects of Introducing Carbs Back into Your Diet
(01:18:42) How to Have a Healthy HRV?
(01:23:37) Good Morning Routines for Improved HRV
(01:28:14) Does Red Light Have an Effect on Our Bodies?
(01:30:36) The Importance of Choosing the Right Training
(01:31:30) Gain Muscle Mass and Stay Lean
(01:35:19) When to Eat When Exercising
(01:37:18) Best Training for Best & Lasting Performance
(01:39:22) The Death Dangers of Falling at 60+ Years Old
(01:42:31) What Is VO2 Max?
(01:45:03) What VO2 Max Says About Your Health
(01:49:33) People Don't Believe Their Health Problems Can Be Fixed
(01:52:24) The Exercise and Steps to Improve VO2 Max
(01:54:43) To Build Muscle You Need to Add Variations to Your Exercise Routine
(01:59:03) Creatine Benefits for Your Body
(02:04:09) Fat Loss
(02:11:30) Depriving Yourself from Food Isn't Beneficial in Weight Loss
(02:12:34) Why Should You Do Strength Before Endurance?
(02:12:58) How Technology Will Shape Our Health
(02:18:40) The Impact of Minimizing Stressors in Our Lives
(02:24:43) Last Guest Question
Follow Dr Andy
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Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
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In this moment, relationship expert and behavioural scientist, Logan Ury discusses what she thinks is the most important part out of all of relationship science: attachment styles. Logan says these styles help you to understand yourself, your previous dating patterns, and who you are attracted to. Our attachment style also explains we are triggered to push people away, as our brains create negative thoughts and look for flaws in a person as an unconscious way of protecting us from getting hurt. However, Logan says that it is possible for 25% of us to change our attachment style. She says this can be done in 2 parts: firstly by understanding your style of attachment, and secondly, by understanding your unconscious triggers you can override them in order to get out of your own way in finding love.
Listen to the full episode here
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/sXZ3OZpToHb
Spotify - https://g2ul0.app.link/nAu4hnmToHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
There has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur, but what is the first step?
Daniel Priestley is an award-winning serial entrepreneur who has built and sold several successful businesses and written 5 books on starting and scaling businesses. He is the founder of Dent Global, an accelerator and venture studio, and the cofounder of ScoreApp, an AI powered marketing software.
In this conversation Daniel and Steven discuss topics such as, the entrepreneurs journey, struggling with mindset shifts when scaling a company, why passion is crucial for success in business, and how AI is changing the business landscape.
(00:00) Intro
(02:15) The Most Exciting Time Of History For Businesses
(04:22) Growing Small Businesses & Making Them Millions
(05:39) Can Anyone Be An Entrepreneur?
(06:20) How To Know If It's A Good Business Idea
(11:09) How Important Is Passion In Being A Successful Entrepreneur
(14:18) Don't Pursue Entrepreneurship For This Reason!
(22:42) How To Be A Visionary
(28:05) How To Be Great At Pitching Business Ideas
(35:46) The Magic Of 'With Or Without You' Energy
(41:17) The Steps To Know If It'll Be A Good Business
(49:43) Fear Of Failure
(52:34) Life Force Energy & Bringing Stories To Life
(57:59) The Importance Of Changing Environments Regularly
(01:02:59) Starting A Business/Personal Brand
(01:07:11) Soloentreneurship Doesn't Work
(01:09:55) How To Make Money
(01:16:01) Your Team Is Essential In Your Business
(01:18:41) How Do You Invest Your Money
(01:20:18) How To Build A Business From Scratch
(01:24:46) Should You Work For A Big Company Or A Start Up
(01:27:19) The Humility Of Accepting Others Are Better Than You
(01:30:01) What's A Management Buyout?
(01:36:33) How To Structure And How To Sale A Deal
(01:39:42) AI Will Revolutionize How Businesses Work!
(01:46:25) Work-Life Balance
(01:49:54) Last Guest Question
You can check out some of Daniel’s businesses below:
KPI Scorecard: https://bit.ly/49mYu2w
Scoreapp: https://bit.ly/3OQ0lVg
You can order Daniel’s most recent book, ‘Scorecard Marketing’, here: https://bit.ly/48tZksS
Follow Daniel
Twitter - https://bit.ly/49qhSMa
Instagram - https://bit.ly/49EioWr
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Everyone has the desire to be desired, finally, in this episode, the mystery of desire is stripped back.
Dr Karen Gurney is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychosexologist and Couples Therapist, she has been helping couples tackle sex problems for over 20 years. She is the author of the bestselling book, ‘Mind The Gap: The truth about desire and how to future proof your sex life’.
In this conversation Karen and Steven discuss topics, such as the reasons for a dead sex life, why women prefer non-penetrative sex, how technology is killing your sex life, and why you should invest in your sexual currency.
0:00 Intro
02:07 What Do You Do and Why Do You Do It?
03:56 Our Attention Is Being Hijacked Which Is Affecting Our Sex Lives
09:57 Why Does Sex Get Harder the More We Think About It
11:50 Why Expectations and Pressure Make Sex Worse
15:56 Our Society Has Created a "Sexual Script" That's Wrong
17:10 How to Talk About Sex with Your Partner
23:09 How to Tell Your Partner You're Not Attracted to Them Anymore
25:56 How to Not Let Kids Ruin Your Sex Life
27:25 The Demographic That Comes to You More Than Any Other
28:16 Why Desire Goes in a Relationship
34:13 How to Trigger Desire in Your Relationship
38:34 The "Initiation" Problem
40:21 Should We Schedule Sex?
43:05 What Should We Be Doing to Keep Desire High in Our Relationships
45:55 How to Talk About Your Fetish with Your Partner
50:54 What Women Really Want During Sex
52:45 Does It Matter Who Initiates Sex?
56:04 If Our Idea of What We Want From Sex Isn't Happening What Should We Do?
58:31 If Men Can't Get It Up, What Should We Do?
01:00:56 If Men Can't Get It Up, What Should We Do?
01:01:15 Should We Have Sex Before or After We Eat?
01:02:22 The Optimal Amount of Times to Have Sex
01:04:16 Sexual Dissatisfaction Between Men and Women
01:07:54 How to Deal with a Sex Life as a Parent
01:11:54 What You Can Do as a Parent to Ensure Your Sex Life Doesn't Go Off Track
01:13:26 The Relationship Between Poor Sleep and Sex
01:16:39 At What Point Should People Reach Out to You?
01:17:21 Have You Ever Seen Relationships That Are Unrecoverable?
01:18:45 The Top 3 Most Common Sexual Problems
01:20:46 The Impact of Pets on Our Sex Lives
01:22:43 Are You Hopeful for the Future of Sex?
01:24:04 How Menopause Affects Our Sex Lives
01:25:21 Our Bodies Changing Over Time and How That Impacts Our Sex Lives
01:26:27 Are We Meant to Be Monogamous?
01:31:51 The Last Guest’s Question
You can pre-order Karen’s book, ‘How Not to Let Having Kids Ruin Your Sex Life’, here: https://amzn.to/49VnduP
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In this moment, behaviour and habit design expert, Nir Eyal discusses how to beat procrastination and distraction. One of the first major steps is being able to master the internal triggers that are trying to pull your attention away. Nir believes that to do this you need to try and understand the underlying feelings behind these urge. As he says, time management is pain management, and all human behaviour is about trying to escape discomfort. Nir says that finding these underlying feelings can be achieved by writing down the sensations you feel just before distraction, this allows you identify them and then reframe them to your advantage. Because, if you don’t master these internal triggers, they become your master. Another major step to beat procrastination is by actually scheduling time to be distracted. Nir calls this ‘The 10 Minute Rule’, which allows you to give in to any distraction in your scheduled time, but only for 10 minutes!
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/osVkcTMLbHb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
What is the best way to get over a heartbreak? For Justin McLeod that was creating one of the world’s most popular dating apps.
Justin McLeod is the CEO and founder of the dating app Hinge, which has over 20 million users and sets up a date every 3 seconds.
In this conversation Justin and Steven discuss topics, such as overcoming addiction, early stigma around dating apps, the setbacks and difficulties when creating Hinge, his tumultuous love story, and why happy endings are for the movies.
00:00 Intro
02:07 My Addiction & Going to Rehab
05:18 12 Step Programme for Addiction
07:36 How My Love Experiences Influenced My Entrepreneurial Journey
12:22 Founding Hinge
15:46 How Do We Know Which Ideas to Go After?
18:50 When Did the App Form?
23:35 Tinder and How It Impacted Hinge
27:29 The Interview That Changed My Life
34:14 The New Era for Hinge
36:56 How to Be Successful on Hinge
38:56 What Is Hinge Labs?
42:51 The Worst Things to Do in Dating Apps
44:03 Advice for People Going on Loads Of Dates
47:30 Dating Apps Want People to Stay Single to Have More Customers…
49:23 How Has the Dating World Changed in the Last Few Years?
50:31 Hinge First Principles
51:48 The Importance of Taking Risks
01:00:38 How to Have Great Company Culture
01:17:16 Biggest Hiring Mistakes
01:19:42 What the Future of Dating Apps Looks Like
01:21:33 The Last Guest Question
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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Work has to suck, you have to be selfish to get ahead, and you can’t become more original, these are just some of the myths that Adam Grant busts and replaces with an upgraded way to see the world.
Adam Grant is Professor of Management and Psychology at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has been named one of the world’s 10 most influential management thinkers and one of Fortune’s 40 under 40. He is also a #1 New York Times bestselling author of 5 books, including ‘Think Again’, ’Give and Take’, and ‘Originals’.
In this conversation Adam and Steven discuss topics, such as why star players ruin teams, how to be original, why character beats genius, and the myths about entrepreneurs and risk.
00:00 Intro
02:00 Finding Happiness Meaning & Success
04:50 Redefining The Game & Changing The Rules About Success
07:20 Who Are More Successful, Givers Or Keepers?
10:25 Taking The Initiative: Great Ideas Need Execution
14:21 What Happens To Procrastinators?
21:37 Who Are The Originals Of Our Time?
22:22 What Are The Characteristics Of Originals
23:48 Why Child Geniuses Won't Become Adult Geniuses
25:09 Being A Perfectionist
27:12 The Importance Of Urgency
33:11 The Importance Of Leaning Into Difficulty
38:21 What Role Trauma Plays In Becoming Successful?
40:56 What Determines What Sibling Will Be More Successful?
48:25 What Makes A Risk Taker?
53:18 What Takes To Build A Great Team
57:38 What Happens To People When You Take Them Out Of Their Team Culture
01:01:33 How To Not Get Complacent If You're Successful
01:06:01 Disagreeing With Your Boss
01:10:09 What Science Says About Group Vs Individual Thinking
01:15:51 Unlocking Your Hidden Potential
01:26:27 Self Promotion Vs Idea Promotion
01:28:41 Think Like A Scientist
01:42:56 Last Guest Question
You can access The Athletic article, ‘Does Cristiano Ronaldo make teams better or worse?’, here: https://bit.ly/3SWnckE
You can purchase Adam’s book, ‘Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things’, here: https://amzn.to/3SQ2rH8
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My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, personal finance expert Rami Sethi breaks down the 4 finance numbers everyone needs to know and what exactly a ‘rich life’ is. Ramit says that most people don’t have even the most basic understanding of money, compare this to other areas of life such as driving, where we need to know the rules of the road before putting a key in the ignition. However, personal finance is actually incredibly simple and Ramit says that the four numbers you need to track are: your fixed costs like rent and groceries, savings, investments, and guilt free spending. From these numbers, Ramit says that he can see what are a person’s priorities and outlook on life. But more revealing is someone’s idea of their ‘rich life’. This is what a person’s life would look like if they finally reached the level of wealth they are chasing. Ramit says too often people’s answer to what their rich life is vague, for instance, saying they want to be able to do what they want when they want, or to have freedom. These answers are so vague as people have never really thought about this question before, but Ramit say they need to think about this potential future deeply and in detail so that they can truly envision it.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/hzKpXWPk1Gb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
As humans we have evolved to move, but why are we getting it wrong so often?
David Raichlen is the Professor of Human and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Southern California. His research focuses on the connection between human evolution, physical activity, and health, examining why inactivity leads to so many chronic diseases in the modern world.
In this conversation David and Steven discuss topics, such as how modern exercise levels compare to hunter-gatherers, the dangers of sitting, how air pollution is linked to dementia, and the misunderstanding of just how much exercise it takes to get health benefits.
00:00 Intro
01:59 My Work: How Lifestyle & Exercise Affects the Brain
03:07 You Can Change an Ageing Brain
05:22 What Is a Neuron?
05:36 What Is the Hippocampus
07:28 The Link Between Exercise and Brain
09:06 What Happens to Our Brain When We Don't Exercise
12:54 People Aren't Meeting the Guidelines for Good Health
15:25 What Activities Are Good for Our Brain?
17:35 Orienteering Can Train the Brain
18:47 How the Different Types of Exercise Increase Neuroplasticity
22:39 Impact of Exercising in Greener Spaces Than Urban
24:06 Better Cognition Exercising Before a Task
25:41 The Optimal Time of the Day to Exercise
27:46 The Hadzas: Researching Hunter-Gatherer Tribes & the Findings
28:56 What Is the Optimal Exercising Time?
31:59 Cardiovascular Illnesses in Hadza Tribe
35:07 What's the Issue with Sitting?
40:29 The Power of Daily Small Amounts of Exercise
42:17 How to Improve Memory
46:08 Top Factors That Fuel Cognitive Problems
48:38 Link Between Human Connection & Brain Impact
50:54 Pollution Impact on the Brain
53:13 Racquet Sports for Brain Health
54:41 How Much Activity Do I Have to Do?
55:52 Endocannabinoid Receptors and Exercise Rewards
57:24 Mental Health Issues Linked to Lack of Exercise
01:01:45 Brain Foods
01:03:07 Reaching Optimal Living
01:07:50 What Causes Alzheimer's?
01:12:39 Last Guest Question
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Could it be that what you eat is just as important as the medicines and pills you take?
Dr Neal Barnard is the founder and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and has authored more than 100 scientific publications and 20 books. He is also the Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine.
In this conversation Neal and Steven discuss topics, such as the only supplement you need, the no.1 food associated with weight loss, the dangers of drinking milk for men, and how to reverse erectile dysfunction.
(00:00) Intro
(01:35) What good do you hope your work is doing for people?
(02:13) What is the state of human health currently?
(03:33) Why do you care about human health?
(06:40) Your first experience of realising human health is in a bad place
(08:22) Why calories in vs. calories out doesn’t work
(11:55) The truth about eating bread
(15:18) If we don't eat meat, where do we get our protein?
(18:27) How do we know the vegan diet is good for us vs. another one?
(21:57) Don’t we have to supplement if we’re vegan?
(25:22) A balanced diet with meat and plants, does that work?
(28:34) Veganism is a diet for the privileged...
(31:06) The power foods we should all be eating
(38:54) Do you not just think you have a bias towards the vegan diet?
(40:22) The shocking truth about dairy products
(46:25) Drinking milk reduces sperm counts
(48:28) The carnivore diet, isn’t that just as good?
(52:45) The weight loss foods you need to start eating
(1:01:03) Why we need to understand how to balance our hormones
(1:05:20) Fertility issues have a strong connection to our weight
(1:17:02) Ads
(1:19:02) Power foods for the brain
(1:26:27) How to prevent dementia
(1:35:03) Metals, what should we be getting and what's toxic
(1:38:53) Your closing message
(1:40:05) The last guest’s question
You can pre-order Neal’s book, ‘The Power Foods Diet’, here: https://amzn.to/3SImJSP
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In this moment, nutrition and functional health expert , Mindy Pelz discusses how we often treat our body as if it was an enemy working against us and our interests. Mindy discusses how evolution has actually shaped the human body so that it is constantly looking to increase your chances of survival. However, in the modern world we are getting in the way of our body’s natural defence mechanism, and taking actions that are against our own and our body’s interests, this can include injecting ourselves with weight loss drugs and using toxic deodorants, causing larger health problems later in life. Mindy says that in general we seem to be in a ‘evolutionary mismatch’ with our bodies and need to regain trust in them.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/hXIqoyQGOGb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Mindy: https://drmindypelz.com/
Relationships are the single most important part of our lives, so why do we so often leave them to chance and the randomness of fate?
Paul C. Brunson is a professional matchmaker and life coach. He is the co-host of 'Celebs Go Dating’ and ‘Married At First Sight UK’, he is also the Head of Global Insight at Tinder. Paul has also been named the world's most influential matchmaker by the Matchmaking Institute.
In this conversation Paul and Steven discuss topics, such as why Gen Z will have the strongest marriages ever, why dating is more complicated than ever before, the number 1 reason for breakups, and why men are struggling.
You can purchase Paul’s book, ‘Find Love’, here: https://amzn.to/47S2XZz
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We may have health monitors and fitness trackers, but could it be the case that even with this technology, humans are actually reversing evolutionary progress?
Dr Lieberman is the Chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His research focuses on how the human body has evolved to be the way it is, he also explores how humans evolved to run long distances to scavenge and hunt. He is the author of the best-selling books, ‘The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease’ and ‘Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding’.
In this conversation Daniel and Steven discuss topics, such as if human evolution is going backwards, why veganism is not the answer, how commuting is making you fat and what we can learn from hunter-gatherers.
(00:00) Intro
(02:00) What do you do, and why do you do it?
(03:09) Are we actually a good species?
(05:11) Do our ancestors hold the answer to all our health needs?
(07:32) Have we evolved to eat meat?
(10:33) How did we learn to hunt and gather?
(17:03) Have we evolved to breathe wrong?
(19:28) Why do we sweat?
(24:23) When did our brains get so big?
(29:55) Why do we struggle to diet?
(38:31) Modern-day mismatched diseases
(42:41) Why did you write a book about food?
(45:02) Has our culture moved too fast?
(46:15) We've decided to live with diseases rather than prevent them.
(50:13) The modern foods we eat have affected the way we look.
(53:02) Is cancer a consequence of our modern society?
(58:34) How our bodies store energy
(01:05:23) The keto diet and fasting
(01:09:44) Are we too comfortable as a society?
(01:14:59) Puberty has changed, and we’re going into it earlier than ever before.
(01:16:37) The dangers of sitting down all day like we do.
(01:20:08) What should people take away most from this conversation?
(01:24:16) The products we put on our bodies, are they toxic?
(01:30:06) The last guest's question
You can purchase Daniel’s book, ‘Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health’, here: https://amzn.to/48OfQVI
Get tickets to The Business & Life Speaking Tour: https://stevenbartlett.com/tour/
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In this moment, the podcaster, author, and life coach, Jay Shetty discusses how he believes people can find happiness. Jay says that it can be found in two forms, the sort of happiness that comes from daily habits and a more enriching happiness that arises out of deeper purposes. While most of us know what we can do for our daily happiness levels, deeper happiness that comes from finding our meaning and purpose in life is more complicated and vague. However, for Jay this deeper happiness comes from locating your passion, and more than just finding what you love, using this passion in the service of others, as this brings the most enriching happiness in life.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/AnKy3upqEGb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
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If you want to hear more about ways to tackle mental health problems, I recommend you check out my conversation with Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN0_ow76hU8
Too often we think that physical health has nothing to do with mental health and vice versa, but could it be that we have the equation completely upside down?
Chris Palmer is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is also the author of the book, ‘Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health’, which outlines a combined theory of what causes mental illnesses, and that mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain
In this conversation Chris and Steven discuss topics, such as how depression and anxiety are caused by diet, the impact of gut health on mental illness, and why mental health problems and rates of suicide are increasing.
You can purchase Chris’s book, ‘Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health’, here: https://amzn.to/4b6O8Fg
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There seems to be endless ways to lose weight and yet none seem to work, but could it be that there was one health metric that held the key to long term weight loss?
Dr Jason Fung is a nephrologist (medical expert specialising in kidneys) and world-leading expert in intermittent fasting and low-carb diets. He is the author of bestselling books such as, ‘The Obesity Code’, ‘The Diabetes Code’, and ‘The Complete Guide to Fasting’.
In this interview, Steven and Dr Jason discuss everything from the history behind dieting myths, how insulin causes weight gain, why you don’t need breakfast, how obesity is genetic, and the power of fasting.
You can purchase Jason’s book, ‘The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally’, here: https://amzn.to/47K90z0
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In this week’s moment, gut health and diet expert Dr Tim Spector discusses the power of the microbiome, your crucial community of gut microbes. Discoveries about the microbiome have exploded in the last 10 years and revolutionised the way we see the tiny bugs living within our intestine. Tim sees the microbiome as an incredible pharmacy within us, as individual microbes pump out vital chemicals for your immune system. These chemicals also affect brain function and your moods, playing a vital role in depression, as this is directly linked to the quality of your gut microbes. How do you improve your microbiome? Food plays a vital role in feeding microbes, Tim says the key is to consume as diverse a range of plants as possible, aiming for 30 different types of plants a week to maximise the diversity of species in your gut.
Listen To The Full Episode Here - https://g2ul0.app.link/zvl4zqtbtGb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Tim Spector:
Everyone is constantly looking for happiness, but maybe real happiness can be found where we least expect it.
Arthur C. Brooks is a bestselling author of 13 books and Harvard professor where he teaches courses on leadership, happiness, and social entrepreneurship. He is the columnist of the popular weekly “How to Build a Life” column at The Atlantic.
In this interview, Steven and Arthur discuss everything from why Arthur studies the science of happiness, the crucial importance of meaning and agency, why society is wrong at saying what causes happiness and why happiness is infectious.
You can purchase Arthur’s most recent book, ‘Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier’, here: https://amzn.to/3O89WXf
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Over 70% of people struggle with stress, but only 3% of doctors offer stress management, could a cure be just a handful of simple lifestyle steps?
Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is a doctor, global public health expert and medical correspondent, she specialises in stress, resilience and burnout. She is author of the book, ‘The Five Resets: Rewire Your Brain and Body for Less Stress and More Resilience’.
In this interview, Steven and Dr. Aditi discuss everything from the physical impacts of a delayed stress response, popcorn brain, the need to create digital boundaries, how stress can sometimes be helpful, and why multitasking is a myth.
You can purchase ‘The 5 Resets: Rewire Your Brain and Body for Less Stress and More Resilience’, here: https://amzn.to/48AiM8a
Follow Dr. Aditi:
Twitter: https://bit.ly/47tPNBI
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3vwWGVF
Get tickets to The Business & Life Speaking Tour: https://stevenbartlett.com/tour
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In this moment, New York Times best-selling author and researcher, Dr Joe Dispenza discusses how to change habits. A habit forms when you’ve done something so many times that it becomes hardwired into your subconscious, and is even programmed into the very nerve cells of your brain. So in order to break a habit, you have to break the bigger habit of being yourself. Dr Dispenza says that this change can happen when we become conscious of our unconscious. This awareness can come from meditation, as well as mentally rehearsing changes we want to make, so that we avoid the trap of unconsciously making the same choices everyday. By mentally rehearsing scenarios, this avoids the uncomfortableness that comes from taking a step into the unknown and stops you from being the creator of your life.
Listen To The Full Episode Here - https://g2ul0.app.link/3q2pKyW6gGb
Watch The Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
If you enjoy hearing about the potential impact of AI on humanity, I recommend you check out my conversation with ex-Google office, Mo Gawdat which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-nQ7HF6k4
He has shown millions of readers how humans have evolved to where we are now, but what does the future hold for us as a species?
Yuval Noah Harari is a best-selling author, public intellectual and Professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is best known for his bestselling books, ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’, ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’ and ‘21 Lessons for the 21st Century’. His books have sold over 45 Million copies in 65 languages.
In this interview, Steven and Yuval discuss everything from how AI will change everything, the importance of language and stories, why the idea of finding a ‘soulmate’ is a myth, and the ongoing battle for human attention.
You can pre-order the 10th anniversary edition of ‘Sapiens’, here: https://bit.ly/48JVQ6c
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If you enjoy hearing about the beautiful game, I recommend you check out my conversation with Frank Lampard, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us8n8VBQn_c
What does it take to become a Premier League GOAT and what does it take from you when you walk away from the game?
Thierry Henry is a French professional football coach, broadcaster and former player. He is regarded as one of the best strikers and Premier League player of all time, and France’s highest-ever international goalscorer. He began his professional career in 1994 and played for Arsenal from 1999 to 2007, he is the club’s all-time leading goal scorer with 226 goals. He was PFA player of the year twice, in 2003 and 2004, and European Golden Boot twice, in 2004 and 2005, he retired as a player in 2014 and is now coach of the under-21 French national team.
In this interview, Steven and Thierry discuss everything from Thierry’s family’s expectation of him becoming a great football player, never feeling good enough and always wanting to get his father’s approval, ‘dying’ when he stopped playing football and his mental struggles after the game.
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In this moment, Harvard University professor and best-selling author, Daniel Lieberman, busts some of the most common myths around exercise. For 2 of the biggest myths, Daniel says that they are too simplistic, saying that you must sleep 8 hours a night or that sitting is terrible for your health. Instead, he says that most people do better with 7 hours of sleep a night, (but this can change depending on age and health) also, sitting isn’t bad for you if you mix it up with regular interruptions. Daniel also helps to clear up the debate that exercise does nothing for weight loss. He says the problem is actually that the recommended 150 minutes per week of exercise is not nearly enough, but higher levels of exercise lead to sustained weight loss and prevents regaining weight after losing it. In reality he claim that most of the truth about diet and exercise is more complex than we are led to believe.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/hIETpSdN5Fb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
You can purchase Dr Lieberman’s newest book, ‘Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health’, here: https://amzn.to/49udz2v
If you enjoy hearing about the transformative power of sleep, I recommend you check out my conversation with Dr Matthew Walker, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us8n8VBQn_c
If you have ever wanted to understand what exactly Circadian Rhythm is, and its unbelievable total body impacts, this is the episode for you.
Kristen Holmes is the Vice President of Performance Science at the health and fitness monitoring company, WHOOP. Kristen’s focus is on understanding the scientific, psychological and personal factors that either promote or harm human performance.
In this interview, Steven and Kristen discuss everything from the amazing impact of harnessing your Circadian Rhythm, Heart Rate Variability, the psychology of peak performance, and how people can take control of their health.
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It controls your immune system, anxiety, depression and whether or not you get diseases, so why do we know so little about the gut microbiome?
Dr Will Bulsiewicz is an award-winning gastroenterologist (medicine that focuses on the digestive system) and a world-renowned gut-health expert. He is the author of over 20 scientific papers and the book, ‘Fibre Fuelled’.
In this conversation, Dr Will and Steven discuss everything from, the power of the microbiome, why fibre is crucial for optimal health, the importance of understanding your poo, and why food can be just as powerful as medication.
You can purchase Dr Will’s book, ‘Fibre Fuelled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Plan to Lose Weight, Restore Health and Optimise Your Microbiome’, here: https://amzn.to/3NydmSB
Additional Interview Information:
Interview Brief: drwillbrief.tiiny.site
The Bristol Stool Chart: https://bit.ly/486k4Yo
Dr Will’s supplement: https://38tera.com
Follow Dr Will:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3tyHQgu
Website: https://bit.ly/3tsZum4
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In this moment, longevity expert and author of ‘Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity’, Dr Peter Attia discusses ‘Medicine 3.0’.
Most people in today’s world will die from lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. In fact, Dr Attia says that our life expectancy hasn’t greatly increased since the 1800s, medicine just means we don’t die from infectious diseases.
To live longer and better in our later years, Dr Attia says that we need a new playbook, or what he calls ‘Medicine 3.0’. This relies on taking preventative steps very early in life, as the risk of lifestyle diseases compound throughout our life. Dr Attia argues that while doctors practising traditional medicine are very aware of the risk of doing certain treatments, but often ignore the cost of not taking action to prevent future problems.
Dr Attia believes that too often we worry about our health too late in life, when the problems start and the risk of taking action is higher. Instead, he argues, that if we take action when we are younger we have so much potential to change the trajectory of our lives. He says that we should start worrying about our future health now, and should think about it the same way as we think about saving for retirement, if we invest now we will thank ourselves later.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/JQXpDhSuTFb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
If you enjoy hearing about the philosophy of life, I recommend you check out my conversation with Ryan Holiday, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PafvhTSC4yE
Philosophy isn’t just for universities and lecture halls, philosophy can help guide every part of your life, from relationships, work to mental health.
Alain de Botton is a British author, intellectual and co-founder of the global organisation, ‘The School of Life’. He is best known for the books, ‘Essays in Love’, ‘How Proust Can Change Your Life’, and ‘The Consolations of Philosophy’.
In this interview, Steven and Alain discuss everything from, the origins of mental health problems, what it means to live a good life, why perfection is dangerous, why we are chasing love rather than money and why love itself is a skill.
You can purchase Alain’s most recent book, ‘A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life’, here: https://amzn.to/41zQJTF
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As a holiday wrap-up, we’ve listened to you and answered one of the most popular questions; What is your favourite EVER episode?
But, we think the more important question is what is YOUR favourite episode on the Diary of CEO of all time. Using our in-house data scientist and a group of analysts, we’ve found the most replayed and shared moments from 2023. This should be the most valuable episode you will ever listen to.
7th Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Giles Yeo.
Dr Giles takes on some of the biggest myths about health, weight and obesity.
His books, Why Calories Don’t Count and Gene Eating: https://amzn.to/3NFeUdE
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3Y9IZF0
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Rs5bIj
6th Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Mindy Pelz.
In this clip we talk about intermittent fasting, the gut reset fast and the belly fat burning diet. Dr Mindy lays out how to eat and behave to improve our overall health.
Instagram: https://bit.ly/461aBB0
Dr Mindy’s book, Fast Like A Girl: https://amzn.to/41y9Opr
5th Most Replayed Moment, Professor Matthew Walker.
This is from my conversation with the Worlds Number One expert on sleep. He gives us a roadmap for how to sleep better, explaining the impact of our sleep on our overall health, happiness and everything in between.
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3YsK1f6
Matt’s bestseller, Why We Sleep: https://amzn.to/3totIGS
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3yI60V7
4th Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Daniel Amen.
Taken from Dr. Daniel Amen’s second appearance on the show, we discuss how to grow a healthier, better brain. Daniel is the World’s Leading Neuroscientist who may have scanned and seen more brains than anyone else.
The no.1 book on Brain health: https://amzn.to/3vbmXsh
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3tHjm4r
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3scQpgr
3rd Most Replayed Moment, Gary Brecka.
Gary Brecka is one of the world’s most renowned human biologists. Our conversation covers the ultimate human wellbeing checklist. From Dana White’s transformation using the super human protocol to stripping fat, listen to transform your life.
Instagram: http://bit.ly/3IVf6Dw
Twitter: http://bit.ly/41w492P
2nd Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Tim Spector.
A favourite guest on DOAC, here Tim busts myths about a frequently debated subject: diet vs exercise.
Foor For Life, Tim’s book: https://amzn.to/3RTckDt
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3CDRuQD
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3VG0zil
No.1 Most Replayed Moment: Dr Tara Swart.
The most listened to moment ever this year is neuroscientist Dr. Tara explaining the brain and body’s connection. We dive into the influence the brain has on our health, relationships and well-being.
Dr Tara’s book: https://amzn.to/47dokE0
Instagram: https://bit.ly/48hJ1k2
Twitter: https://bit.ly/46gqYZI
Bonus Moment, Mo Gawdat:
This is from episode 101 with Mo Gawdat, and it’s the most shared episode we’ve ever had of all time on WhatsApp. Mo explains to me his influential equation for happiness, and we discuss how to put it into practice.
Mo’s book, Solve For Happy: https://amzn.to/489n5qJ
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3qmYSMY
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In this moment, sleep expert and author of ‘Why We Sleep’, Matthew Walker discusses the 3 main reasons why caffeine is so terrible for sleep.
Firstly, is that the impact of caffeine lasts long after drinking a cup of coffee. Caffeine has a quarter life of between 10 to 12 hours, which means if you have a cup of coffee at midday, a quarter of that caffeine is still in your brain at midnight.
Secondly, as a stimulant, caffeine mutes the chemical, adenosine, which is in charge of sleepiness. However, the adenosine is still there and builds, so when caffeine leaves your system you get a caffeine crash, which is all the sleepiness that has been built up hitting at once.
Finally, caffeine blocks deep sleep by between 15 to 30%. So even if you are able to fall asleep after drinking coffee, it will be poor quality sleep, and you lose out the amazing benefits of deep sleep, such as: regulating your cardiovascular system, replenishing the immune system, and securing new memories into your brain.
However, Matthew doesn’t say that people should completely give up coffee, but instead the main thing to look out for is how much you drink and the timing of when you drink it.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/FlNqF0boIFb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Most people think of Michael Bublé as the soundtrack of Christmas, yet often overlooked is his unwavering dedication to his music, the personal challenges he’s faced and the mission he’s on.
From summers of catching and sorting salmon on his father’s arctic fishing boat, to earning his 10,000 hours performing songs in the clubs, malls and cruise ships of Canada. Michael has earned his success, including 5 Grammy wins, 15 Juno awards, 6 multi-platinum albums, and well over 14 billions streams worldwide.
Bublé is a true family man, yet his journey has been marked by having to overcome severe adversity, including the cancer diagnosis of his eldest son.
This year, Michael announced the launch of his whiskey brand, Fraser & Thompson Whiskey, created in partnership with longtime friend, award-winning Master Distiller and Blender, Paul Cirka.
This is the real Michael Bublé, you just haven’t met him yet.
Follow Michael:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/48mwLOv
Try Michael’s new Whisky available to buy here: https://bit.ly/48hntmW
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If you enjoy hearing about promoting female health and the power of nutrition, check out my conversation with the nutritional and functional health expert, Dr Mindy Pelz, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2mQOGzHtQc
When does menopause start? What is menopause? How does menopause affect my marriage? Over 1.2 billion women are going through menopause right now. This leading expert uncovers the myths that have dominated our understanding for years.
Dr Mary Claire Haver is a menopause expert, OBGYN, bestselling author and internet personality. She specialises in women's health, focusing on empowering and educating everyone to understand women’s bodies. In 2018, she founded 'The Galveston Diet', which became a bestseller in 2023. The Mary Claire Wellness Clinic, established in 2021, has helped to empower and educate thousands of women. Her new book is out May 2024 and provides everything a woman needs to know to thrive during her hormonal transition and beyond.
Follow Mary Claire Haver:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3TtYGrv
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3v9U3sq
Pre-Order Dr Mary’s new book here: https://amzn.to/41tQtW8
The Galveston Diet: https://amzn.to/3v7g9fu
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In this moment, YouTube and productivity expert, Ali Abdaal discusses the power of consistency and how to overcome procrastination. Ali discusses the power of compounding interest, and how small actions over time can snowball into trigger larger rapid changes such as viral success from making a YouTube video every week for 2 years. However, to get to this position, Ali says you have to first learn to love the process, moving away from an outcome based mindset that means success is out of your control, and instead to a view of success that comes from within. To get there first means overcoming hurdles such as procrastination. In order to do this, Ali says you should move away from focusing on a large end goal and instead focus on a series of smaller goals along the was. So rather than worrying about moving a whole mountain, people should focus on moving one pebble at a time.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/kHoT6TnDwFb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
He’s walked on water, flown and now buried himself alive, but could the greatest magic trick of Dynamo life be his escaping from his demons?
Dynamo is a British magician who first entered the spotlight in 2004. His TV series ‘Dynamo: Magician Impossible’ attracted over 250 million viewers and ran from 2011 to 2014, earning him the Best Entertainment Programme award in 2012 and 2013. He became the first magician to headline arenas such as the London O2 and Sydney’s Rod Laver arena. In 2013, he stepped away from the limelight to recover from serious health issues.
You can watch Dynamo’s 2 hour special, ‘Dynamo is Dead’, on December 14th, this will be aired live at 9pm on Sky Max and streaming service NOW
Dynamo is back! But not as you have known him before… 'Dynamo is Dead' On Sky Max: http://bit.ly/3RHqSWC
Follow Dynamo:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/4agid4C
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3uTAKDH
Sonic rest therapy: https://edcanhelp.io/
The Conversation Cards:
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If you enjoy hearing about the challenges of being a creator, I recommend you check out my conversation with the creator of ‘Call Her Daddy, Alex Cooper, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knPqBc2qJ8E
There’s carving your own lane and then having over 3 billion people view the lane you have carved, all from the starting point of being a 17 year old teen father living in a trailer park.
Casey Neistat is an America YouTuber, vlogger, filmmaker, and co-founder of the mobile application ‘Beme’, which he sold to CNN in 2016. He is one of the most famous people on YouTube, and his channel has over 12 million subscribers and 3 billion views.
In this conversation Casey and Steven discuss topics, such as:
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Instagram: https://bit.ly/47NRUB8
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3RcoHZD
YouTube: https://bit.ly/41altdX
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In this moment, ex-chief business officer for Google X, Mo Gawdat asks the question, ‘what are the illusions that you are living under’? Mo believes, that for all of us, our view of reality is an illusion, and this can often become limiting or imprisoning. Too often this viewpoint of reality can lead to an identity you form that you feel that you have to stick with and cannot break away from. Furthermore, Mo says that for a lot of people, inner conflict comes when your actions don’t match with the inner feelings you have, so you don’t feel as if you’re fully complete. To overcome this, Mo says that we need to find balance within ourselves and that this balance can be broken down to smaller, more manageable sections that you can improve on every single day, as ultimately, this search for inner balance is a constant journey.
Listen to the full episode here: https://g2ul0.app.link/n9c6KH2qlFb
Watch the Episodes On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Mo Gowdat: https://www.instagram.com/mo_gawdat/?hl=en
If you enjoyed this video, I recommend you check out my conversation with dating expert Logan Ury, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kOtvoX88J0
Why do people have affairs in happy relationships? Why does sex decline in some long term relationships and not others? Esther Perel is here to answer all of the biggest questions in sex and relationships.
Esther Perel is a world-leading Belgian-American psychotherapist and relationship expert, best known for her work in human relationships and ‘erotic intelligence’. She is the New York Times best-selling author of, ‘Mating in Captivity’ and ‘The State of Affairs’, as well as the host of the podcast, ‘Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel’.
Follow Esther:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Gx63qy
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3T7vN4k
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If you enjoyed this video, I recommend you check out my first conversation with Mel, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kOtvoX88J0
From changing your life in 5 seconds, improving your relationships, and silencing your inner critic, Mel Robbins has all the tricks you need to change your life for the better.
Mel Robbins is an American podcast host, author, motivational speaker, and former lawyer. She is the New York Times Bestselling author of books such as, ‘The 5 Second Rule’, and ‘The High 5 Habit’, and the host of the Webby award winning ‘The Mel Robbins Podcast’.
In this conversation Mel and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Follow Mel:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/47WT0ub
Twitter: https://bit.ly/482JWUO
YouTube: https://bit.ly/4a784XW
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In this moment, the American businessperson and marketing executive, Bozoma Saint John discusses how to find your destiny. Bozoma says that too often people say that they just ‘fell into’ the job or industry they are in, when in fact she believes that this is destiny coming to find you and that we are constantly creating our destiny. She says that we underestimate the power of letting go of control (which is not the same as surrendering or giving up) as a way of opening up to different possibilities and routes to finding our destiny. As too often we bang our heads against closed doors, when instead there is an open door that is open on a different route. To realise this, she says we need to treat our powers of intuition like a muscle, ignoring external voices and opinions, training and growing your intuition to the point where you can have 100% faith in whatever it is telling you.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/q9EARBxJ9Eb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
If you ever wanted to see inside the mind of the richest and most powerful man in the world, this episode is for you.
Before becoming the world’s leading biographer, Walter Isaacson was formerly the chair and CEO of ’CNN’, the editor of ’Time’, and President and CEO of the ’Aspen Institute’. His best-selling biographies including, ‘Steve Jobs’, ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, ‘Einstein: His Life and Universe’, and most recently, 'Elon Musk'.
In this conversation Walter and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Walter’s new biography, ‘Elon Musk’, here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Elon-Musk-Walter-Isaacson/dp/1398527491
Follow Walter:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/walter_isaacson
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If you enjoy hearing about inside the music industry and its artists, I recommend you check out my conversation with will.i.am, which you can find here:
From Trevor to Busta, love of the rap game to global success, and rock bottom to rebirth. This is Busta Rhymes as you’ve never heard him.
Trevor George Smith Jr. or ‘Busta Rhymes’, first reached fame with the hip-hop group, ‘Leaders of the New School’, and began his solo rap career in 1996, since then has released 11 studio albums and received 12 Grammy Award nominations for his work.
In this conversation Busta and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can listen to Busta’s newest album ‘Blockbusta’, here: https://spoti.fi/40UxsvS
Follow Busta:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3t0odO6
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3QT9YTc
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In this moment, investor and financial educator, Codie Sanchez discusses the first steps in understanding the game of finance and deals. Codie says herself that she is no financial genius, however with her background as a journalist, she is able to right the ask right questions to the right people in order to get the right answers. Through this she was able to infiltrate the world of finance and saw behind the curtain. Codie realised there is no difference between a $100 million deal and a $100,000 deal, all were just slight larger steps up the ladder. To see behind the curtain, Codie believes there are 2 key skills people need to realise: firstly, learn how to do deals, which is not complex but only made to seem complicated through financial language. Secondly, understanding the importance of connecting with the right people, online or IRL who can give you all the information you need about the business you are entering. Finally, Codie believes that we never actually sell anyone anything or convince them to do anything, but instead you connect with what people are already truly feeling.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/gOvSMoV4XEb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Jordan Peterson became a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto in 1998, and since then has written 3 best selling books, ‘Maps of Meaning’, ‘12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos’, and ‘Beyond Order’. He is also the host of ‘The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast’.
You can join Peterson Academy here: https://bit.ly/3MXf4ge
Follow Jordan:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/40RRPK3
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3QT9YTc
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If you enjoy hearing about the world of coffee, I recommend you check out my conversation with the founder of Pret, Julian Metcalfe, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uViyOJsc6O4
It’s the world’s most popular drink, with people drinking over 2 billion cups a day, but we still can’t agree on the most important facts about coffee.
In this new episode Steven sits down with the world leading coffee expert, James Hoffmann. James won the World Barista Championship in 2007, is the co-founder of Square Mile Coffee Roasters and through his YouTube channel has become one of the leading figures in the world of coffee. He is also the author of ‘The World Atlas of Coffee’ and ‘How to Make the Best Coffee at Home’.
In this conversation James and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase James’ most recent book, ‘How to Make The Best Coffee at Home’, here: https://amzn.to/3SO1Xl1
Follow James:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3SOu0Rn
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3ukOQOe
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In this moment, professor of marketing and best-selling author, Adam Alter discusses how to become unstuck in life, work and relationships. The first thing is to understand what it actually means to become stuck, this often means judging whether to keep going with a particular path or to quit. In these instances Adam thinks it is best to think about the opportunity cost of leaving a goal behind, especially as research shows that it is nearly always a good idea to keep going beyond the point where it starts becoming hard as this is where growth happens. However, too often we quit as we view any sort of difficultly as a problem. One of the key ways that Adam thinks we can become unstuck is by simplifying a problem as much as possible, we can do this through what he calls a friction audit. This means knowing what is and isn’t important, what’s getting in the way, and how you can subtract it.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/GZHEMyQyMEb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
James: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMb0O2CdPBNi-QqPk5T3gsQ
Is new always better? Instead of always chasing the newest thing, is there not a way that you can appreciate the people and possessions already in your life?
In this new episode Steven sits down again with leading neuroscientist, Dr. Tali Sharot.
Dr. Tali Sharot is the director of the Affective Brain Lab and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. Sharot’s research combines neuroscience with the study of behaviour and psychology to examine how emotions and motivation lead to people’s beliefs and decisions. She is the author of the award-winning books, ‘The Optimism Bias’ and ‘The Influential Mind’.
In this conversation Dr. Sharot and Steven discuss topics, such as:
The brain trick image Dr Tali refers to - https://bit.ly/3sMa86R
You can pre-order Dr. Sharot’s new book, ‘Look Again: The Power of Noticing What was Always There’, here: https://amzn.to/3SEbVp5
If you enjoyed this episode, I recommend you check out my first conversation with Dr. Tali Sharot, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DZK1nawEXQ
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What can the former world’s best pick up artist and now recovered sex addict teach you about love?
In this new episode Steven sits down with 10x New York Times bestselling author, Neil Strauss.
Neil Strauss is a former music critic, cultural reporter and ghostwriter, he is best known for his books, ‘The Game’ and ‘Rules Of The Game’ which documented the secret world of pickup artists.
In this conversation Neil and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Neil’s most recent book, ‘The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships’, here: https://amzn.to/3u9gm17
You can purchase Neil's book, 'The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists', here: https://amzn.to/3udYx13
Follow Neil:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3QAzZ9I
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3MEH0FA
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In this moment, bestselling poet and author, Yung Pueblo discusses his mission in raising self-awareness and making people realise that healing is possible. When he was younger he believed that if you were sick mentally it was just something you had to deal with for life, however by radically changing himself through meditation and a different environment, he realised that healing is necessary to living a better life. Over time the difficult moments in our past build up in our mind, and we repeat cycles of thought and behaviour, healing allows us the freedom to escape this. However, Yung Pueblo believes the biggest challenge is that people doubt their own power and don’t understand their capacity, distracting themselves from their emotions. Instead we need to sit and embrace these difficult emotions that make us feel uncomfortable and be radically honest with ourself.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/3CxFf11KAEb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Yung Pueblo:
Can we slow down ageing? Could we even reverse it? And, is death potentially optional?
In this new episode Steven sits down again with entrepreneur, anti-aging and longevity pioneer Bryan Johnson.
In 2007, Bryan founded the payment processing company ‘Braintree’, and was soon 47th on Inc. magazine’s list of the fastest growing companies in America. Bryan sold Braintree in 2013 for $800 million. Since then he founded ‘Project Blueprint’ in 2021. ‘Blueprint’ is an algorithmic approach to optimal health and ageing reversal, Bryan is their first test subject.
In this conversation Bryan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can follow all the work and progress of Bryan and Blueprint here: https://bit.ly/3QP8VF2
Follow Bryan:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rTLMaF
Twitter: https://bit.ly/47hUDDi
If you enjoyed this episode, I recommend you check out my first conversation with Bryan Johnson, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yfoonW1InE
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Will money make you happy? How much is really enough? And how much should you save? Too often people don’t have the answers for the biggest financial questions in life, until now.
In this new episode Steven sits down with world-renowned financial expert and best-selling author, Morgan Housel.
Morgan Housel is a partner at the Collaborative Fund, a leading venture capital firm with a focus on technological companies. He is also the author of the book, ‘The Psychology of Money’, which has sold over 4 million copies. MarketWatch named him as one of 2022’s 50 most influential people in financial markets.
In this conversation Morgan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Morgan’s most recent book, ‘Same as Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good Life’, here: https://amzn.to/467d77x
Follow Morgan:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3spU4HK
Twitter: https://bit.ly/40mE6uF
If you enjoy hearing about how to master the world of finance, I recommend you check out my conversation with Ramit Sethi, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORqd9QAC8OY
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In this moment, brain training expert, Jim Kwik discusses some simple techniques to have a better memory and a higher functioning brain. Jim discusses how teaching is the best way to learn anything, and how all of learning is based on taking something you don’t know and connecting it to something you do know. He also gives his 10 keys for optimal brain health and his 3 PIE ingredients for a better memory: P for place, as we remember things based on where we put them in our mind. I for Imagine, as we remember things better when we can visualise them. Finally, E for entwine, as we need to connect both place and imagine for a better memory.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/Ue1rJ8uhpEb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Is comfort killing you? And why can we never get enough of anything? Is the real way to find happiness by going against our most basic instincts?
In this new episode Steven sits down with New York Times Bestselling author, Michael Easter.
Michael Easter is the bestselling author of books such as ‘The Comfort Crisis’ and ‘The Scarcity Brain’. He was a senior editor at Men’s Health magazine and is currently a professor of journalism at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His writing has appeared in Men’s Health, Outside magazine, Men’s Journal, Cosmopolitan, Vice, Esquire, Scientific American, and Women’s Health.
In this conversation Michael and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Michael’s most recent book, ‘Scarcity Brain: Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough’, here: https://amzn.to/3MG5hef
If you enjoyed this video, I recommend you check out my conversation with Dr Peter Attia, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqPnptAtBJk
Follow Michael:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3QGzEnd
Twitter: https://bit.ly/40lW7JB
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If your brain makes you ‘you’, how can you treat your brain so that you are the best possible version of you?
In this new episode Steven sits down again with world-leading psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist, Dr. Daniel Amen.
Dr. Daniel Amen is the founder of Amen Clinics, which has the world’s largest database of 225,000 brain scans for psychiatry, he is also the founder of BrainMD, a company specialising in brain-directed supplements. Dr. Amen has provided brain scans for celebrities such as Bella Hadid and Justin Bieber, and is a 12-time New York Times best-selling author.
In this conversation Dr. Amen and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Dr. Amen’s most recent book, ‘Change Your Brain Every Day: Simple Daily Practices to Strengthen Your Mind, Memory, Moods, Focus, Energy, Habits, and Relationships’, here: https://amzn.to/40uCGhQ
Follow Dr. Amen:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3tHjm4r
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3scQpgr
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In this moment, behavioural change specialist Shahroo Izadi discusses how to overcome imposter syndrome. Shahroo defines imposter syndrome as not being able to internalise your accomplishments, so that even the most successful people never feel as if they are enough. This is all linked to low self-worth, shame and guilt, coming from not being able to give yourself permission to accept that what others made find easy you find difficult. As you will need to change habits your whole life, Shahroo believes that you need to change the conversations you have with yourself, feeling smart, calm and proud of yourself so that you can reframe challenges to opportunities for showing your capacity.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/z27Z2VhodEb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Shahroo - https://www.shahrooizadi.co.uk
Are we our own worst enemies when it comes to romance? What if instead, we dated like a scientist, using equations and analysis, rather than feelings and attraction to find love.
In this new episode Steven sits down with dating coach and behavioural scientist, Logan Ury.
Logan is a behavioural expert, dating coach and Director of Relationship Science at the dating app, Hinge. She is also the author of the book, ‘How To Not Die Alone’, which outlines the scientific theories she uses with her clients to help them find love.
In this conversation Logan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can find out which of the 3 dating tendencies you are with Logan’s quiz, here: https://bit.ly/491O3lj
You can purchase Logan’s book, ‘How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love’, here: https://amzn.to/476uvdV
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What if what you were eating wasn’t really food but an industrially produced edible substance, and your diet was worse for you than smoking?
In this new episode Steven sits down with doctor and New York Times bestselling author, Chris van Tulleken.
Dr. Chris van Tulleken is an infectious diseases doctor and one of the BBC’s leading science presenters, appearing on shows such as, ‘The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs’, ‘Trust Me, I’m A Doctor’ and ‘Operation Ouch!’. He is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling book, ‘Ultra-Processed People’.
In this conversation Dr. Chris and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Chris’ most recent book, ‘Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food … and Why Can’t We Stop?’, here: https://amzn.to/3sikpaZ
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In this moment, Human Biologist and Biohacker, Gary Brecka discusses how he tripled Dana White’s life expectancy, and how you can increase yours. Gary describes the President of the UFC, Dana White, as just one more example of someone who had given up on their ability to thrive. This included carrying too much weight, waking up sore and being over medicated. Starting from a life threatening alert on Dana’s blood work, in 10 weeks Gary was able to change Dana’s life around, and by the end of 5 months he was off every medication, lost 40 pounds and said that he had no idea that he could feel as good as he did. Gary says that you can copy these amazing results with 3 simple steps: breath work, connecting to the surface of the earth, and become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/pneohSrZZDb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
If you enjoy hearing about the spiritual aspects of life, I recommend you check out my conversation with Deepak Chopra, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_pZ2D_nlD0
There is no meaning to life and there is no ‘you’, but knowing this is how you take control of your life both inside and out.
In this new episode Steven sits down with world famous yogi, Sadhguru.
Sadhguru is an Indian spiritual teacher who has been teaching yoga since 1982. He the founder and head of the non-profit spiritual organisation, the Isha Foundation, and has been named one of India’s 50 most influential people. He is the bestselling author of the books, ‘Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy’, ‘Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny’ and ‘Death; An Inside Story’
In this conversation Sadhguru and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Sadhguru’s most recent book, ‘Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Creating Your Own Destiny: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny’, here: https://bit.ly/3ZZySVr
Follow Sadhguru:
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If you enjoy hearing about the hidden side of Hollywood, I recommend you check out my conversation with Cole Sprouse, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPup-1pDepY
Drug dealer, Hollywood star, wife, mother, icon. Jada Pinkett Smith is dismantling her defences and revealing all.
In this new episode Steven sits down with global superstar, Jada Pinkett Smith.
Jada Pinkett Smith is an American actor who has appeared in films such as, ‘The Nutty Professor’, ‘Magic Mike XXL’ and ‘The Matrix Resurrections’. She is the co-host of the talk show ‘Red Table Talk’, and was named as one of Time magazines’ 100 Most Influential people in 2021.
In this conversation Jada and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Jada’s new memoir, ‘Worthy’, here: https://bit.ly/3S0co4z
Follow Jada:
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Twitter: https://bit.ly/3RSjGYo
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In support of world mental health day 3 days ago we're releasing a moment that we believe will help our listeners on the topic of supporting their mental health. In this weeks moment, discover the key to mastering your emotions in this insightful discussion with clinical psychologist, Dr. Julie Smith. In life, we often face two prevailing philosophies: suppress your emotions and power through, or embrace them wholeheartedly. But what if both of these paths lead to unexpected pitfalls?
Join Dr. Julie Smith as she unravels the secrets to emotional harmony. Learn how therapy can provide you with the essential tools to navigate your emotions, to gradually confront them, and to understand your actions without judgment.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/Sew3KrnPIqb
Dr Julie - https://www.instagram.com/drjulie/?hl=en
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Being nice is bad for your health, while being angry is healthy, Dr. Gabor Mate unpacks the inner depths that lie beneath the personality you show to the world.
In this new episode Steven sits down again with world-renowned trauma and addiction expert, Dr. Gabor Mate.
Dr. Gabor Mate is a physician and an expert on addiction, stress and childhood development. For 12 years, Gabor worked in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside with patients challenged by drug addiction, mental illness and HIV. He has over 20 years of family practice and palliative care experience. His books include: ‘When the Body Says No’, ‘In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction’ and most recently, ‘The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture’.
In this conversation Gabor and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Dr. Mate’s most recent book, ‘The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture’, here: https://amzn.to/40unjpo
Follow Gabor:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/46vt340
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3RSjGYo
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If you enjoyed hearing about the highs and lows of creating the world’s biggest brands, I recommend you listen to my conversation with Spotify founder, Daniel Ek, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_35cUaU_NA
Is being an artist the secret behind running a Fortune 500 company?
In this new episode Steven sits down again with the co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, Brian Chesky.
Brian created ‘Airbed and Breakfast’ in 2007 with his college friend Joe Gebbia as a scheme to pay their rent. Cut to 2020, when Airbnb became a public company, with its initial public offering reaching $100 billion, one of the highest in history. Brian has been named by Forbes as one of America's Richest Entrepreneurs Under 40, and one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People.
In this conversation Brian and Steven discuss topics, such as:
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In this moment, the President of Shopify, Harley Finkelstein, discusses why having a diverse skillset is the best way to stand out in your industry and a way of becoming invaluable. A lot of the time you may think that having diverse skills in the form of hobbies or curiosities are a waste of time and take attention away from your main area of focus or business. However, Harley believes that these skills are actually priceless for an entrepreneur and leader, so much so that he attended law school just to become a better entrepreneur.
Listen To The Full Episode Here - https://g2ul0.app.link/RVuTuSXMEDb
Watch The Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Coffee is good for you, but orange juice is bad for you, and supposedly ‘healthy’ food isn’t healthy. The food doctor is here to set the record straight on the perfect diet.
In this new episode Steven sits down again with the world-renowned nutritional expert, Dr Tim Spector OBE.
Dr Spector is Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London, and is the director of the Twins UK study. He is also co-founder of the in-depth nutritional analysis company, Zoe. He is the author of the bestselling books, ‘Food for Life’ , ‘The Diet Myth’, and ‘Spoon Fed’.
In this conversation Tim and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Tim’s most recent book, ‘Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well’, here: https://amzn.to/3QT9AVW
Follow Tim:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/46vt340
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3VG0zil
You can listen to Zoe's podcast here: https://link.chtbl.com/RYf17sA7
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From financial literacy to modern masculinity, Prof G has a theory for everything.
In this new episode Steven sits down with world-leading marketing guru, Professor Scott Galloway.
Scott began his career as a Fixed Income Analyst at Morgan Stanley, and in 1992 he started his journey as a serial entrepreneur, founding the brand and marketing consultancy firm, ‘Prophet’, the e-commerce site, ‘RedEnvelope’, and digital intelligence firm, L2 Inc’. In 2017, he released his New York Times bestselling book, ‘The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google’. Scott is a Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business and host of ‘The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway’.
In this conversation Scott and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Scott’s most recent book, ‘Adrift: 100 Charts that Reveal Why America is on the Brink of Change’, here: https://amzn.to/47snioy
Follow Scott:
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In this moment, the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest study of humans ever, Dr. Robert Waldinger gives the answers to some of the most important questions in life. Most people don’t know what they want are very bad at knowing what will make them happy, for instance, fame, wealth and achievements have all been shown to not affect happiness. However, Dr. Waldinger reveals that relationships are the number one factor for keeping humans healthier and happier, this is because relationships make us feel that we are connected and that we belong in the world.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/vDsEggETsDb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
How to go from the Swedish housing projects to billionaire CEO of Spotify.
In this new episode Steven sits down with the co-founder and CEO of Spotify, Daniel Ek.
Daniel Ek is a Swedish entrepreneur who started his first company in 1997 at just 14 years old. He eventually dropped out of college and founded the online marketing firm, Advertigo, which he sold in 2006 to the Swedish company Tradedoubler at 23 years old. Coming out of early retirement, Daniel founded Spotify alongside Martin Lorentzon in 2006.
In this conversation Daniel and Steven discuss topics, such as:
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Have you ever want to change your mind? Well what if you changed your brain instead?
In this new episode Steven sits down with neuroscientist, executive advisor and author, Dr Tara Swart Bieber.
Dr Swart, has a PHD in Neuropharmacology and a past successful career medical doctor as a psychiatrist. From there she transferred into becoming a top level leadership coach, specialising in improving mental resilience in CEO’s and helping them to operate at peak brain performance. Her clients include leaders of FTSE100, Fortune 500 and Magic Circle firms. She is a Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan, and the author of the bestselling book, ‘The Source’.
In this conversation Tara and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Tara’s book, ‘The Source’, here: https://amzn.to/461TDRS
Follow Tara:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/48hJ1k2
Twitter: https://bit.ly/46gqYZI
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Discover the keys to reigniting intimacy in your relationship with renowned relationship expert Tracey Cox. This insightful guide offers practical advice and proven strategies to help you and your partner reconnect, rekindle desire, and build a fulfilling, passionate love life.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/7lsnhHGsUCb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Nick Cannon has lived many different lives, and if you ask him he’s won them all.
In this new episode Steven sits down with TV host, actor, rapper, and comedian, Nick Cannon.
At 16 years old, Nick began performing stand-up comedy, a year after this he appeared on the Nickelodeon sketch series, ‘All That’, as a writer for the show, at 17 years old, he became the youngest writer in TV history. Nick made the move into film in 2002, appearing in ‘Drumline’, and in 2005, he created, produced and hosted the MTV improv comedy series ‘Wild ’N Out’. From 2009 to 2016, Nick was the host of ‘America’s Got Talent’.
In this conversation Nick and Steven discuss topics, such as:
The 20th season of Wild ’N Out’ premiered on VH1 on the 6th July.
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Lie to yourself to have a better life!
In this new episode Steven sits down for a second time with world renowned therapist and founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy, Marisa Peer.
Starting in 1984, Marisa has worked as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist for over 30 years. During this time she has worked with rock stars, CEOs, Olympic athletes, royalty, and Oscar-winning actors. To make her life changing techniques of hypnosis and hypnotherapy available to everyone, Marisa founded the award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy. She is also the best selling author of six books helping readers with everything from weight loss to confidence.
In this conversation Marisa and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Marisa’s most recent book, ‘Tell Yourself a Better Lie’, here: https://amzn.to/40BxpVB
Follow Marisa:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3PkbAEJ
Youtube: https://bit.ly/48h1L3h
FULL CLIP (Steve gets hypnotised): https://youtu.be/rjaGOD03vK8
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
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In this moment, YouTuber and podcaster Chris Williamson gives his best advice for building confidence. Chris believes that the most important step for achieving confidence is to lead with action. Acting first is more important than starting with positive thinking, as this positivity can easily be crushed by negativity. To being on the road to confidence, you should start with an incredibly small step and easy promises that you will never break. Chris says that little by little these small steps will compound until you have undeniable proof of past actions that you can feel truly proud and confident for achieving.
Listen to the full episode here -https://g2ul0.app.link/TIVYc9ZjNu
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Chris: https://chriswillx.com
In this new episode Steven sits down with rapper and actor, Ashley Walters.
From Asher D to Top Boy, prison to fame, Ashley Walters refuses to be told what he can or can’t do.
Ashley first gained popular attention in 2001 as Asher D, a member of British Rap Group, ‘So Solid Crew’. Acting in TV shows since he was 10 years old, in 2004 Ashley broke into film with, ‘Bullet Boy’, for which he was named Best Newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards. This led to roles in major Hollywood blockbusters such as ‘Get Rich Or Die Tryin’. In 2011, Ashley starred as Dushane in the massively popular TV show, ‘Top Boy’.
In this conversation Ashley and Steven discuss topics, such as:
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Age is bulls**t! From ‘What Not To Wear’ to a skincare and make-up empire, Trinny proves energy is everything.
In this new episode, Steven sits down with fashion guru and CEO, Trinny Woodall.
Trinny became a household name in 2001 as co-host for the makeover TV series ‘What Not To Wear’. This continued for 5 seasons and earned a Royal Television Society Award. In 2017, Trinny launched her direct-to-consumer beauty brand, Trinny London, this has been recognised as one of the fastest-growing brands in Europe.
You can purchase Trinny's new book, 'Fearless' here: https://amzn.to/40ENwSn
You can purchase all of Trinny London’s products here: https://bit.ly/3LhIc0G
Follow Trinny:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3PtZ1rY
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3PwB6YX
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RcvF2o
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In this moment, the behavioural design and productivity expert, Nir Eyal discusses how the belief that you only have a limited amount of willpower is actually a self-limiting myth. Instead, using scientific studies Nir shows that willpower is a limitless resource. Similarly, Nir says the single factor for why you don’t achieve your goals is from the emotion of not feeling like doing the gradual work it takes to accomplish them. It is because of this that you quit and fail. To prevent this, Nir believes you should act now with the same attributes and values you would want in your future self, the future you that has achieved these targets and goals.
Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/7lsnhHGsUCb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
The Breathing Expert: Breathing Through Your Mouth Can Cause ADHD, Diabetes & Child Sickness! (Must Listen): James Nestor
Every breathe you take fundamentally impacts all areas of your health and wellbeing. However, 98% of people are breathing incorrectly.
In this new episode Steven sits down with the award-winning author and science journalist James Nestor.
In 2020, James released his New York Times and internationally bestselling book, “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art”. It was awarded the prize for Best General Nonfiction Book of 2020 by the American Society of Journalists and Authors, it was a finalist for Best Science Book of 2021 by the Royal Society, and has been translated into 35 languages.
In this conversation James and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase James’ book, ‘Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art’, here: https://amzn.to/3FTO50Y
You can get yourself a CO2 monitor here: https://amzn.to/47ud6vH
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AI is going to change everything, but can we control AI or will AI control us?
In this new episode Steven sits down with AI pioneer and co-founder of DeepMind, Mustafa Suleyman CBE.
In 2010, Mustafa co-founded the British Artificial Intelligence company DeepMind. Four years later DeepMind was bought by Google, and Mustafa became its Head of Applied AI. Later in 2019, Mustafa left DeepMind to work for Google, and in 2022 he left Google to co-found the startup, Inflection AI. The goal of Inflection AI is to use AI in order to help humans speak with computers, and in 2023 they released ‘Pi’, a personal AI chatbot.
In this conversation Mustafa and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Mustafa’s book, ‘The Coming Wave’, here: https://bit.ly/3Laizip
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In this moment, the advertising and marketing expert Rory Sutherland, discusses the number one curse of modern businesses. Rory believes that too many companies are following the false goal of finding the perfect measurement of spending to outcome. This can led to companies obsessing over what can be measured and underinvesting on the things that really matter but are hard to quantify, this can include fundamental targets such as customer loyalty and repeat purchasing. A further flaw in this way of thinking is that all data that leads these decisions comes from the past, which means there is a limit on what big data can tell you about future spending. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/DRKcci1xICb Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Rory: https://twitter.com/rorysutherland?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Can changing the way you stand transform your life?
In this new episode Steven sits down with the body language expert, social psychologist, and bestselling author, Dr. Amy Cuddy.
For over 20 years, Dr. Cuddy has focused on researching stereotyping, nonverbal behaviour, and presence and performance under stress. Her TED Talk, ‘Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are’ has been viewed over 23 million times, and her book, ‘Presence’ is a New York Times bestseller.
In this conversation Amy and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Amy’s book, ‘Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges’, here: https://amzn.to/45wrSBn
Follow Amy:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3qRNo4C
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/45uFz3T
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From a childhood in the jungle to Dunder Mifflin and fame, this is the Rainn Wilson you don’t know.
In this new episode Steven sits down with actor, comedian, podcaster and author, Rainn Wilson. Rainn is best known for playing Dwight Schrute on the US version of the TV sitcom ‘The Office’, which ran from 2005 to 2013. During this time Rainn was Emmy Award nominated three times for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. In 2008, he co-founded the digital media company SoulPancake, which aims to encourage open-hearted dialogue about what it means to be human.
In this conversation Rainn and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Rainn’s most recent book, ‘Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution’, here: https://bit.ly/3EbRwPP
Follow Rainn:
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In this moment, the biochemist and glucose goddess, Jessie Inchauspé gives her top hacks for flattening your glucose spikes. These spikes that can come from our favourite foods can have devastating long term health impacts, and controlling them is one of the best strategies for your overall wellbeing. Jessie’s glucose hacks range from eating food in the right order, stopping counting calories, moving after eating and even drinking vinegar before you eat. All of these simple tricks can ensure that you are the healthiest and most productive you can possibly be. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/o3MCIxyOwCb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Follow Jessie: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3n89Pkg
How can a 2,000 year old philosophy change your life in 2023?
In this new episode Steven sits down with the bestselling author Ryan Holiday. Ryan is best known for promoting the timeless life philosophy of Stoicism through his books, ‘Ego Is The Enemy’, ‘The Obstacle Is The Way’, ‘Courage Is Calling’ and ‘Discipline Is Destiny’, as well as hosting ’The Daily Stoic’ podcast.
In this conversation Ryan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Ryan’s most recent book, ‘The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids’, here: https://amzn.to/3KRHG9C
Follow Ryan:
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He has previously said that he would “speak soon with no filter”, for Ivan Toney that time is now.
In this new episode Steven sits down with footballer Ivan Toney. Ivan started his football career in 2012 playing for Northampton Town at 16 years old, and 3 years later moved into the Premier League with Newcastle United. After 4 appearances with Newcastle United, he spent the next few years on loan to various clubs. However, in 2018 Ivan began to build his reputation as a top striker when he joined Peterborough United, scoring 49 goals in 94 appearances. In 2020, Ivan signed with Brentford, helping them win promotion to the Premier League in his first season. In November 2022, the FA charged Ivan with 232 counts of breaching betting rules between 2017 and 2021, he was fined £50,000 and banned from playing professional football until 17 January 2024.
In this conversation Ivan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
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In this moment, the celebrity psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist, Dr Daniel G Amen breaks down the most important tricks for a healthy and powerful brain. According to Dr Amen, while genetics do play a factor in your brain health, what is more important is how you live your life. This can include everything from eating more fish and less red meat, avoiding brain trauma, toxins and even taking better care of your mouth health. However, for Dr Amen, the 2 most important factors for whether you have a healthy or unhealthy brain is: learning and loneliness. By not learning and being lonely, you rapidly decreases your brain’s capacity and ability to function, which will then affect every aspect of your life. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/91PsXFzmlCb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Amen: https://www.instagram.com/doc_amen/ https://danielamenmd.com/
In this new episode Steven sits down with the author, entrepreneur and ‘Poker Princess’ Molly Bloom.
Molly is a former Olympic skier, and at 21 years old was ranked No. 3 in North America in moguls. After an accident, she left skiing and took a years sabbatical from the University of Colorado - Boulder to move to LA in 2004. Initially bartending, she began to run poker games in The Viper Room. These games attracted A-list celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, and Ben Affleck, playing for millions of dollars. In 2013, she was arrested for taking part in underground poker games and faced 10 years in prison, but was eventually sentenced to 1 year of probation. In 2014, she released her memoir ‘Molly’s Game’ which was made into an award winning film of the same name in 2017.
In this conversation Molly and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Molly’s memoir, ‘Molly’s Game’, here: https://bit.ly/3OvOLxq
Follow Molly:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rOB3yk
Twitter: https://bit.ly/45tjBOe
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In this episode Steven sits down with Joe Dispenza, an expert and author who explores the intersection of science and mindfulness.
Joe’s best selling books, such as "You Are the Placebo" and "Becoming Supernatural" have helped thousands understand the science and the potential of untapped capabilities within their bodies to supercharge their health. His work emphasizes the importance of meditation and mental rehearsal in creating positive change and mind and body ‘cohesiveness’, revolutionising how people can see health and wellness as one and the same thing. If you have been looking for a ‘kick’ to make positive changes in your life, Joe provides not just a method of how to do it, but how to stop making excuses not to do it.
In this conversation Joe and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Follow Joe:
Website: drjoedispenza.com
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3QBmDf9
Facebook: https://bit.ly/44bbTHj
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3qkZi6S
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In this moment, professor and author Scott Galloway discusses how technology has taken over dating and the impact of this. Traditionally, a third of couples met via work, another third through friends and a final third at school, however dating apps have completely taken over the dating market. This change to dating has had dramatic impacts specifically for young men, as the men who are in the top 10% of attractiveness attract 90% of female attention. This has led Scott to the belief that online dating has been great for the top 10% of attractive men, OK for the top 50% and a total disaster for bottom 50%. These bottom 50% of men are effectively shut out of the dating market and can have devastating impacts for society. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/Q7GUorgx9Bb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Scott: https://twitter.com/profgalloway
In this episode, Steven sits down with the former CMO of Netflix and former Chief Brand Officer of Uber, Bozoma Saint John.
The first black woman to hold all of these (and many more) trailblazing roles, she is a legend of the corporate world. Born in Ghana in 1977, she moved to the U.S. at a young age. Saint John has held high-profile roles at companies like Apple, where she led global consumer marketing for iTunes and Apple Music, and Uber, where she was Chief Brand Officer. Saint John is widely recognized for her influence in the industry, her efforts to increase diversity in corporate America, and her engaging and unique public speaking style.
Some topics discussed in this episode:
Boz’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Urgent-Life-Story-Love-Survival/
Follow Boz:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/badassboz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassboz
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@badassboz
Website: https://www.bozomasaintjohn.com
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In this new episode Steven sits down with philosopher, neuroscientist, podcast host and author Sam Harris.
In 2004, Sam published his first book, ‘The End of Faith’, this stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for 33 weeks and won the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for First Nonfiction. He has gone on to author 5 New York Times bestselling books published in over 20 languages. In 2009, Sam obtained his Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience from the University of California, Los Angeles. In 2013, he began the ‘Waking Up’ podcast which covers subjects from meditation to AI. Sam is also the co-founder and CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society.
In this conversation Sam and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can access the ‘Waking Up’ meditation app here: https://bit.ly/3Qp51D7
Follow Sam:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3DHwOHy
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3DE8RAy
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In this moment, the broadcaster, writer and founder of Happy Place, Fearne Cotton discusses how we can find meaning through connection in our confusing world. Fearne believes that connection can be found in the simple things, such as stepping outside of your own heads and the constant noise of your life and realising the greatness of everything that surrounds you. The reason that stepping outside of yourself is crucial, is that it removes your feelings of self-importance that can separate you from the connections all around you. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/OrX6sjtZEob Fearne - https://www.instagram.com/fearnecotton/channel/ Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
In this new episode Steven sits down with entrepreneur and anti-aging pioneer Bryan Johnson.
In 2007, Bryan founded the payment processing company ‘Braintree’, and was soon 47th on Inc. magazine’s list of the fastest growing companies in America. Bryan sold Braintree in 2013 for $800 million. Since then he founded ‘Kernel’ in 2016, which creates hardware to measure brain activity, and most recently ‘Project Blueprint’ in 2021. ‘Blueprint’ is an algorithmic and automative approach to optimal health and ageing, Bryan is their first test subject.
In this conversation Bryan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can learn more about Blueprint here: https://bit.ly/3DDtyN1
You can learn more about Kernel here: https://bit.ly/3DEFq1n
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In this new episode Steven sits down with global superstar Will.i.am.
William James Adams Jr., better known by his stage name, Will.i.am began his music career in 1992 when he was only 17 years old and signed with ‘Ruthless Records’. In 1995, Will.i.am’s group ‘the Black Eyed Peas’ was officially formed and released their debut album in 1998. In 2001, Will.i.am released his debut solo album and 2 years later in 2003, the Black Eyed Peas released their third album, ‘Elephunk’. It was with this album that the band started to receive major global attention. Since then Will.i.am has worked as an activist, director of creative innovation at Intel, fashion designer, actor, and coach on ‘The Voice UK’.
In this conversation Will.i.am and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can download Will.i.am’s AI-powered messenger app, **‘**FYI’, here: https://bit.ly/3KoTakD
Follow Will.i.am:
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Twitter: https://bit.ly/44DkrYF
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3rPzOyG
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In this moment the entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist Alex Hormozi gives his best advice for becoming a millionaire. According to Alex there are many ways to reach this level of success, but it is dependent upon the person on which path they want to take to become a millionaire. This can either come from creating a business around a core skill or working with other people to combine their skills into a unified organisation. Alex believes that one of the keys to personal development and success is the idea of skill stacking. This is the adding of different skills on top of an original skill, until you reach a level of having a completely unique and valuable skillset. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/TIVYc9ZjNu Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Alex: https://www.instagram.com/hormozi/ https://www.youtube.com/@AlexHormozi
In this new episode Steven sits down with model, Toxic Shock Syndrome survivor and activist Lauren Wasser.
Lauren was born into a family of models and started modelling at just 2 months old. She was beginning to make a name for herself in the modelling industry when at 24 years old she contracted Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from a tampon. TSS is a life-threatening complication from bacterial infections, and due to infection both of Lauren’s legs were amputated. 3 years after being just 10 minutes from death, Lauren made her return to modelling at 27 years old in her now trademark golden legs. She now works to educate and raise awareness about the impact of TSS.
In this conversation Lauren and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can learn more about Toxic Shock Syndrome here: https://bit.ly/3O1Lu92
You can also learn more about the impact of TSS on the people who have lost loved ones due to the syndrome, here: https://bit.ly/43KouB4
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Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rOB3yk
Twitter: https://bit.ly/44DkrYF
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the physician and longevity expert, Dr Peter Attia.
Dr. Attia graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine in 2001, and until 2006 he was a surgical resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital. During this time he was a surgical oncology fellow at the National Institutes of Health's National Cancer Institute. In 2012, Dr Attia co-founded the Nutrition Science Initiative, and 2 years later, in 2014 he opened his medical practice, Attia Medical, PC. This institute focuses on the applied science of longevity and optimal performance to minimise the risk of chronic diseases and improving lifespan. He serves on the editorial board for the journal ’Aging’, and is the host of ’The Drive’ podcast.
In this conversation Dr Attia and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Dr Attia’s new book, ‘Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity’, here : https://bit.ly/3rCTHsK
Follow Dr Attia:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rBMyJ7
Twitter: https://bit.ly/44DkrYF
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3Oc8QZQ
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In this moment, entrepreneur and author of ‘Everything is Figureoutable’, Marie Forleo discusses her 3 rules for a Figureoutable mindset. The most important of these rules is her third rule, which says that if you don’t care enough to reach a dream or goal, that’s OK, and instead you should find another dream or goal. Too often in life we beat ourselves up for being unmotivated or lazy for not achieving certain targets. Actually, we should just admit that we don’t care enough about the goal, and it is just something we think we should want to achieve. Instead, Marie believes we should reexamine our priorities and understand the difference when we say we ‘can’t’ or ‘won’t’ do something, as 99 percent of the time when we say we ‘can’t ‘we mean we won’t or don’t want to. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/ebU0K9spWvb Marie: https://www.marieforleo.com https://www.instagram.com/marieforleo/?hl=en Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Ramit Sethi began his journey as a personal finance adviser in 2004, with his website, iwillteachyoutoberich.com. Ramit was the co-founder of PBworks, and is the CEO of GrowthLab. He is also the author of the 2009 New York Times best-selling book, ‘I will Teach You To Be Rich’, and ‘Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business”. In 2023, Netflix released the series ‘How To Get Rich’ with Ramit as its host. In this conversation Ramit and Steven discuss topics, such as: How to define your ‘rich life’ Why buying a house isn’t necessarily a good decision How to invest like a millionaire His 10 rules for becoming rich Where real wealth is created The key character traits of rich people Why most people don’t understand money The truth about investing in cryptocurrency Why becoming rich isn’t necessarily about intelligence You can purchase, ‘I Will Teach You to Be Rich: The Journal’, here: https://bit.ly/44TcwWL Follow Ramit: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Om30Gw Twitter: https://bit.ly/3NXDNAH Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' per order link: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZ Twitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHm Linkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95Q Telegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxST Sponsors: Huel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsb Whoop: http://bit.ly/3zNvvop
In this new episode Steven sits down with global superstar, Rita Ora.
Rita Ora is a British singer and songwriter who first rose to prominence in 2012 with the number 1 single ‘Hot Right Now’, she released her first album, ‘Ora’ later that year. In 2015, Rita made her film debut in ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, in the same year she was a coach on ‘The Voice UK’ and judge on ‘The X Factor’. In 2016, she was the host of ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and in 2018 she released her second album ‘Phoenix’. In 2020, she was a judge on ‘The Masked Singer UK’, and a year later in 2021, she became a coach on ‘The Voice Australia’. Rita’s third album ‘You & I’ is available now on all music streaming platforms.
In this conversation Rita and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can listen to Rita’s new album, ‘You & I’, here: https://bit.ly/3XRlIbY
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Instagram: https://bit.ly/3pNzDDu
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3DaODym
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3pOSA8J
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pGohRL
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In this moment, the best selling author and inspirational speaker, Simon Sinek, discusses the honour of being able to serve a friend in need, why people are having quarter life crises and why we should ignore the targets set by social expectations. Simon believes that more often than not when people are in a crisis they don’t want solutions but for some to let them vent and sit in the mud with them. He also discusses how too many young people are worried about wasting time in their careers and life, trying to keep pace with arbitrary targets set by societal standards. Instead, Simon believes we should ignore the noise and stick to our own sense of purpose or ‘why’ in life. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/9qIgVbhepBb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Simon: https://simonsinek.com https://twitter.com/simonsinek?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
In this new episode Steven sits down with one of Chelsea FC’s greatest ever players, Frank Lampard OBE.
Frank began his football career in 1995 with West Ham United, the same team that his father had played for. He made his Premier League debut a year later in 1996. In 2001, Frank signed with Chelsea and stayed with them for 13 years, making 648 appearances and becoming the club’s top scorer with 211 goals. During his playing career, Frank was named one of the best midfielders of his generation, and he began his managerial career in 2018.
In this conversation Frank and Steven discuss topics, such as:
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Dr Lieberman is the Chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His research focuses on how the human body has evolved to be the way it is, he also explores how humans evolved to run long distances to scavenge and hunt.
He is the author of the best-selling books, ‘The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease’ and ‘Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding’.
In this conversation Dr Lieberman and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Dr Lieberman’s newest book, ‘Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health’, here: https://amzn.to/49udz2v
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In this moment, the bestselling author Robert Greene discusses how seduction is a high form of power that can make people do what you want without them realising it. Seduction does this by using pleasure and excitement to reduce people’s resistance to your ideas. Robert also breaks down the qualities of a great seducer, including being outer directed towards other people, a great listener and giving someone attention and a feeling of recognition. Finally, Robert explains why vulnerability is seductive and insecurity is not. While insecurity is self-absorbed, vulnerability is an openness to another person and the world. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/q8xLZecpdBb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Robert: https://twitter.com/RobertGreene?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
In this new episode Steven sits down with Stephen Glover, better known as the star of Jackass, Steve-O.
After graduating from Clown College in 1997, and recording various death defying stunts on camera, Stephen became Steve-O, a member of the MTV series ‘Jackass’ in 1999. Since then, Jackass has become a cultural phenomenon with 3 TV series and 4 number one box office smash hit films. After battling addiction and becoming sober in 2008, Stephen has diversified his career, starting stand up comedy in 2013, creating the ‘Wild Ride! with Steve-O’ podcast in 2020, and writing 2 best selling memoirs.
In this conversation Stephen and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase tickets to Stephen’s ‘Bucket List Tour’, which we be in the UK until 14th July 2023, here: https://bit.ly/3PCTIH8
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Adam is a Professor of Marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, his research focuses on judgment, decision-making and social psychology, as well as the impact of subtle cues in the environment on human behaviour.
He is the bestselling author of the books: ‘Drunk Tank Pink’, ‘Irresistible’, and most recently ‘Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to get unstuck and unlock your potential’. He has also written for the New York Times, New Yorker, Washington Post, Atlantic, WIRED, Slate, Huffington Post, and Popular Science.
You can purchase Adam’s newest book, ‘Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to get unstuck and unlock your potential’, here: https://amzn.to/3QzyWXx
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Twitter - https://bit.ly/44i0BSs
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In this moment, the psychiatrist and author of ‘The Chimp Paradox’, Professor Steve Peters, discusses how there are some early childhood traumas that simply can’t be erased. It is a commonly held belief that with enough therapy and time all traumas can be eventually be eradicated. However Professor Peters believes that it is critical we divide traumas between those you can tackle and others that you have to learn to live and deal with. If we don’t accept that there are some problems that can’t be solved it can actually cause more distress, not only to the people suffering the trauma but even to their therapists and partners. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/xOA3BtDJ2Ab Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Professor Steven: https://chimpmanagement.com/professor-steve-peters/
Russell began his career in stand up comedy, gaining recognition at the ‘Hackney Empire New Act of the Year’ in 2000. In the same year he became a video journalist for MTV. In 2004, Russell achieved his break as a presenter for ‘Big Brother’s Big Mouth’, and reached worldwide fame in the 2008 film, ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’.
Since then he has appeared in the films, ‘Get Him To The Greek’, ‘Despicable Me’, and ‘Arthur’. He has also released the best-selling books, ‘My Booky Wook’, ‘Booky Wook 2’, ‘Recovery’, ‘Revolution’, and ‘Mentors’. In 2014, he launched his political-comedy web series The Trews, followed by the ‘Under the Skin with Russell Brand’ podcast in 2017. His show ‘Stay Free with Russell Brand’ broadcasts daily on Rumble.
Follow Russell:
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Twitter - https://bit.ly/3Pvt1Eh
TikTok - https://bit.ly/44lCNwR
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In this new episode Steven sits down with world-renowned brain coach and expert in memory improvement, Jim Kwik.
After a head injury at 5 years old left Jim struggling at school, he created strategies, system and learning habit to overcome cognitive problems and improve his mental performance. In 2001, he developed his knowledge of brain training into the online learning platform, ‘Kwik Learning’, which is now used in 195 countries. He has also worked with the celebrities, athletes, politicians, and CEO’s, as well as companies such as Google, Virgin and Nike. He is the author of the bestselling book, ‘Limitless’, and host of the ‘Kwik Brain’ podcast which is one of the top 50 podcasts in the world.
In this conversation Jim and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Jim’s book, ‘Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life’, here: https://amzn.to/43VtUu7
Follow Jim:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3NLLVFz
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3pcXdZR
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3NLxmSf
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3JsHGMw
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In this moment, the physician, presenter, and podcaster Dr Rangan Chatterjee discusses what happiness REALLY is. Too often we chase after the emotion happiness itself, when actually it is a byproduct that comes from doing the right things. For Dr Chatterjee there are 3 core pillars of happiness, these are: alignment, contentment and control. These foundations are the difference between real happiness and pleasurable experiences, and a happiness that works for you compared what society tells you is happiness. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/DmC3uNmKMsb Dr Rangan: https://www.instagram.com/drchatterjee/?hl=en https://drchatterjee.com Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
In this new episode Steven sits down with founder, CEO and self-titled "Boring Biz" lady, Codie Sanchez
Codie starter her career as a JFK award winning journalist covering human trafficking. In a career change, Codie entered the world of finance, and is a former partner at private equity firm EEC, and built First Trust’s $1 billion+ AUM Latin America business. She is the Founder of ‘Contrarian Thinking’ and the Cofounder of ‘Unconventional Acquisitions’, which focuses on purchasing small or what Codie calls ‘boring’ businesses as a way to achieve financial freedom. Codie has appeared on CNBC, Fox, Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, People en Español, Business Wire.
In this conversation Codie and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can find out more about Codie on her website, here: https://bit.ly/3CMfn7T
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Instagram: https://bit.ly/469lC3n
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3pcXdZR
TikTok: https://bit.ly/42QOYAw
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In this new episode Steven sits down with hairdresser, television personality, and ‘Queer Eye’s’ grooming expert, Jonathan Van Ness.
Jonathan began his career as a hairdresser, however in 2013 while giving a haircut he captured the attention of a creator for the comedy video website, ‘Funny Or Die’. This was the start of Jonathan’s hit ‘Gay of Thrones’ web series which was nominated three times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Variety Series. In 2018, Jonathan was catapulted into fame as the grooming expert in the Netflix series ‘Queer Eye’. Since 2015, he has hosted a weekly podcast, ’Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness’, and in 2019 he released his New York Times best-selling memoir, ‘Over the Top: A Raw Journey to Self-Love’. In 2021, Jonathan launched ‘JVN Hair’, a gender inclusive, sustainable, cruelty-free haircare brand.
In this conversation Jonathan and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase all of Jonathan’s ‘JVN’ hair products, here: https://bit.ly/3CyBBdK
Follow Jonathan:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3CzC6UG
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pcXdZR
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3JhaOX9
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‘Showing up is half the battle’, how often have you heard this phrase these days? According to Tim Grover, trainer to some of the most iconic athletes ever, showing up is NONE of the battle. Tim believes that people are too willing to take the easy route in life, but in reality winning will cost you everything and require you to make the hardest decisions. However, if you think the price of winning is too high, Tim says that the bill of regret is even higher and can take generations to pay off. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/ERRIcylDEAb Watch the episodes on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Tim: https://timgrover.com/ https://www.instagram.com/timgrover/?hl=en
In this new episode Steven sits down with the nutrition and functional medicine expert Dr Mindy Pelz.
Dr Pelz is a fasting, keto and detox expert, she is a leader in alternative health and a pioneer in the fasting movement. She has worked with a wide range of high-profile clients from Olympic athletes, to Academy Award-winning actors, and Silicon Valley CEOs. Her books, 'The Reset Factor', 'The Menopause Reset’ and most recently ‘Fast Like a Girl’ are bestsellers, she is also the host of two podcasts, ‘The Women United’, and ‘The Resetter’.
In this conversation Dr Pelz and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Dr Pelz’s newest book ‘Fast Like a Girl’, here: https://amzn.to/3NgXOD7
Follow Dr Pelz:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/461aBB0
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3qHdIht
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the poet and philosopher Diego Perez, also known as Yung Pueblo.
Diego was born in Ecuador and immigrated to the United States as a child, and grew up in a working class neighbourhood in Boston. After having a mild heart attack, Diego gave up drinking and drugs, and attended his first Vipassana meditation course in 2012. Pursuing writing, he started posting his poetry on Instagram in 2013 and has written three bestselling books, ‘Inward’, ‘Clarity & Connection’ and ‘Lighter’.
In this conversation Diego and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Diego’s newest book ‘Lighter’, here: https://amzn.to/3NgXOD7
Follow Diego:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/42wAGVx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YungPueblo
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If you go onto social media or talk with friends it seems that everyone is having sex, however if you look at the statistics it seems that sex is at an all time low. In this moment, ex-monk and relationship guru, Jay Shetty discusses why there is a rise in sexless relationships and marriages, going for months or even years without sexual intimacy. To bring back sex, Jay says that we need to regain intimacy in relationships, through open and honest conversations, as sex is a byproduct of connection and intimacy, rather than a source of it. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/QyDqNAoUsAb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Jay: https://jayshetty.me https://www.instagram.com/JayShetty/
In this new episode Steven sits down with the ultra-endurance athlete, bestselling author and podcast host, Rich Roll.
Rich was a successful lawyer until a revelation at 40 sent him down the path of becoming an ultra-endurance athlete, 2 years later he competed in the ‘Ultraman World Championships’, a 320 mile triathlon in Hawaii. Rich finished as the fastest American male competitor, and in 2009 he was named one of Men’s Fitness’s ‘25 Fittest Men in the World’. In 2012, he published his memoir ‘Finding Ultra’, and shortly after, ‘The Rich Roll Podcast’ which has released over 750 podcasts.
In this conversation Rich and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can listen to the Rich Roll podcast, here: https://apple.co/3OTwuMy
Follow Rich:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/42r1arI
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3oRmJ6U
YouTube: https://bit.ly/43pa7Dd
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the CEO and Co-Founder of DECIEM and The Ordinary, Nicola Kilner.
Nicola began her career as a business-management student at Nottingham Trent University, where her sponsored work program with the pharmacy chain Boots led to her becoming one of the company’s youngest buyers. In 2011, she met Brandon Truaxe who would found and launch DECIEM in 2013, with Nicola serving as brand director. DECIEM was a skin-care company made up of 10 different brands, the most popular was ‘The Ordinary’, which was launched in 2013. After Brandon’s struggles with mental health crises, Nicola became DECIEM’s Chief Executive in 2018.
In this conversation Nicola and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase all of DECIEM’s products here: https://bit.ly/3MOAjQh
Follow Nicola:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3qmYSMY
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It seems that it is harder and harder to get a good nights sleep in the modern world, despite the miraculous benefits of sleep becoming increasingly known. In this moment the sleep expert himself Dr. Matthew Walker provides the 5 sleep hygiene tips you need for deeper sleep. These tips range from giving yourself a bed time to walking it out, in this moment Dr. Walker provides all the solutions you will need for the best possible sleep. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/b7y7TmgehAb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Matthew: https://www.instagram.com/drmattwalker/?hl=en https://www.sleepdiplomat.com My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business, Marketing & Life' per order link: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
In this new episode Steven sits down with the Egyptian entrepreneur and writer, Mohammad "Mo" Gawdat.
Mo began his career at IBM Egypt as a systems engineer, before moving to NCR Abu Dhabi to cover the non-finance sector. He worked in various roles at Microsoft for seven-and-a-half years before joining Google in 2007 to start it’s business in emerging markets. In 2013, he joined Google’s innovation arm, ‘Google X’ and eventually became its chief business officer. He left this role in 2018 to focus helping one billion people become happier as part of the #onebillionhappy global movement. He is the author of three books; ‘Solve for Happy’, ‘Scary Smart’ and, ‘That Little Voice in Your Head’, as well as the host of the podcast ‘Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat’.
In this conversation Mo and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Mo’s book, ‘Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World’, here: https://bit.ly/42iwDfv
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3qmYSMY
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the editor-in-chief of British Vogue, Edward Enninful OBE.
Edward began his career in fashion as a model before becoming the fashion director of the British fashion magazine i-D at just 18 years old. This made him youngest-ever fashion director for an international magazine and Edward held this position for over 20 years. Between 1998 and 2011 he contributed extensively for Vogue Italia and Vogue US. From 2011, he was the Creative and Fashion Director at W Magazine. In 2016, Edward was awarded an OBE for Services to Diversity in the Fashion industry, and in 2017 he was named the editor-in-chief of British Vogue.
In this conversation Edward and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Edward’s memoir, ‘A Visible Man’ is now available in paperback, you can purchase it here: https://bit.ly/3OK3EOv
Instagram: https://bit.ly/427qz9x
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Have you ever felt like your life is stuck on repeat and you are just doing the same things again and again? In this moment Max Lugavere discusses the dangers of becoming stuck in a rut and how our brain removes joy, excitement and happiness to save energy when we become fixed in our routines and habits. This is why when we grow older time seems to move quicker, as when we are younger every day is different and new. To combat this, Max discusses how new and novel experiences such as travel are hugely important for the brain and can even create new brain cells. This is part of not just living a longer life but living a fuller life. Listen to the full episode here -https://g2ul0.app.link/04wJkhTdUzb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxlugavere/?hl=en https://twitter.com/maxlugavere?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business, Marketing & Life' per order link: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
n this new episode Steven sits down with the British comedian, actor, writer and presenter, Jack Whitehall.
Jack is a three time winner of the ‘King of Comedy’ at the ‘British Comedy Awards’. He began his television career as a presenter for ‘Big Brother's Big Mouth’ in 2008, before appearing on panel shows such as ‘8 Out of 10 Cats’, ‘Would I Lie To You’ and ‘Mock The Week’. He co-wrote and starred in the TV shows, ‘Fresh Meat’ and ‘Bad Education’, making his film debut with ‘The Bad Education Movie’. He appears with his father, Michael Whitehall, in the Netflix comedy documentary series, ‘Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father’. The two have also written a book together, ‘Him & Me’. Jack is starring in the new film ‘Robots’ available now in theatres and on demand.
In this conversation Jack and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Jack is currently touring the UK with his 2023 live show, ‘Settle Down’, tickets and tour dates are available here: https://bit.ly/3BTdeqF
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ompM6Z
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3IFnc2C
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the American behavioural design expert, Nir Eyal.
Nir’s career has focused on behavioural engineering and helping businesses to develop habit-forming products. His work explores the intersection of psychology, technology, and business, and has earned him the label of “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology”. Since 2003, he has co-founded two technology companies, worked as a consultant in product design and taught as a lecturer in Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. Nir is the author of 2 bestselling books, ‘Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products’ and ’Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life.’
In this conversation Nir and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase ‘Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life’, here: https://bit.ly/3ooKYcw
Instagram: https://bit.ly/43dDHuL
Twitter: https://bit.ly/45n1Dhi
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How would you like to increase you life expectancy, be happier and have less stress? According to Professor Dacher Keltner, one of the world’s leading emotion scientists, the solution is as simple as reaching out. In this moment, Professor Keltner discusses the awesome power of touch and the devastating impacts of living without it. Through evolution humans are built for touch and connection, this can be seen all over our bodies from our hands, skin and brain. However, in the current pandemic of loneliness millions of people are missing out on its benefits. Ultimately Professor Keltner believes we need to remove our suspicions of touch and see it for what it is: a foundational language that all human speak and feel. Listen to the full episode here -https://g2ul0.app.link/04wJkhTdUzb Dacher: https://www.dacherkeltner.com Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business, Marketing & Life' per order link: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook
In this new episode Steven sits down with the Lebanese-American media personality, Sarah Joe Chamoun.
Sarah entered the adult entertainment industry in 2014 under the stage name ‘Mia Khalifa’. Despite only being an actress in adult films for 3 months and only earning $12,000, she quickly became one of the most searched-for-performers in the industry and gained huge attention. Since leaving the industry in 2015, Sarah has worked as a sports presenter, OnlyFans model and in 2020, she guest appeared as herself in the Hulu show ‘Ramy’.
In this conversation Sarah and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can follow Sarah’s Demi and fine-body jewellery brand, Sheytan, launching June 2023, here: https://bit.ly/3OjEVAr
Instagram: https://bit.ly/438alxX
Twitter: https://bit.ly/42MroWs
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the British sex and relationship expert, Tracey Cox.
Tracey is one of the world’s leading writers on sex and relationships, having 30 years of expertise and research, she has written over 17 books on these subjects and has a weekly column for the ‘Mail Online’. Formerly the Associate Editor of *’*Cosmopolitan’ in Australia, Tracey returned to the UK to co-present television programmes such as ’Would Like To Meet’ and ’The Sex Inspectors’. Currently Tracey co-hosts the weekly podcast, ‘SexTok with Tracey and Kelsey’.
In this conversation Tracey and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Tracey’s most recent book ‘Great sex starts at 50’, here: ****https://bit.ly/3BiYSPW
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3M49FnB
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3M3BLPF
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In this moment John Eckbert discusses how he was able to make it through the darkest and most difficult period of his life and the lessons that he learned that made him a better person and CEO. This period challenged every identity that John gave to himself: a husband, a partner, and a father. However, what remained stable during this time was his position as a business leader and the trust that things will improve, you just have to keep showing up. Looking back, John believes it is important to remember that we end up being grateful for the worst periods in our life, as they end up making us into the people we are. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/2aX2AjoQIzb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
In this new episode Steven sits down with the American psychiatrist and Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, Robert Waldinger.
Dr Waldinger is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and the fourth director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. This is the longest every study of the same group of people over time, following 724 men for nearly 80 years. The study explores the factors that lead to healthy and happy lives. Robert is also the Founding Director of the Lifespan Research Foundation, which aims to implement the lessons learned from the Harvard Study in peoples work and personal life. His TED talk, “What makes a good life?” has been viewed over 40 million times.
In this conversation Robert and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase Robert’s new book ‘The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Study on Happiness’, here: ****https://bit.ly/3BiYSPW
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the Canadian entrepreneur and President of Shopify, Harley Finkelstein.
Harley was 17 years when we started his first company selling T-shirts at University. Later, while studying law at the University of Ottawa, Harley met the future co-founder of Shopify, Tobias Lütke, and became an early adopter of the platform. After graduating from law school, Harley worked as a lawyer before joining Shopify in 2010 as it’s first employee. Since then Harley has helped Shopify grow from a start-up to one of the world’s leading e-commerce platforms in the world, powering over 1 million businesses in 175 countries.
In this conversation Harley and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3M49FnB
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3M3BLPF
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In this moment Africa Brooke discusses the importance of accountability and how taking responsibility is the opposite of self-sabotage. From her own past experiences, Africa knows that it is all too easy to externalise and place the blame outside of yourself. This is a way of avoiding self reflecting and truly examining the role you play in the decisions and negative outcomes in your life. However, the opposite is also true that we always have the ability and power to change even the smallest part of our circumstances for the better. Listen to the full episode here -https://g2ul0.app.link/m3QAsHUn6tb Africa: https://africabrooke.com https://www.instagram.com/africabrooke/?hl=en Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
In this new episode Steven sits down with the American rapper and songwriter Macklemore.
Ben Haggerty adopted the stage name of Macklemore when he began rapping at the age of 14, at the same time he was beginning his struggle with substance abuse. Ben released his debut album, ‘The Language of My World’, in 2005. However, his struggles with addiction threaten to halt his musical career and he entered rehab in 2008. He started collaborating with the producer Ryan Lewis in 2009 and the pair released their album, ‘The Heist’, in 2012. This album went on to win 4 Grammy Awards and become platinum certified. Since 2017, Ben has focused on his solo career, releasing the album ‘Gemini’ and launching his golf-inspired clothing brand Bogey Boys in 2021. He has just released his third solo album, ‘Ben’.
In this conversation Ben and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can listen to Macklemore’s new album, ‘Ben’, here: https://bit.ly/3oJlgPH
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3LbbcGx
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3HgwHoa
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the French biochemist and bestselling author Jessie Inchauspé.
After an accident that resulted in Jessie breaking her back when she was 19 years old, Jessie became interested in the ways to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Jessie followed this passion in her career, working as a product lead at the genetic health start up 23andMe. In 2019, Jessie started the @glucosegoddess instagram account, which shared data from her experiments with a continuous glucose monitor. These experiments looked at the impact that various foods had upon her glucose levels and the subsequent affects on her physical and mental health. In 2022, Jessie published her bestselling book, ‘Glucose Revolution’ (available to purchase here: https://bit.ly/3AFR4HR).
In this conversation Jessie and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Jessie is the author of the new book, ‘The Glucose Goddess Method’, which you can purchase here: https://bit.ly/41M9enc
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3n89Pkg
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In this moment Dr Tim Spector unravels the myth of calorie counting for health and weight loss. Dr Spector discusses how dieting is not just a simple case of tracking calories in compared to calories, as it is nearly impossible for even professionals to accurately count calories. Furthermore, just as people and their lifestyles are not the same, neither are calories. Calories from either quality whole food or ultra-processed can have radically different impacts on your health. Instead of obsessing about calories Dr Spector believes you need to be focused on the quality of your food. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/uqBbGwMhlzb Tim: https://www.instagram.com/tim.spector/?hl=en https://tim-spector.co.uk Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
In this new episode Steven sits down with the American entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Aubrey Marcus.
Aubrey founded Onnit in 2010, the company was built upon the philosophy of providing it’s customers with the supplements and equipment necessary to achieve ‘Total Human Optimisation’. It was the release of the nootropic Alpha BRAIN in 2011 and partnership with Joe Rogan that Onnit began to achieve rapid success. Aubrey stepped down as Onnit’s CEO in 2020 and since then founded the coaching platform ‘Fit For Service’, as well as hosts the ’Aubrey Marcus Podcast’.
In this conversation Aubrey and Steven discuss topics, such as:
Aubrey is the author of ‘Own the Day, Own Your Life’, which you can purchase here: https://bit.ly/41QJXYw
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In this new episode Steven sits down with the author and alternative-medicine pioneer Deepak Chopra.
Deepak is an expert in the field of mind-body healing and has written over 90 books on the subject. He has also been named as one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.
After studying medicine in India, Deepak moved to America to begin his medical career. However he soon became disillusioned with Western medicine and its reliance on prescription drugs, and was inspired to become involved with holistic medicine and the Transcendental Meditation movement. He is the founder the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, which focuses upon the importance of mental, emotional and spiritual well-being to the overall health of the individual.
In this conversation Deepak and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase his most recent book, ‘Living In The Light’, here: https://bit.ly/3An4056
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In this week’s moment, James Watt talks about the marketing ethos of his company Brewdog, who have built their reputation through unique marketing principles. James explains how Brewdog raised brand awareness with no marketing budget and by being intentionally provocative and punching above their weight. It is one of their foundation beliefs that everything Brewdog does should tie back into their core beliefs of not only getting a return for their business but also creating a passion for fantastic beer. This moment will leave you with a fresh perspective on how creativity and imagination can trump money and size in the world of business. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/DITcu2BV9yb James : https://www.instagram.com/brewdogjames/?hl=en https://twitter.com/BrewDogJames?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
In this new episode Steven sits down with heart surgeon Dr Philip Ovadia MD.
Dr Philip Ovadia is an American heart surgeon, founder of Ovadia Heart Health and the author of the new book, “Stay Off My Operating Table”.
As a heart surgeon Dr Ovadia saw firsthand the dangers of heart disease, the number one killer worldwide. Having struggling with obesity his whole life and a family history of heart disease, Dr Ovadia was finally able to lose 45kg by following a predominately animal-based foods and low carbohydrate diet. Since then it has been Dr Ovadia’s mission to improve the public’s metabolic health through lifestyle and dietary modification as a way to prevent later health crises and death.
In this conversation Dr Ovadia and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can purchase, ‘Stay Off My Operating Table’, here: https://bit.ly/3mGtdVd
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In this new episode Steven sits down with serial entrepreneur Sophia Amouroso.
Sophia Amouroso is an American business woman and New York Times best-selling author of ‘#GIRLBOSS’ which later became a Netflix series of the same name.
Sophia founded the female fashion retailer, ‘Nasty Gal’ in 2006 when she was 22 years old. 6 years later, Nasty Gal was named the "Fastest Growing Retailer” in America. However, in 2016, the same year that Sophia was named by Forbes as one of the richest self-made women in the world, Nasty Gal filed for bankruptcy.
Since Nasty Gal’s bankruptcy Sophia has founded ‘Girlboss Media’, an online community providing mentoring and support for women worldwide. As well as ‘Business Class’, a comprehensive tutorial course that helps founders accelerate and scale their businesses.
In this conversation Sophia and Steven discuss topics, such as:
You can follow Sophia here:
Instagram: instagram.com/sophiaamoruso
Twitter: twitter.com/sophiaamoruso
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In this moment, Lewis Howes discusses the biggest killer of relationships. According to Lewis, the greatest mistake someone in a relationship can make is abandoning their true self in order to make peace in a relationship. This compromising can actually be a sign of deeper wounds that have not yet been healed. Lewis believes that as part of your responsibility to be emotionally accountable, you have to find your wounds in order to begin the work of emotional healing. This can help you attain emotional regulation, which is the greatest superpower that we can have to deal with the highs and lows in life. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/luX8Iro6Xyb Lewis: https://www.instagram.com/lewishowes/https://lewishowes.com Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
You feel as if you’ve grown up with him, he was a constant presence in the background of your childhood, the beloved character Josh on the wildly successfully Nickelodeon show ‘Drake and Josh’. However, you definitely don’t know the Josh behind the bright lights and rolling cameras.
Growing up in poverty with a single mother and under the shadow of an absence father he never met, Josh channeled his pain into comedy and acting, sacrificing a normal childhood in order to support his family as a child star. However, on his journey to fame, these same mental crutches and defence mechanisms became Josh’s worst enemies.
In this wide ranging conversation, Josh discusses his life of constant hustling and reinvention, from surviving the pitfalls of child stardom, to a dramatic weight loss journey and finding his niche as a pioneer in social media, this conversation will show you a Josh Peck you’ve never seen before.
Youtube: http://bit.ly/3UABiY6
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From a bullied and unpopular schoolboy to famous party boy appearing on some of the biggest reality shows, Chris Williamson was living the life most men in their twenties dream about. However, to Chris this didn’t feel like his life and he didn’t truly understand himself, instead he was just going through the motions and pretending to be a success.
Since then, Chris has been on a constant mission to evolve and follow his ceaseless curiosity. He has used his podcast as his own university degree, talking to the world’s preeminent thinkers and learning alongside his listeners.
In this expansive conversation Chris discusses everything from strategies in the fight against imposter syndrome and gaining confidence, the true price of success and what drives successful people, to the game of love and relationships in the modern world.
Youtube: @ChrisWillx
Instagram: https://bit.ly/41c1dr5
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3UjUc5i
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What is the meaning of life? Quite a hard question to answer isn’t it? This question has stumped history’s greatest thinkers, however in this moment one of the greatest intellects of our time, Neil deGrasse Tyson, has a theory. It’s too easy to pessimistically countdown your days left on earth and find yourself desperately running around and endlessly searching for a grand meaning to life,. Instead, Neil believes that it is actually right in front of us, as we can create our own meaning of life. For Neil that is his quest for knowledge and learning something new each and everyday, for yourself and other people it could be completely different. Whichever path you decide to take, Neil believes that as long as you help others along the way and follow your interests you will become wiser. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/XMtuSSePMyb Neil: https://www.instagram.com/neildegrassetyson/?hl=en https://neildegrassetyson.com/ Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
There is a war going on and the battle is for your brain health. According to Dr Daniel Amen, whether it is food that will kill you, news that will stress you or gadgets that will drain your dopamine and attention, so much of the modern world is dangerous for your brain health.
Having scanned and examined over 200,000 brains, Dr Daniel Amen’s mission is to change the way people see mental health as isolated from brain health, and instead reimagine it so that people realise that if your brain healthy your mind will follow.
In this life changing conversation Dr Daniel Amen discusses how he revolutionised the field of psychology, discovered the power of brain scans and being the psychiatrist to the stars. In the episode Dr Amen outlines everything you need to know to ensure that you have the healthiest brain, and therefore the healthiest and happiest mind possible.
Dr Amen:
Dr Amen’s book:
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Alex Hormozi knows all about the highs and lows of the journey to becoming successful. From betrayal, fortunes changing as quickly as going from broke to $20 million in under a year, to using pain and failure as fuel. But one thing that doesn’t change on the journey is strength of character, true relationships and the unbudging will to succeed.
As a first generation American Alex knew the sacrifice that his family had made so that his life would be better than theirs, however he also knew that he had to carve out his own path and not the one his father had laid out for him.
In this raw conversation Alex discusses everything from business to love and everything in between. If you want to know what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur Alex has had to earn the hard way the lessons he now shares.
Alex Hormozi:
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Are you free or do you just think that you are free? Are you in fact trapped by your past and every reaction you make shaped by your history? In this moment Dr Gabor Mate discusses how trauma can become a puppet master controlling every aspect of your life and even lead to addiction as a coping mechanism to avoid pain. To overcome this Dr Mate believes you must become aware of your trauma and make it your friend rather than your master, because the opposite of trauma is liberation. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/mHAISevPAyb The conversation cards waitlist is now open, join now - http://bit.ly/3l7dhKG Gabor: https://www.instagram.com/gabormatemd/ Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
You can call her daddy but you can also call her Alex Cooper. You could call her Father Cooper the podcaster, or you could call her Alexandra Cooper, the head of a multimillion dollar brand. No matter what you call her Alex defies labelling and expectations.
But before she was the media mastermind signing multi-million dollar contracts, she was learning the lessons that would help her become the industry leader she is now. Whether that was perfecting her craft of content creation or learning radical empathy from her psychologist mother, these have all been used in her unmatched interviews with the world’s biggest celebrities.
In this expansive conversation Alex discusses her journey to becoming Daddy. From overcoming childhood bullying and self-doubt, hustling and taking advantage of every opportunity that presented itself, Alex has grown and evolved into the icon she is today and taken her devoted Daddy Gang along for the ride.
Alex Cooper:
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If you think about skateboarding, there is one name that will pop up in your mind: Tony Hawk. It’s the same name that fronts a billion dollar video game franchise. He has been called the Michael Jordan of skateboarding, and at the height of his career he was so dominant in competition that the real fight was for second place.
But before skateboarding became the Olympic sport it is today and Tony the living legend that he is, he was an outsider in a sport for outsiders. Driven by his love of skateboarding and to prove his haters wrong, he created an entirely new path for the sport and brought it into the public light and popularity it has today.
In this conversation Tony discusses his life’s dedication to skateboarding, the highs and lows that this commitment brings and how the sport has given back to him by teaching him lessons that he has used in both life and business.
Tony Hawk:
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What is the value of a job? Is it just the pay check or is there something more valuable that can be gained from a job? In this moment business mogul Barbara Corcoran discusses why she would always pick the job in which she could learn a lot and gain skills over just a pay check. Having worked 22 jobs including being a lifeguard, tent saleswoman and a hot dog vendor, Barbara believes that every lesson she learned in these positions helped her later in business and led to her stratospheric success. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/TIVYc9ZjNu The conversation cards waitlist is now open, join now - http://bit.ly/3l7dhKG Barbara: https://www.barbaracorcoran.com https://twitter.com/BarbaraCorcoran?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
How do you achieve success in the modern world? This is the billion dollar question. Some people would say that you must gain a whole new variety of skills and knowledge to keep up in our fast moving times. Only a few people would say you should use strategies that haven’t changed in thousands of years, as human nature and the game of power hasn’t changed either.
Best-selling author Robert Greene is one of these few people. Ever since he was a child he has been fascinated with seeing behind the polite masks that humans show to each other in civilised society, whilst underneath these disguises we all share a darker side and cravings for power.
In this enlightening conversation Robert Greene discusses his life’s work, from the rules of power and seduction, to mastery and human nature. Robert explores how we can use the lessons of history to succeed in all areas of life.
Robert Greene:
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At some point in your life you have felt how your thoughts and emotions have had impacts on your body, whether that is not sleeping because of stress or stomach aches from anxiety. While we’ve all felt that modern medicine denies any connection between the two and the effects they have on each other.
Dr Will Cole believes that we can’t just separate mental health from physical health as they so obviously affect each other. He believes that the way to heal ourselves fully and not just treat symptoms is to be aware of what we our putting into our bodies, from thoughts to nutrition.
In this revolutionary conversation Dr Will Cole teaches all you need to relearn about wellness and how your body works to become healthier and happier in body and mind.
His new book ‘Gut Feelings’ is available now: https://amzn.to/3ZMzcp5
Dr Will Cole:
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Why do you connect with certain adverts or businesses? Is it because of their impressive facts or statistics, it’s more likely that you had an emotional connection that is hard for you to even describe rationally. In this moment Will Storr discusses how humans are storytelling animals, the very language of our brains are stories and they are the way we process the world around us. That’s why it doesn’t matter if you are a Fortune 500 company or talking to a new person, if you aren’t communicating with stories you aren’t communicating. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/cubZsa7Cdyb The conversation cards waitlist is now open, join now - http://bit.ly/3l7dhKG Will - https://willstorr.com/ https://twitter.com/wstorr?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Watch the episodes on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
What is the greatest way that you can spend your time on earth? Or in other words, what is your ‘why’? For too many of us we answer that question by saying all the things that we hope we will gain and achieve, rather than the ways that we help others and make their life better.
As Simon Sinek says there are entire sections of book shops dedicated to self-help but none dedicated to helping others, and we aren’t taught in school how to listen or the value of being a good friend. In fact it seems one of the radical acts you can do in the modern world is to live a life of service.
In this conversation with Simon at his most vulnerable he discusses everything from love and relationships, quarter life crises and why you should never cry alone. As with every discussion with Simon, this will have you rethinking everything you previously thought you knew.
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Cole Sprouse is an actor and photographer who has been lighting up our screens and bringing joy to our lives for now twenty years. The star of ‘Riverdale’, 'The Suite Life' and many more beloved TV shows and films, he's been possessed with the spirit of creativity since before he was out of his cradle.
View his photography at: https://colesprousephoto.com/
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What is the optimism bias? This is overestimating the good things that will happen in your future, despite all the evidence that may go against it. This is a systematic mistake that we all make as we always expect the future to be better than it ends up being and we underestimate the negatives that could happen. However, in this moment Dr. Tali Sharot discusses how the optimism bias can be a positive as our expectations of future happiness affect our happiness right now, it can motivate you to try harder to make this a reality. As Dr. Sharot says, “what we believe in our mind, changes the way we behave and the way we behave in the world changes the world”. Listen to the full episode here - https://g2ul0.app.link/PVr36vSM2xb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
You know how important sleep is just from the personal experience of making it through the day after a bad night’s sleep. But what if you were told that sleep was the single most important thing you could do for your physical and mental health? It affects everything from your sex hormones, immunity, bloody sugar and even how you form memories.
Dr. Matthew Walker has dedicated his life to tackle the global sleep loss epidemic we are all living through, as this wakefulness personally costs us our health, it costs businesses productivity and it costs countries billions of dollars a year.
In this enlightening episode, Dr. Walker discusses the science of how and why we sleep, how modern life is effecting our shut eye and the tricks to getting the best night’s rest. Considering that sleep makes up a third of your life, this is a conversation you can’t miss.
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