Dave and Shane kickoff 2023 in Magic in our first Stan-less episode of his hiatus. We take a quick tour around the formats we love: we first spend time on a tour of Modern via recent MTGO events, then through Pioneer via Frank Karsten's most recent assessment of the combined RC meta. But first we talk about this weekend's NRG Championship Series Finals. And then before that we also cry some because we miss Stan.
4:43 - Housekeeping
11:50 - The Dive Down begins - the NRG Championship preview
23:05 - The current state of Modern
48:19 - The current state of Pioneer
1:04:20 - Cool Decks, Inc.
1:20:05 - What we aren't talking about
1:22:30 - Closing out
Links from this week's episode:
NRG Championship Series Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/nrgseries
2022 NRG Series Championship Structure: https://articles.nerdragegaming.com/2022-nrg-series-championship-structure/
ManaTraders Modern $30k: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/tournament/2022-manatraders-series-30-000-invitational#paper
MTGO Modern Super Qualifier: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/tournament/modern-super-qualifier-2022-12-26#paper
Frank Karsten's Pioneer RC Metagame Mentor: https://www.magic.gg/news/metagame-mentor-the-top-15-pioneer-decks-from-regional-championships
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
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