With Shane and Stan both gone this week, Dave called in returning guest host Devon O'Donnell, aka d00mwake, to talk about his hot Pro Tour Phyrexia takes. Is d00m buying what Dave's selling? That's to be determined. Buying or not, Dave and Devon first go over the expected and unexpected decks from the return of the Pro Tour, then chat about some of the early previews from March of the Machines.
The Break Down: The Metagame Everyone Saw Coming
The Dive Down: A Winner No One Saw Coming
The Wind Down: The Team-Ups No One Knew They Needed
4:05 - Housekeeping
6:30 - Pro Tour Phyrexia - Is Devon buying what Dave's selling?
12:50 - Take 1: The meta was what we expected
18:07 - Take 2: The top of the meta didn't perform well
25:24 - Take 3: We should be playing the less popular decks
37:30 - Take 4: The rogues broke the format a bit
54:15 - Shane's secretly here
59:28 - Take 5: More metagame calls paid off
1:02:50 - Take 6: Fable of the Mirror Breaker is the best card in the format
1:07:50 - Take 7: The meta is unlikely to change
1:15:15 - Take 8: The top 8 was impressive and our predictions stunk
1:19:50 - March of the Machines early previews!
1:34:02 - Where to find d00mwake and wrapping up
Links from this week's episode:
The PT decks: https://mtgmelee.com/Tournament/View/14111
March of the Machines spoilers: https://scryfall.com/sets/mom
Devon's Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/d00mwake
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
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