99 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Månadsvis
This podcast is designed to show the power of owning who you are and standing in our own truth on our path towards greatness. Muslim women are owning their own narrative and smashing myths about what it means to be visibly Muslim in America. We will discuss navigating our relationships, finding our authentic voice, and living our dreams without compromising own identity.
The podcast The DOPE Muslim Woman Podcast is created by Sabria Mills. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Sometimes the truth can get twisted in this life. Blurred. Manipulated. Lines get crossed. Things once seen as black and white may start to appear grayer. It may seem harder to recognize what’s true or what’s false. What’s light and what’s dark?Many times the wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing knows the religion better than we thought, crafting and twisting it so much, we might even find ourselves feeling confused over what real truth is anymore. So how can we spot a wolf in sheep’s clothing and how can we see through their deception to protect ourselves?This WILL NOT be an easy conversation to have but it must be done…Join us as we welcome Author Kaleema Overton Ameen to the show! She is the author of “Hidden in Plain Sight.” This book exposes how the predator systematically grooms, deceives, and abuses while undetected by family and friends.
Staying in the Fight with The Muslim Boxer
Life was never intended to be a walk in the park. In fact, it is through life’s challenges where we identify our purpose.However, what does it take to stay in the fight and keep pushing? Our next podcast will dive deep into a very deep discussion with our brother - Muhsin Cason @themuslimboxerJoin us as we unpack boxing, divorce, healing, and fighting for what’s right in our next podcast - Staying in the Fight!
Welcome to Season 7 of The DOPE Muslim Woman Podcast! We have been earnestly awaiting for this moment. The moment of truth. The moment of courage. The moment to put it all on the table! It's time...are you ready? Join us this Wednesday, November 15th for our SEASON OPENING...a raw, honest, and vulnerable conversation with Basheer Jones. Through the highs and lows, our brother is putting it all on the table.We are honored to welcome Therapist, Zainab Abdul-Rahim to open up our show the RIGHT WAY. Join us as we navigate our way back home.....We can't wait to meet you on the couch....
In an exclusive interview with the Author of “The Muslim Narcissist,” TDMWP will take a deep dive into the warning signs of narcissism during the courting phase. Dr. Mona will tackle the truth behind dating apps, the specific traits of the Muslim who navigates these traits, traits of a NARCISSISTIC WIFE, and how to avoid the painful narcissistic cycle! This is the first interview featuring Dr. Mona in the United States, so tune in!
Welcome to the DOPE Muslim Single Experience.
We launch this week with an incredible and honest conversation with our expert - Coach Rakin.
Rakin Fetuga is a Relationship Life Coach who specializes in supporting couples who are having difficulties in their relationships.
He uses solution focused therapy which allows him to investigate the issues find out what they are and then move forward from there. In addition to his specialization in addressing relationship problems, he offers an incredible lens into how to adequately navigate the single and/or pre-marital journey.
“Hope is the catalyst and facilitator of strong mental and emotional health. Without it, our whole apparatus shuts down. If you don’t believe there’s a future after your heartbreak, that your life will improve in some way, that you’ll get better, you’ll die spiritually.”
For the first time in TDMWP history, we will speak with a mother and daughter about a story of hope. When our marriages breakdown, things can feel hopeless for the one experiencing it and their off springs. However, hope is always there to carry us through.
Join Coach Sabria Mills as she walks you through steps to shift your behavior, mindset, and thoughts around your relationship and life.
We will ask all of the questions on the table about courting in 2023. We will ask about dating, commitment, wali, dowry and touching before marriage, and how to navigate dating apps tonight on our special live episode with Shaykh Abdulkarim Yahyaa.
Join us for an interactive live and bring all of your questions about courting to this live!
Let’s start The DOPE Muslim Single Experience off right!
This episode dives into the deep challenges of "baby momma" and "baby daddy" drama. We tackle parental alienation, co-parenting, and the legal system!
Your shadow self, or shadow, is the side of yourself you have no awareness of. It holds all the qualities you disowned during your formative years.
Although you learned to repress these qualities and push them outside of your awareness, they still live underneath the surface.
They unconsciously guide your actions and are the unseen cause for many of the troubles in your life. Join Sabria Mills, as she discusses the importance of embracing your inner shadow.
“Are you among the category of people saying, "I don't want to get married"? Or perhaps, you know someone who doesn't want to get married, and you're searching for possible reasons why anyone would make that decision. If your answer is yes, then this is the podcast for you!”
Join us on Wednesday, May 25th at 8:30 PM EST on FB & YouTube LIVE for an important conversation about one of the greatest issues facing our time - the refusal to get married! Set your calendars and tune in.
We often ask ourselves “why”we were betrayed, why we lost the greatest love of our lives, or why we continue to be challenged in the realm of love and relationships. These experiences might arrive together with a moment of sheer exhaustion; an exhaustion that was brought on through our constant effort at having to maintain our relationship with our lower self (nafs).
However, some of our most painful experiences are designed to change our condition and pivot us into transformative change.
Join us for The Ascension with some of the most prominent thinkers of our time on Wednesday, May 11th at 8:30 PM EST
Trauma bonds look different in every relationship. In certain circles, trauma bonds are referred to as “codependent relationships;” however, the term “codependency” can lead to blaming the spouse and not recognizing the extent of the betrayal trauma he or she has endured.
Cheating and infidelity is common amongst individuals struggling with narcissism. This podcast breaks down WHY!
Dealing with a man or woman who is not mature emotionally can be frustrating, and it can seem like it won’t ever end, but the truth is, it’s entirely possible to address and fix their behavior.
As mentioned before, through reinforcement and the principles of operant conditioning, negative behaviors are learned, but they can also be undone. This means that positive ones can also be taught as well.
Taking note of the specific ones that are problematic and understanding why they exist can be valuable information when trying to tackle these immature behaviors, especially when seeking help from a counselor or therapist. The more information they have, the better they can assist you and your partner.
Communication and trust are the cornerstones of a successful relationship. Mutual understanding comes from sharing thoughts and honest communication. If your partner is emotionally immature, trying to have a conversation with them can be draining. An emotionally immature person gets angry and disappointed easily and fails to control themselves. They often vent their anger on their partner, and this may create rifts in the relationship. Such a person avoids serious conversations and is unaware of their partner’s needs. In this podcast, we discuss signs of an emotionally immature person and how to deal with them.
In this LIVE 1:1 discussion with Host Sabria - she discusses the importance of taking accountability of your own pain and trauma when in relationships. Black Love can no longer be the scared space for pain and trauma. The cycle of this must stop and it begins with us!
The instability of relationships comes from the opaqueness of feelings. Half the time and energy expelled in a relationship revolves around trying to figure out how the other person feels. Partnerships take time, practice and complete trust. They are rarely formed because of people’s fleeting feelings and most partners understand that it takes time to get there.”
A purposeful partnership is one that allows you to seek out your own goals and grows towards them within a union. It involves consciously choosing a purpose driven partner and creating a life that helps to build an intentional social and economic structure.
Trust me..you don’t want to miss this episode! Join our next set of dope couples as they discuss Purposeful Partnership!
Join us for the first episode of The DOPE Black Muslim Love podcast series. We will speak to three amazing couples about what it takes to stay in love and longevity.
Taming the Sexual Beast
“ O young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains eyes from casting (evil glances). and preserves one from immorality; but those who cannot should devote themselves to fasting for it is a means of controlling sexual desire. “ (Muslim, Kitab un-Nikah, 3231)
Join the DMWP as we host a BOLD and dynamic podcast episode with the amazing Village Auntie (Angelica Lindsey-Ali), Naeemah Khabir, Shaykh Kafani Ibrahim, and Tavasha Shannon.
"Vulnerability is a power tool in an emotionally intelligent leader’s toolkit. Courageous leaders leverage their “woundedness” into genuine connections, innovation and learning. They embrace moments of vulnerability by acknowledging their current state, taking responsibility for their emotions and asking for help."
Join TDMWP and the owner of Hijabified - Niddarah Winters for a powerful discussion about business, fashion, and the power of vulnerability.
Until forty or fifty years ago, almost all that was expected of a husband and a father was to protect and provide for his family. Today, most men realize that the cultural perceptions are changing: a good husband/father also communicates with those in his care, expresses love for them, and is involved in many aspects of their lives. While this is progress, the cultural perceptions for women are just as complex. According to recent studies, a large percentage of women are out-earning their spouses and contributing to household expenses. This shift in cultural perceptions has contributed to the breakdown in love and connection between our brothers and sisters.
In this podcast epiosde, we are joined with Imam Faheem, Zarinah Raheem, Roseline Louis, and Hamza ibn Askia.
Love’s Triumph
Marriage can be a tough gig these days. We live in a culture that almost expects marriages to fail and so it is more important than ever that we take steps to immunise our relationships against divorce. Sometimes we need to build our marital resilience.
Join TDMWP family and our dynamic guests (Elijah and Fatima)for a dynamic discussion about marriage, love, resiliency, and triumph!
Selection Perfection with Naaila Clay
I hear people all the time say things like, "I'm not looking for 'perfect'."
They then state that they just want something where there's never any drama, they always feel happy with their choice of partner, and everything they want with a partner, they get.
In other words, they are looking for perfect.
Join TDMWP family in a dynamic special edition with That Clay Couple based upon their most recent book - “Selection Perfection.” In this episode we will breakdown common patterns we have when choosing partners, guiding questions and steps a person should go through to determine if they are meeting a good fit, determining compatibility, drawing a balance between “red” and “green” flags, and breaking down common relationship myths and misconceptions.
“Sex , when done in an ethical and halal manner, can not only be connected to your spirituality, it can also be a spiritual boost. For far too long, people have associated religion and spirituality with caged sexuality and something shameful.”
Join TDMWP family for a special edition episode on sexuality in Islam with dope panelists - Khalil Ismail, Na’il Salahu-Din, Huda Ahmad, and Inshirah Jihad and expert guest - Dr. Shaakira Abdullah (Thr Halal Sexpert)
In love and in life, our vulnerability is one of our greatest strengths. We often believe that we risk too much by being vulnerable, but, in fact, the opposite is true. When we build a wall around us to protect ourselves from our big, bad fears, we miss out on so much.
Join TDMWP in a conversation with the amazing, Salima Suswell for another thought provoking dialogue about Love -- everyone wants to experience it, but no one wants to get hurt. Why? It’s because the true act of “love” can be scary, uncontrolled, and make us feel vulnerable.
Longing for Longevity
On average, the typical U.S. marriage that ends in divorce lasts just eight years. When you're caught up in the excitement of your wedding, it can be hard to imagine that you and your spouse might not live happily ever after. But sharing your life with another person can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with relationships. Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful. Join Ndola and Ayyub Shakur (married for 15 years) in a candid discussion about longing for longevity.
“He who does not trust enough will not be trusted." --Lao Tzu
Join TDMWP for a special edition two-part mini-series on Restoring Trust - A Raw Conversation Between Men and Women.
Part II will feature a phenomenal panel of guests who will speak the truth about what it will take to restore trust in one another again. Join Ameenah Muhammad, Amani Jabbar, Khaleef Long, and Ryan Hilliard for a dynamic conversation about restoring trust.
Special Edition: Restoring Trust Part I
“I trust you is a better compliment than I love you because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.” – Anonymous
Join TDMWP for a special edition two-part mini-series on Restoring Trust - A Raw Conversation Between Men and Women.
Part I will feature a phenomenal panel of guests who will speak the truth about what’s holding us back from trusting one another. Join Ms. Latifa Ali, Naimah Abdullah, Na’il Salahuddin, and Bilal Mustafa in a dynamic discussion about trust!
Restoring the broken chain has so many layers for me. I often think about how unhealed generational trauma plays such a major role in some of our own familial bonds being broken. Now more than ever - we can recognize toxic patterns within our own families and our own lives and do something about it. Many of us aim to elevate beyond the shackles of brokenness to make a conscious choice to restore what was broken and taken from us.
..And remember beauties, if you are choosing Black love — really choosing it — you are committing to acting out of a limitless, uncompromising – uncompromised — forgiving place and making sacrifices for the sake of your future and your children.
Join us for the premier of Love & Restoration Series with Bibi Watts -The Resistance Blogger and Jonathon Iheanacho on The Dope Muslim Woman Podcast.
A broken heart is similar to a physical wound on your body such as a broken ankle or a second degree burn. Physical wounds must be treated, otherwise they can cause long term infections and other health problems. We must treat a broken heart very similar to a physical wound. We must give it a daily prescription and take it to get results.
Join us for a special edition culminating episode with The Divorced Muslimah Coach, Rayesa Gheewala
Heal Thyself from Domestic & Sexual Abuse
Heal Thyself, Heal Thy Community Podcast series will tackle an uncomfortable and difficult conversation on healing from domestic and sexual abuse on Wednesday, December 23rd at 8pm.
Embarrassed and ashamed of the bruises on her body, the mental torture from her spouse, and sexual acts he coerced her into doing, many women struggle to talk about what’s happening to them.
Healing Generational Wounds
What is overwhelming and unnamable is passed on to those we are closest to. Our loved ones carry what we cannot. And we do the same.
Join us as we talk about how our generational wounds can be passed down to our children and what they look like in our relationships with Amond Jackson and Toyia Denise.
Surely the ultimate source of what masculinity means to Muslims, has to be the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself. Challenging what it means to be a man can lead to liberal, un-Islamic views on masculinity and femininity. However, the conservative views that many subscribe to were never Islamic views, but remnants of colonial influence.
Join us as we discuss this extremely important topic with our dear brothers - Saleh Clemons and Nasheed Jackson.
An Intimate Discussion Between Mothers: Co-parenting through Forgiveness
Healing involves gut wrenching honesty and owning your own personal forgiveness journey.
Join Fatima Cortez and Sabria Mills, as they dive into a deep discussion about the truth about co-parenting and parallel parenting. These mothers will also speak about choosing sisterhood over survival.
Taking the steps toward forgiveness, divorced co-parents Ziyadah Deen and Dawud Akbar will discuss and share advice on how co-parents can begin to mend those fences and set the stage so their kids can grow up with a solid foundation.
Not Without My Faith
When we haven’t forgiven ourselves, we subconsciously project our hurt onto others. Our faith can truly be tested when we experience trauma, hurt, and loss. Join us as we discuss the power of choosing faith over fear with Halimah DeOliveira!
From Prison to Prayer with Shaheed Yasir
Systemic racism and inequality is intrinsic to law enforcement in the US, with mass incarceration riddled with racial disparities. From the thirteenth amendment loophole to the War on Drugs, Black communities have suffered exponentially under this facade of ‘justice’, with families torn apart as a result.
Join us as we embark on a journey of redemption with artist and entrepreneur, Shaheed Yasir.
Come to the Hills of Forgiveness with Drea D'Nur
When we hold on to hurt, we are emotionally and cognitively hobbled, and our relationships suffer. Forgiveness is a strong medicine for this. When life hits us hard, there is nothing as effective as forgiveness for healing deep wounds.
Website: http://www.officialdreadnur.com/
Welcome to Season 3, Series 2: Heal Thyself, Heal Thy Community
Spiritual abuse entails exerting power and control over a victim using religion as an excuse or explanation to abuse.
Join the Dope Muslim Woman Podcast team with the amazing, Latifa Ihsan Ali in an intimate discussion about healing from spiritual abuse!
More and more men are seeking to be single in today’s society. Today’s men are looking for life partners, not domestic liabilities. That means that each person comes into the relationship giving all they have to make the relationship work. Join Shannaan Dawda, fitness and financial coach, as he dives into a conversation about being a single Muslim man in today’s society.
Boom Purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Paychecks-Power-Unlock-Wealth-Building-ebook/dp/B00U9AMSX8
Website: http://frompaycheckstopower.com/shannaan-dawda-bio
Instagram: @shannaandawda
We all know that weight loss is one of the possible physical outcomes of fasting during Ramadan, but there’s also a whole host of healthy changes going on behind the scenes. Join Yaqutullah Ibraheem, as she dives into a discussion about maintaining our health and choosing the right foods during the month of Ramadan.
Instagram: @yaqutu_nutritionprescriptions
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