A reset week can be exactly what you need to kick a plateau.
A reset week is when you take a full week off your workouts. It can be extremely effective at allowing your muscles to fully heal, and you'll come back to your workouts stronger. Here's how to know it may be time for a reset week:
You've been consistently strength training for 12 or more weeks, BUT you feel like you're weaker or not getting stronger. You also may feel constantly sore, tight, moody, and may even be experiencing weight gain.
Before you go adding more workouts, take time to listen to this episode. It could be exactly what you need to move forward in your workouts.
1:43 How the body adapts to exercise
9:23 How progressive overload works
12:42 Maintenance Phase
13:19 Hitting a Plateau
14:45 What a plateau looks like
15:38 Mistake people make when hitting a plateau
22:45 Symptoms of overtraining
25:05 Signs that it’s time to take a reset week
28:10 What a reset week looks like
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