Different workouts can have different effects on our bodies.
Today, I'll discuss how different muscle fibers are called into action and how stimulating these fibers affect your body composition.
Your type one fibers are your endurance fibers. They are smaller, and although important, are less likely to improve body composition.
Your time two fibers are larger and more powerful but only engaged under a certain amount of load. These fibers are very important to stimulate as we age, as we are more likely to lose these fibers with aging. They are also key in improving body composition.
In this episode, I teach you how to stimulate all your fibers within one workout.
We'll discuss how barre, Pilates, lifting, yoga, and running all affect your body and muscles differently.
I'll leave you with my recommendation on how to incorporate different forms of exercise into your routine.
For this episode, I drew on information from one of my favorite books, Body By Science by Doug McGuff.
Study referenced: https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fj.202100242R
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