Did you know that many "weight loss" plans intentionally drop your calories too low, so you often gain the weight back and have to return to their program? Registered Dietitian Miranda Galati speaks to this problem and how to build a better relationship with food. We discuss a balanced plate, emotional vs. physical hunger, and more.
0:00: Introduction
3:13: Miranda’s personal relationship with food and exercise
9:34: Potential long-term consequences of not addressing gut issues
11:39: Miranda’s current philosophies on nutrition
15:07: Differences between emotional and physical hunger
21:15: The balanced plate
24:16: The impact of stress
28:21: Miranda’s experience with Evlo
31:31: “Tune out the noise and turn inward”
34:17: How to work with Miranda
Free guide from Miranda: How to find balance with food
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Miranda on IG
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