127 avsnitt • Längd: 95 min • Månadsvis
Two Doctor Who fans in the UK look back on the show one story at a time. Dan has not seen much classic Who, Si is unfamiliar with a great deal of new Who!Some great, some not so much, but we love it all, Via the SJP World Media Network!
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The podcast The Dr Who Pod is created by SJP WORLD MEDIA. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Si & Dan are joined by James of the StarWarsYouPod to discuss a potential Matt Smith hidden gem?
Smith is superb, the fella from Gavin and Stacey has a ropey Tyson tattoo, and Amy & Rory actually don't annoy Si?
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Dan & Si are joined by horror writer extraordinaire Thomas Bloody Simpson!
Tennant and Martha lead us into a tense and creepy story where a sweaty Cindy Beale is dealing with all sorts of hassle! Her crew is being picked off one by one, her hubby is scary with bright eyes, and everyone is going to fall into the sun!
In 42 Minutes!
Ian Beale stank of chips, but surely living with him was so much easier?
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The Return of The Cybermen! Well, it was until they changed the name.
Jamie takes a bump to the head and does nothing for 3 episodes, Polly is the ONLY lady in the whole story, and Troughton is of course amazing!
A low budget, one set story, that does well in its aim to be creepy Plus it features the greatest single line from a companion ever as Ben tells Polly; "ill go down, you squirt at them" or something along those lines.....
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The Trial of a Timelord comes to an end! The Valyard is not what he seems, The Master turns up, Mel and Glitz travel in space coffins and everything gets a bit silly.
Si & Dan take a look at the first 2-parter from Nu Who as Christopher Ecclestone takes on a gang of farting puffer fish aliens who have a pretty decent plan.
One story per Doctor, per season, right? Then we rank them. That's the whole format of the show.
This season, its up to YOU!
For the first time ever, Dan & SI will both choose a story for each Doctor. Then, via twitter polls and Facebook feedback, YOU decide what the lads cover!
Listen to our draft, hear our options, vote in the polls and shape season 8!
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Dan and SI rank it all!
As is tradition, the lads take a look back at all the stories covered in the past season of the podcast and rank them in order of preference!
Also, there is a special message about how YOU can help shape season 8!
Dan & Si are joined by the amazing and talented Mackenzie Vee Crompton to take a look at a Capaldi story that is highly rated, but maybe has forgotten moments when compared to the previous episode "Heaven Sent"?
There's a Dalek, a Cyberman, Angels and TIme Lords as The Doctor eats soup with an audience and Gallifrey is decided to be a quite silly place.
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In a change to the original running order, Si & Dan take a look at a much maligned David Tennant story! (The scheduled Capaldi episode will follow soon!)
Dan hates this. But will a new rewatch change his mind?
Si and Dan are both very tired. But as past episodes show, this means things get very silly indeed!
Terrible impressions galore from the lads as they review a Hartnell 3 parter where everyone is small, Barbara is not her strong self, and Ian poos a lot. Apparently?
Dan & Si take a look at the newly colourised and edited War Games release from the BBC.
10 parts into 90 minutes? New effects? New music and sounds? Master controversy and regeneration footage added?
Find out what the lads think of all these changes!
Dan and Si say Merry Christmas with a trip on a doomed vessel with an Australian pop singer. As you do.
A great cast support David Tennant and Ms Minogue is this seasonal effort, as well as a weak villain motive and some plot devices that just make zero sense.
Goodbye Mel, Hello Ace!
The return of Glitz, a pretty good villain, decent model effects, and some quite dark moments. But is this just a little too silly?
SI and Dan talk the last tale of McCoy's' first season!
Si & Dan are joined by Millwall Chris to look at a Jodie Whittaker tale all three cannot remember!
Mud Zombies, Ryan being a walking yawn, a crazy King and the lady from Benidorm has poo in her eye!
Si & Dan are joined by Andy of the BangBang Podcast to take a look at a Peter Davison story.
Nyssa gets to actually do stuff, Gallifrey is boring, Tegan returns and spends time with smelly tourists, and we're in Holland.
For some reason?
The lads are very tired, which leads to them being very silly.
In this Pertwee story we see the arrival of Jo, Mike Yates, and the Master! Plus the return of The Autons!
Also boiled eggs, The Masters smelly willy, and a crap Pertwee impression.
Its Good to be Back!
Si & Dan welcome MGB Graham to the show and discuss a Tom Baker story!
Sarah Jane is brilliant, the baddies are made on a ZX Spectrum, and there are plenty of regular Doctor Who tropes throughout this four parter!
Si & Dan take a look at a completely missing story that sees the first ever "Post Regeneration" as Patrick Troughton settles into his new role.
Ben and Polly basically don't exist, Si is helped by character name tags, and the Daleks serve drinks for a bit. Lovely.
Si & Dan take a look at an episode of the "Newest of Nu-Who"
Plenty yo dive into, with the lads also breaking down their thoughts on the new series, new Doctor, and where the show currently stands with them.
The Trial of a Time Lord saga continues!
We say hello to a mean body shaming companion, Colin Baker is fantastic, the court room stuff not so much, and Laura from The Upper Hand is a scientist.
Plus The Doctor likes to drink gravy in bed (probably?)
Two worlds, which is a dream? Rory has crap hair, Amy is pregnant but then she's not, and the brilliant villain is just Space Hayfever?
Does this New-Who episode stand up as well as Dan remembers? Can Si tolerate the "Amy & Rory Bullshit"?
The lads take a look at the Eccleston two-part finale and the first New Who Regeneration!
Rose gets freaky eyes, Mickey is still a sad-act, and everyone falls in love with Tanya from Eastenders a little bit.
In the words of The Brigadier, "Here we go again!"
In the season 7 opening show the lads plot out what they will be covering for the next couple of months.
Si picks New Who and Dan is on Classic this time, which might hinder Si's Dalek Master Plan wishes??
Remember, as always its one story per Doctor!
Dan and Si return for the podcasts 100th episode!
The lads decide to rank everything they have covered in the previous 6 seasons/99 episodes by choosing their favourite story per Doctor that has been covered, and then ranking those. Or something?!?
Si gets a confused, Dan laughs at him, and all the usual nonsense ensues!
100 episodes. Wow. Thank you for listening to our bullshit!
After the standard one story per Doctor format, the lads put all we have looked at in order of preferance!
How much will Si complain about Space Babies? How high will Dan place new who?
Sylvester McCoy finishes the 6th season of the podcast as the lads take a look at Battlefield!
Si was scared as a kid, there's a big blue dude, the Brig is back, and Ace is cringe. But we still love her!
Join us next week for our traditional end of season chart countdown ranking episode thingy!
Si and Dan welcome the often mentioned Charley to the show!
Si's youngest daughter puts the lads to shame with her Doctor Who knowledge, notices things the lads miss, and is pretty amazing in her podcast debut!
Si & Dan are joined by the awesome Pigsbladders to discuss a creepy Capaldi episode.
The Doctor is excellent, Si still loves Clara, and a fella from League of Gentlemen tells us a story. Lovely stuff!
Si & Dan are joined by Ryan of the Good Cop/Bad Cop Podcast to talk some "New" New Who!
The lads first proper look at Ncuti Gatwa, Millie Gibson, and the soft reboot of the show is a mixed bag. Bogeys, poo, dodgy CGI and more!
Si & Dan take a look at a Jodie Whittaker story that neither can remember?
Ryan is poor, there's not enough Graham, story comes at the lads too fast and there is a pregnant man?
Si & Dan have an episode of firsts! This William Hartnell story from 1966 is the first with The Cybermen, shows the first regeneration, and is the first time we've seen companions Ben & Polly on the podcast!
Lots of snow, bad accents, and aliens that look like knitted sex dolls?
Dan & Si bring you the only "special" from this series of the show, and take a look at the pilot for the first Doctor Who spin off!
We have a lad who reminds us of Adric, weird farmer people, lots of talk about mud, and some witchcraft stuff?
And a fella dresses up like Ken from StreetFighter 2. Which is nice.
(Dan also hears a Ghosty in the outtakes at the end... let us know what you think!)
Si and Dan take a look at the second story from the Trial of A Timelord series!
Its goodbye Peri, hello again Sil, that's Brian bloody Blessed, and Dave Hedgehog from Bottom plays a slug.
The lads also briefly discuss the first series of Newest Who, and the Ncuti Gatwa fronted finale!
Back to New Who for the first time in a while, and an Ecclestone story featuring Simon Pegg!
The lads hate Adam, ponder is Rose is a tool, and debate CGI!
A story famous for its terrible special effects, will the lads be able to see past this?
What's Mike Yates up to, the bloke who played Chang last week is back, and where is all the Dinosaur poo???
Dan & Si check out a serial as famous for its racist tones as it is for its brilliant story.
Leela gets dressed, Tom Baker is on fine form, some side characters are brilliant, and a murderous puppet is scary.
Plus we have a rat that's giant and small at the same time. Which is nice?
So Sorry we're late! (But Si is crap)
The lads are joined by Glenn Abbott of AWIPod fame to discuss an 8 part Patrick Troughton tale!
Dan & Si check out a highly thought of David Tennant 2 parter.
The debut of The Ood, some dodgy dialogue, potential timing issues, but a brilliant concept.
Does it hold up well all these years later?
Dan & Si give a brief overall reaction to the first two episodes of New, New Who. The Newer Who? The Most New of New who?
The "Newest" of Who. Or something?
Si is recording downstairs with a shit headset and asshole animals so please excuse any issues!
Space Babies and Devils Chord. No "deep dive", no prep, just reaction from the lads!
Dan & Si look back at an unpopular Peter Davison story from 1982.
Is it as bad as people remember? How does the Tardis crew deal with Adric's death? (For The Doctor, pretty well?!)
Why is The Master dressed as a mouldy, racist potato? and more!
The lads are back!!!
As is traditional, Dan & Si start the new season with the draft episode.
One story per Doctor, per season of the show!
A couple of guests join in, and we all find out what classic and new Who tales we will all be checking out in the coming weeks and months.
Dan & Si finish another season of the podcast with the traditional countdown show!
A record-high number of stories match in both the lads charts, and a record gap in the placement of others makes for an interesting discussion. PLUS your ratings on the Doctor Who stories we've looked at this season, and more!
The lads take a look at the second Peter Cushing movie. A familiar face plays Tom, Sugar Puffs exist in the future and RoboMen are gimps. Lovely stuff.
Dan and Si take a look back at a Tennant two-parter from 2008.
Dan is hungover, Si cannot remember this at all, and Tennant is fantastic. So standard practice?
Hey, Who turned out the lights???
The lads take a look at an unfinished story that has been animated for completion. Dan & Si also discuss the news of new Who being released on streaming services before the UK air time, and more!
Si & Dan take a look at a first Doctor story with ambitious ideas, loads of actors, and some odd aliens.
Plus The Doctor hates Dodo, Steven has curry bum, and much more!
Dan & Si hit the Trial of a Timelord saga and begin with a tale of Carry On stars, War Games levels of running about and being captured, Colin Baker being bloody brilliant, and some wobbly robots.
Plus! Si's in a silly mood, crap facial hair, poor Peri getting passed about, an amazing opening scene, and the gravy lady!!
The Tardis lands about a 15-minute walk from Si's house, Judoon arrive where people now eat KFC & smoked tons of weed in the 90s, a dude from Game On is a bit shifty, and a Cathedral Tour Guide is not what she first appears to be.
Jodie is great with weak material, Graham is awesome, Yaz gets forgotten about and Ryan is the standard boring. Plus a Captain Jack cameo where he's still hornier than the aliens that literally have a bloody horn!
"we're your mates..." yawn!
Dan & Si check out a Matt Smith two-parter that sees the return of a classic villain!
A custard lady is a knobhead, Rory is a melt, Si used to share a room with a lizard, and more!
Important questions are asked and not really answered....
Does the Tardis have a laundry room? Do the companions smell? How often does Adric sniff Nyssa & Tegan's clothes? Why is the Master so silly?
And most importantly, does Gallifrey have an Ikea?
Dan & Si tackle the big issues as always!
Dan and Si have a chat about the 4 specials we had at the end of last year.
New Doctor? Bi-Regeneration (or something?) a singalong, my arms are too long, and more...
Well, That's alright then!
Merry Christmas!!!!
Si & Dan take a look at David Tennant's first proper appearance. The lads see scary Santas, crazy trees, boney bad guys, and a sulky annoying Rose Tyler!
Merry Christmas everyone, Thank you for supporting the show!
Capaldi, Clara, Danny Pink, Daleks, and an Inner Space rip-off?
The lads dive into a bit of a weird one, and does Si hate Danny Pink just because he's with Clara?
The Doctor hates Soldiers, Missy arrives, and more!
Dan and Si take a look at the first episode of the relaunch. While talking through the episode in general the lads also discuss memories of the shows return from very different standpoints.
SPIDERS! Sarah Jane, Mike Yates, The Brig, some 1970s racism, and a good bye to Pertwee....a tear?
Troughton, Jamie, and Zoe take on Ice Warriors, deadly balloons, toxic bubble bath and more!
Si is tired and in a daft mood so Dan also has more nonsense than ever to deal with!
Renegade Daleks, Imperial Daleks, rusty big weapon Daleks, little girl Daleks, Geoffrey from Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and the cafe from Eastenders?
It's 1963 and McCoy's Doctor has left something behind in a floating coffin that he needs to sort out a bit sharpish. Plus Ace stays at a racist B&B and the mean deputy head from Grange Hill looks a bit like Hitler.
oh, and Daleks.
The third and final part of our draft! Previous guests are allocated a Doctor at random and choose the story that Dan and Si will review!
Tennant, Tom Baker, Hartnell, and Colin Baker still remain. What will the lads be watching???
Includes a podcast debut!
Here we go again!!!!
Dan has arranged some crazy ultimate carnage to help the lads decide what stories they check out for this season of the podcast.... all former guests are back (kind of) and with the random roll of a dice they help pick one story per Doctor for Si & Dan to take a look at!
Totally random, and "ultimate carnage" as Dan says!
Dan has arranged some crazy ultimate carnage to help the lads decide what stories they check out for this season of the podcast.... all former guests are back (kind of) and with the random roll of a dice they help pick one story per Doctor for Si & Dan to take a look at!
Totally random, and "ultimate carnage" as Dan says!
The lads look back on season 4, and rank each story in order of preference! Listeners also give their opinions, and anyone who places the 1965 movie above the bottom place, is wrong!
Si and Dan take a look at the Peter Cushing 1965 movie, "Dr Who and The Daleks!"
The first time anything Doctor Who related was filmed In colour, but many character changes and story tweaks may not work?
Plus, Ian is a nob, Susan is even younger, The Doctor is human, and companions chucking poo about?
Have a listen now!
Si & Dan are joined by Tom (@TomThePublican) to talk another Tom... Baker!
Tin foils monsters, The Doctor acts weird, Leela wears very little, and when you think this story is over it is not!
The lads obviously also get sidetracked and talk a load of nonsense as always!
Dan and Si take a look at a Capaldi episode that had a companion dying?? But then they got better?
Horror aspects dominate this story, and Matt Lucus is great! Bill is awesome and we wish we saw more of her, but sadly the end leads to the Doctor being blind. And that's rubbish.
Dan & Si make a change to the usual format, and throw the show out to Twitter and Facebook!
You awesome lot ask many brilliant questions, start a few discussions, and amaze the lads with how knowledgeable you all are! (you easily leave us in the dirt for that!)
The Master is not THE Master, some rubbish robots, and Rapunzel's smelly ponytail??
We get a fake Jamie, Zoe is very clever except when she's dumb, and Troughton is excellent.
Dan & Si take a look at an ambitious idea that on the whole, works quite well!
So much to dive into with this one!
A mini-Master, Silver Howard, Peri arrives as Turlough leaves, what the hell is Kamelion all about, and a Lanzarote quarry? sort of....
Peter Davison's penultimate story has a great deal going on!
Dead people fed to other people, Davros is just a head now? The husband from Keeping Up Appearances is a bit creepy, White Daleks are cool and Peri is fairly covered up for a bit?
Dan & Si take a look at a Colin Baker story that has much promise but doesn't quite deliver
Dan concludes his three-part series looking at the Doctor Who video game, The Edge of Reality!
TIME LOOP!!! Bloody love a time loop!
Whittaker is improving just as she prepares to leave, the Daleks like a chat, Nick is blatantly a serial killer and Aisling Bea is fantastic!
Dan & Si take a look at a crazy Colin Baker three-parter!
Troughton is here to, as is Jamie, plus some orange eyebrows and alien names Si cannot say (standard)
We are in Spain for reasons unknown, and the direction/production is very keen on Peri. Well, certain parts of her, at least?
Dan & Si are joined by the always awesome BenNny Mack to discuss an early Nu-Who story!
Ecclestone, Rose, zombie gas dead people? Charles Dickens and more!
and find BenNny on Twitter:
@BenNnyMack, and his shows @InTheCornerWWE, @GameplayJunkies, and with Si looking at Quantum Leap @WAITINGROOMPOD_ (all via the SJP WORLD MEDIA NETWORK!)
Listen for a special intro!
Dan & Si look at a 4 parter, where only one part still exists?
Audio and still images pave the way for the first 3 episodes of this 1966 story, Links via our twitter! @TheDrWhoPod
Dodo is a dumbass, Steven has a quiff, Hartnell goes on holiday, and more!!!
The lads take a look back at Matt Smiths first outing. Fish Finger Custard, A Space Snake, Amy Pond, wet-wipe Rory and more!
Dan & Si are joined by the awesome Chris Lewis to talk a Tennant 2-parter. Plenty of Discussion on former companions, Tennant's run, and Donna Noble!
Dan & Si take in the 1973 story, Carnival of Monsters!
Prime 70s sci-fi! Terribly brilliant aliens, crazy clothes, and special effects very much of the time saturate this story. But, is it any good??
Join Dan, one half of The Dr Who Pod, on a foray into the unknown with the second of a three-part miniseries looking at the video game Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality.
Dan & Si jump back to the 80s and check out a Cyberman story that gave Si nightmares as a child!
McCoy, Ace, a glowing Silver thingy, and more!
We are back!
Si & Dan return with season 4 of The Dr Who Pod!
This season begins with the usual draft, and the selection of what story from each Doctor will be covered this time round!
Join Dan, one half of The Dr Who Pod, on a foray into the unknown with the first of a three-part miniseries looking at the video game Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality.
Dan & Si close the third season of the podcast by ranking the 14 stories covered in order of preference. The lads have not had two countdowns so different before!
Better late than Never! (or something?)
In the shows out-takes (end of the episode as normal) Si states "we wont go to long"
How wrong he was!
The lads look back at the most recent episode of Doctor Who!
Dan & Si recorded a reaction show when this aired. Now sober, and with hindsight, have their views changed? Does nostalgia and "fan service" make this a better show than the actual story deserves?
Does 42 year old Si still have an 8-year-old crush on Ace?
Listen now, and find out!
Dan & Si are joined by the awesome Beth to talk Jodie Whittaker, Graham, Ryan and Yaz!
The trio also discuss glowing wall thingys, how silly Bond can be, someone being sick at a station, and more!
Adric is a dick, Peter Davison is great, Tegan is Ripley from Alien, bits of the set are also from Alien, The Cybermen return and Adric is a dick! (Did we mention that? Well, he is!)
A companion dies, Toby the cat is in Si's way, and a lass from Corrie turns up?
It's 1982 Classic Who!!!!
A two-parter from the Hartnell era!
Lots of filler, Susan is screaming, Ian is weird, Barbara is a star and the Doctor is a bit of a nob.
Dan is looking on the bright side, but Si is not so positive.
I pesky spring causes all sorts of hassle!
Colin Baker super fan AB joins the lads to look at this two-parter!
Peri is lovely, Baker is quite good, and SI disappears for a while but AB & Dan are far too busy chatting to notice!
A marathon review, with a few minor tech issues (but they disappear)
Troughton, Zoe, Jamie, Gimps, Bond Villains, spectacular facial hair, and a regeneration! (even though it's not called that yet!)
We see a Sonic ScrewDriver for one of the first times, hear the name "John Smith" for one of the first times, and meet the Time Lords for THE first time.
Last in Black and White, last with 2nd Doctor, the lads check out a looooong 10 parter!!
Tennant, Rose, Madame de Pompadour, a horse.....and Mickey?
The lads dive into this sci-fi/romance tale and even get feedback from Si's youngest daughter Charley!
The lads are back after illness and the holidays, with a late Christmas special!
Si & Dan take a look at the 2010 Matt Smith Xmas special. And it's bad. Really, really bad.....
Huge applause and thanks to Dan who recorded this episode while being very poorly.
The lads are joined by @TurdFurgesonn to discuss a hugely popular Peter Capaldi two-parter!
Fancy 2 Hours of Dan moaning? Here you go!
(Just kidding.... he's not that bad)
But the Matt Smith tale "Vampires of Venice" maybe is?
Time Lords are a silly bunch aren't they? With all the daft clothes and so on..... but when Tom Baker's Doctor foresees an assassination he must travel to Gallifrey.
No companion, The Crusty Master, and crazy fight sequence, Dan and Si check out 1976's Deadly Assassin!
First guest show of season 3!
The lads welcome Konor, from the Konor Knows Horror show (available exclusively on the SJP WORLD MEDIA Network) to take a look at an old episode of "new Who" from 2005..."The End of the World"
Early days for the reboot take Christopher Ecclestone and Billie Piper far into the future! We take in many alien lifeforms including a blue dude, some cloaked fellas, some spider robot things, and the last human?
The Master is fantastic, Jo has magic clothes, Pertwee is a swordsman, Delgado has a crazy name, and sound effects/music should never be made on an old Casio keyboard.....
Plus the Sea Devils are wobbly, possibly slimy, and maybe smelly?
McCoy, Ace, Vampires, Russians, a Nazi office, long fingernails, and more!
Dan & Si head back to the late 80's and ask ALL the important questions! What's the history with Fenric? What does a breeze through your undies feel like? What noise does a Time Lord make when they are "warmed up"?
Dan & Si are back! Your two favourite rambling buffoons return to talk more Doctor Who. This season, the "Classic Who" and "New Who" stories are drawn at random. Which Doctors will each of the lads get? Will Dan be hungover? Will Si remember ANYTHING AT ALL?
Join us now as season 3 of The Dr Who Pod begins!!!!
Si & Dan react to the latest episode of Doctor Who, 10 minutes after it aired. Rough editing, a parent run-in, and Si is poorly.
BUT! Ace, Tegan, nostalgia everywhere, and a goodbye to Jodie Whittaker's Doctor. The lads will return on 1.11.22 with season 3 of the show!
One story per Doctor, per season. That's our format (so far!?)
As with season one, Dan and Si put the season 2 tales in order of preference but this time with some quite differing results!
See you all in a few weeks!
Lots of Doctors, lots of companions, lots of bad guys, and lots of outtakes!
Join Dan & Si for the last "review" episode of our second season!
The lads go back to where it all began, with William Hartnell and An Unearthly Child!
A fella called Za rubs his bone, The Doctor is not very nice, Ian is a bit of a knob-head, and Barbara needs new shoes. Plus caveman politics, a man trades his daughter for some bacon, Si messes up his notes, and Dan's bum is available as part of a timeshare. Lovely Stuff.
The lads are joined by Morty of "The Morty & Fitch Show" this week to discuss a New Who tale that scares Dan.
GasMasks, Rose, Eccleston, and more! Are You My Mummy?
(Also, Si is a tool and messed up the editing. So enjoy some random Doctor Who music a couple of hours in!)
No Si this week, but Dan is joined by his UTT-POD and UTT-TANK partner in crime UTT Rob!
The duo take a look at a classic Patrick Troughton story, in possibly the best episode of The Dr Who Pod yet!
Matt Smith, a Dalek Asylum, a Dalek Parliament & Prime Minister, Souffle, plus twists and turns galore make this episode awesome!
BUT: Si hates Rory. A silly snog is annoying, and Dan asks where did those zombie Daleks go??
Oh, and Si loves Jenna Coleman. Standard.
The lads are back with Peter Davison this week. Turlogh is a bit of a Git, Tegan is great, and this two-parter maybe needed longer?
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Troughton, Pertwee, Hartnell.....
Jo Grant, The Brigadier, Sgt Benton...
Sweaty Si, Sweaty Dan....
All included in this episode of TheDrWhoPod!
Evil Mr Blobby, a dude who has his own 70s strip club, anti-matter, and more!
Get all your DrWhoPod merch (and merchandise for all other SJP World Media Shows) right here!
Dan & Si are joined by huge Who fan Matt Willis to take a look at a classic Pertwee tale.
Get your Dr Who Pod (and all other SJP WORLD MEDIA shows) merch right here!
The lads are back with Jodie Whittaker this week!
Lee Mack, some lass from Corrie, Amazon comparisons and character swerves galore!
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Classic McCoy and Ace! Can't go wrong, in Si's nostalgia-driven mind... or can you??
A Tennant two-parter, a creepy collection of bad guys, and the very first guest!!!
The lads take a second look at Colin Baker as The Doctor. Does Dan still hate him?
Plus Peri, Sil, and more!
The lads are back! Join Dan & Si for season two of the show, kicking off with a Peter Capaldi belter!
Si and Dan look back on all the stories from the podcasts first season, and place them in an order of preference!
For merchandise from the show, and all othe SJ World Media Podcasts, check out the link below!
Dan loves the Paul McGann Doctor Who Movie. Si has never seen it. As the end of the podcast's first season draws near, the 8th Doctor gets a re-watch!
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Davison, Peri, Gun Runners, Military types, Androids, Si & Dan are confused, Wee-Woo-Beep-Boop, Morgus is a dick, Sharaz Jek is "an icky dude" and regeneration happens! But also has a distraction..... a brilliant classic Who story!
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Matt Smith, Amy, Van Gogh, and more! The last "New Who" episode of season one, and it is very thought-provoking
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Pertwee, green goo, parallel worlds, little yellow cars, Evil Liz, mouldy sandwich hands, and fascists.
7 episodes seems long, but a good time was had by all! (Apart from Stahlman. But he was a tool anyway)
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Doctor Who, but no Doctor? Scary villains, Time travel paradox, Always put your nob away if you want to contribute, and possibly the best New Who yet???
Plus Si and Dan lose it (outtakes at end of the show)
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Colin Baker, Cybermen, Lytton, Peri, strange whispering aliens made from bubble wrap, and a messy story.
Dan did not like this one bit......
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It's 1964, yet Si and Dan are happier with the effects than in future shows? Barbara is a Bad-ass, Susan needs "corpse water" to heal her ankle (and she is a liability) Robo-Men are rubbish, but Daleks in London is so cool!!!!
And Hartnell is just awesome.
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Si and Dan reshuffle the plans, because Si is a moron.
Next week we cover Dalek Invasion of Earth, this week the lads hit New Who and the amazing Day of the Doctor!!!!
John Hurt, Tennant, Smith, brilliant nostalgia, and Si loves Clara again. Standard.
Ms Colemen should get some kind of restraining order maybe??
Frank Skinner is awesome. Capaldi is great as well, Si is in love with Jenna Coleman (as if we didn't know) and all sorts of peril happens.
After 66 seconds.
Sylvester McCoy, Ace, Cat People, The Master, dodgy 80s clothes, and people who cannot run properly await Dan and Si on this weeks show. Was the 7th Doctor really that bad?
Follow the show on FB & Twitter; @TheDrWhoPod
Dan and Si head back to "New Who" this week and a Jodie Whittaker adventure!
One great companion, one dull? A great story and Si cannot say its title. Awesome.
Follow the show on FB and Twitter: @TheDrWhoPod
Dan and Si travel back to 1967 and watch Who in black & white for the first time.
Troughton, Cybermen, Jamie is a scot, Victoria is not, plus Toberman is pretty tough. Lovely.
Find us on Twitter and Facebook: @TheDrWhoPod
Dan and Si check out "New-Who" for this first time on the show with the 2005 story "Dalek."
Eccleston, Piper, sympathy for a villain, and a bloke who was not in Friends. Glorious.
Follow the show on FB and Twitter; @TheDrWhoPod
Dan and Si begin the look back with a story from 1975. Tom Baker is the Doctor, and we see Daleks, Davros, Sarah Jane, Harry, and a bloke from 'Allo 'Allo. Good Moaning!
Follow the show on FB & Twitter by searching @TheDrWhoPod
Dan and Si run through what makes them Dr Who fans, favourite Doctors and companions, and outline the format of the show coming up!
Follow us on FB and Twitter by searching @TheDrWhoPod and @SJPWORLDMEDIA
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.