Our guest, Rachel, talks about her experiences as a lucid dreamer while pregnant, and how she used her lucidity to practice giving birth & be more prepared to ensure a smooth birthing process. Pregnancy can be a stressful, powerful and spiritual experience for many women, and learning to use your dreams to ease your mind can help you not only prepare for your new child, but also understand some of the emotions you have been feeling as a result. It is this kind of mindful birthing experience that places mother and baby in a great position to elevate the consciousness. We also discuss some strategies for reality checks and active meditation in your waking life that can help increase your frequency of lucid dreams.
Supposedly, the pineal gland produces large amounts of DMT in babies, up until around puberty, and is thought to be the reason for young children's imagination & a different perception of reality. In addition to deep sleep and dream states, there are other points in our lives when we release DMT in high enough concentrations such as birth, labor, death, deep meditation, cosmic sex, lucid dreaming and near death experiences. I believe that having a higher consciousness or awareness involves being able to experience both worlds- the spiritual plane and the physical plane, simultaneously or to move between the two planes through your own will.
Rachels Instagram @LucidDreamYoga
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