This is the first episode of our new series: The Lucid Dreaming Crash Course brought to you by The Dream World Podcast. In this series we will go over step by step tips on how to increase your lucid dreams and get the more out of your non lucid dreams as well! So if you are a beginner, or you already have lucid dreams and want to expand on it, this is perfect for you! This episode goes over the Mnemonic Induction Lucid Dream (MILD) technique! Throughout this series we will dive deeper into how to induce lucid dreams and build your own dream work practice. We will cover routines, sleep cycles, supplements & oneirogens, meditations, things to do while lucid, the science behind dreaming, the spirituality behind dreaming & SO MUCH MORE! Tune in weekly for this special series found only on The Dream World Podcast.
In the Mnemonic Induction Lucid Dream (MILD) technique, one rehearses a dream and visualizes becoming lucid while repeating a mantra expressing the same intention, such as: “Next time I’m dreaming I want to remember that I am dreaming.” For best results, it should be performed while returning to slumber during the Wake-Back-To-Bed (WBTB) technique, whereby one sets their alarm clock to one or two hours before their normal waking time, gets up for a few minutes, and then goes back to sleep.
This is one of the most reliable and versatile things you can do that can lead to amazing dream experiences. The great thigs about this method: All you need is a few minutes before bedtime. MILD is also complimented by WBTB and reality checking, but it can do very well as a stand alone method.
The MILD technique works on what we call 'prospective memory' – that is, your ability to remember to do things in the future. By repeating a phrase that you will remember you’re dreaming, it forms an intention in your mind that you will, in fact, remember that you are dreaming, leading to a lucid dream. There are other ways to help work on your prospective memory, and one of them is setting targets to try to remember things in the future.
Reach out if you have any specific topics or questions you want us to cover in upcoming episodes. We talk about dreams, spirituality, astral projection and all the mysteries of the universe!
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