In this intriguing episode of the Dream World Podcast, Sarah James Middleton shares her vivid experiences with lucid dreaming and psychic dreams. We explore the intricacies and nuances of lucid dreams, interdimensional travel, and the concept of the 'dream body.' We also dive into the Akashic Records and touch on her family's history of premonition dreams, particularly those related to death. Sarah recounts a deeply personal dream involving her late grandmother, highlighting the intersection of spiritual curiosity and the impact of dreams on waking life. Influenced by Carlos Castaneda's 'The Art of Dreaming,' Sarah emphasizes the balance between spiritual exploration and staying grounded in reality. Note** A few days after the episode's recording, Sarah's grandmother passed away. This episode is in honor of Eileen.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Sarah's Links
Sarah's Tik Tok
The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
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