This week Andy and PK read, react to, and review Progs 211 - 213 of the original Judge Dredd Case Files from 2000 A.D.
This episode features the progs "The Mega-Rackets 2 (The Perp Runners Part 1)", "The Mega-Rackets 2 (The Perp Runners Part 2)", and "The Mega-Rackets 3 (The Umpty Baggers Part 1)".
In this podcast, Andy and PK dive headfirst into organized crime within Mega City One! How do Judges plan to catch lawbreakers that are trying to escape off planet to avoid justice? Whatever happened to Uncle Umpty after he was exiled from Earth after creating the tastiest substance ever? Maybe you'll find out, this episode on the Dreddful Cyber Punk-Cast!
If you want to say hi, or give us any crazy ideas, feel free to send us an email at...
We'd be happy (with your permission) to read your email live on air!
Disclaimer: We do not own the copyright to Judge Dredd, 2000 A.D Comics, or any of the music used in the making of this podcast. This is just for us and just for fun :)