After a bit of gap the Dwellers are back and joined by a new guest! In this episode we are joined by Lachie Mulch-cakey who adds some much needed Daughter's of Khaine representation to the cast! The usual crew of The Father of Lies, The Egg and Sam Smorgan round out the lineup with Gentile once again too busy with "real life", whatever that is.
The opening segment has us catching up on what has been going on and involved a brief discussion of Sam's exploits in the tournament scene. The Egg reveals the new army he's almost finished painting and The Father of Lies gets a bit sad that he's only painted one model since the last ep! Lachie debuts on the cast by talking about Bolt Action and is swiftly branded "New Brad".
The main segment is meant to be about scenarios/battleplans/missions but thanks to our good friend Adnam's Broadside Chris gets hella ranty and things spiral a bit. But eventually we get to the supposed "core topic" and get in depth with the battleplans in the Generals Handbook!
The episode is rounded out by more gushing about Cancon and the announcement of a new event coming in January. More to come on that front...