Ubisoft makes its half of the E3 Preview a little easier with a couple of leaks, and then we get to discuss our gargantuan expectations for Xbox’s press conference.
00:03:32 - Corrections
00:05:18 - Roller Champions Leaked
00:09:58 - Ubisoft E3 Preview
00:30:00 - Podcast Halftime
00:34:06 - Xbox E3 Preview
01:13:45 - L&R - Game: Which E3 Year?
01:17:31 - L&R - Release Dates for Sony Exclusives?
01:19:59 - Time for Bets
01:23:26 - Closing
01:26:45 - Producer Credits
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Sweet Justice - http://www.sweetjustice.audio
Car Keys Express - https://carkeysexpress.com/store
Hoeg Law - http://www.hoeglaw.com
FanGamer - https://www.fangamer.com
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