The Uncharted movie trailer blows up the big screen and rumor has it a new Splinter Cell is in the works. We weigh our anticipation and revisit DC Fandome, that double-sided Animal Crossing Direct, and the best selling games of September.
00:00:56 - Corrections
00:02:22 - Starring Role
00:05:24 - Uncharted movie trailer
00:14:26 - New Splinter Cell?
00:24:24 - DC Fandome
00:34:03 - A Word From Our Sponsors
00:40:11 - Switch Online Expansion Pack
00:52:22 - Animal Crossing updates
00:56:38 - September NPDs
01:05:33 - Also This Week
01:14:20 - Game: Lost in Translation: Taiwan
01:17:22 - L&R - Good gaming horror
01:24:03 - L&R - Horror setting essentials
01:27:57 - L&R - Other playable Bat-family members?
01:30:16 - Time For Bets
01:33:58 - Closing
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