The Effective Statistician – in association with PSI
In this podcast episode, we tackle a difficult topic for a podcast, but Zak provides lots of expertise in this field and will introduce you to what visual analytics is and how it will help you.
Furthermore, we touch on questions like:
Dr. Skrivanek graduated with a Ph.D. in biostatistics from Ohio State University and a B.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University. Dr. Skrivanek’s research interests started in genetic linkage analysis. He has published several papers and presented at Joint Statistical Meetings in this area. He developed a software package, Sequential Imputation for Multi Point Linkage Estimation (SIMPLE), to implement the methods that he developed.
He joined Eli Lilly in 2002 where he contributed to the development of Endocrine drugs and related biomarkers in early clinical phase drug development and later transitioned to a product team in late phase clinical development as the lead statistician and developed a novel Bayesian adaptive, seamless phase 2/3 study which selected the doses algorithmically for the entire Phase 3 program for the compound. Dr. Skrivanek heavily leveraged Visual Analytics in his compound work and is currently leading an effort to make Visual Analytics an integral part of drug development at Eli Lilly.
Dr. Skrivanek is also an adjunct professor at IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) and chair of a lecture series, “Pharmaceutical Statistics”, which is taught as part of the doctoral program in biostatistics at IUPUI.