The Effective Statistician – in association with PSI
It seems to be the curse of our time. Being busy. Being overwhelmed. Not reaching our goals. Feeling bad about working too long and not spending enough time with our loved ones or for other relevant activities like sports and meeting friends.
I often get asked about how I can get all these things done. Having a great career with consistent promotions, growing a team in a new company, being active for the community as a PSI board member and leading the communication committee, running a weekly podcast, being active on social media like LinkedIn, creating online courses for improving leadership skills for statisticians and data scientists. And last but certainly not least being a father of 3 kids and a husband.
I surely apply some productivity tricks and I will talk about these in the webinar, but the real big levers are not found in the usual productivity books. They have nothing to do with getting more done in less time. The key is to get the right things done in the right way.
But what are the right things?
What is the right way?
Sign-up for the upcoming webinar to learn about how you can identify the right things and then get these done in the right way.
September 29th or October 1st at 4pm Central European Time/10am Eastern Summer Time.
Click the link now to register!