Interview with Paolo Eusebi
Interestingly, the visualization of uncertainty - one of the primary forms we use to communicate it - is a rather unknown field. In this episode, I'm very excited to speak with Paolo Eusebi, who has done research in this field to answer the following questions:
- What can we learn from examples outside of medical research? How is it explained to the general public?
- What’s the current status in medical research?
- How can we become better in communication of uncertainty?
- What are further excellent resources regarding the display uncertainty?
Listen to this episode and learn more:
Find the slides from Paolo here:
View also the webinar about visualization here (only for PSI members):
- Cairo, Alberto. The truthful art: Data, charts, and maps for communication. New Riders, 2016.
- The MU Collective directed by Jessica Hullman and Matt Kay
- Wilke, Claus O. Fundamentals of data visualization. O'Reilly Media, 2019.
- PSI Visualisation Special Interest Group (VIS SIG)
- Van der Bles et al. "Communicating uncertainty about facts, numbers and science" Royal Society open science 6.5 (2019): 181870.
- Bonneau et al. "Overview and state-of-the-art of uncertainty visualization." Scientific Visualization. Springer, London, 2014. 3-27.
- Spaghetti Plots and Hurricanes' Paths