During the Alex Murdaugh Murder Trial, Juror No. 787 AKA Egg Lady Juror, was dismissed prior to Closing Arguments. It turned out that she had been talking to people about the case that weren't jurors. That is not allowed.
She wrote a book about how she was wrongfully kicked off of the trial called Enough is Enough. She is requesting to unseal the record so that she can prove to the media and bloggers what happened to her was unfair. The Supreme Court of South Carolina denied the motion because when she agreed to see the sealed proceedings, she also agreed to not disseminate it.
Her attorney fired back that Courthouse Clerk Becky Hill talked about the in camera hearing in her book, Behind the Doors of Justice. I know what I'll be reading during the holiday break!
Watch the full coverage: https://www.youtube.com/live/XKXi9WnvTdA?t=4910s
Egg Lady Wrote A Book - https://youtube.com/live/0HKNZBInEso